Babytaiina live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 24, 2022

14 thoughts on “Babytaiina live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yeah it sounds like neither did anything wrong. But try to put yourself in her shoes, it’s probably shocking to see and feels emotional. Just be patient with her and show her you care for her.

  2. Leave. You are so young. Do not let religious guilt weigh you down and force you to stay in an unhappy marriage with a wife who strays!

  3. It's not weird. Would it have been weird if she had laser eye surgery? What makes this uncomfortable for your GF? Is it the fact that you're doing a favour for a friend who is a woman or the fact that it's breast related?

    It's a pretty good test of a warning sign if doing a nice thing for a friend bends a partner out of shape. Your friend has done nothing wrong here, just getting surgery. Your GF is not being forward about what the actual issue is either. Is she morally opposed to plastic surgery? That's ok, she's not getting the surgery.

  4. She never said it's abusive, we're just talking about strategies to compromise and talk without accusing one another such as “I statements” etc

  5. Thanks for sharing. How do you know that’s the same for everyone? How would someone like me have a conversation about just asking him to do this to make me happy?

  6. She sounds like a mean person and I would absolutely break up with her. You had a life before she was with you, and I would let her know that she’s immature and selfish, and that what if the next girl you date acted the same way referring to her as disgusting? But you don’t have to go that far just break up and move on to someone more accepting and mature.

  7. I get it, she sounds annoying, and her diet is taking up a lot of her head space. It IS working for her though, so I don’t get why you’re being so judgmental about the diet choices she’s making. Sure, have a conversation about enjoying her company and wanting to reconnect with her without necessarily having to talk about her diet. But insulting the diet and your gf’s impressive commitment to it isn’t going to get you what you want, which is more non-diet-focused attention from your gf.

  8. You should always be willing to higher when she needs it? Sounds controlling. You should read “Why does he do that,” by Lundy Barcroft and see if any of it resonates with you. This relationship does not sound healthy and you should be the one to dictate what happens with your body when you choose. Please read it, her behaviour is a massive red flag.

  9. Would like to hear everyone else’s side here. Something about OPs account feels off if that’s what marriage counselor recommended.

  10. I think you’re looking at relationships a bit in the “one size fits all” way.

    You have a boundary about phone privacy that she’s crossing here. You also feel like porn is something you want in a healthy relationship (including insta posts).

    Your girlfriend has a different view on porn in relationships she’s in. It sounds like she set down a solid boundary about it and is upset that you disregarded that.

    Maybe seeing things as “one size fits all” is the problem? If you think there is one healthy way to handle this then you might not have communicated your phone or porn boundary and just expected her to know (correct me if I’m wrong and you did explicitly set these boundaries)? Then from her perspective she’s setting boundaries that you’re agreeing to and then lying about. And from your perspective she’s not being fair and her emotions are unreasonable?

    Also…. I don’t think it’s ever very appropriate to say someone’s reaction is wrong. She’s valid for having those boundaries (and it’s not unreasonable that she feels that way) and you are valid in yours. You both need to communicate a bit more to determine if you would both be happy with a compromise or if this is a dealbreaker. You also need to both hold to your agreement and not unilaterally change your mind later without telling your partner.

  11. I really want to comment but 250+ comments in I don't think you will read mine.

    I actually know your situation. And I can't advise to anything.

    8 years ago my son was about to go to school. Where I'm from, this is a really big deal. I invited my immediate family and all of my hubbies kin. At the end, about 20 persons were to attend, 2/3rd from my side. Knowing the expectations from my mom, I deep-cleaned our apartment.

    I cleaned everything. Just everything. I'm good at cleaning, I have THE eye for it.

    My mom turns up on my boy's special day and instead of a greeting, she stated: Well, you cleaned everything except the dirt.

  12. LOL this took me out. I have no good reason if I’m being honest, it’s just a fear of change/ comfort thing at this point. I don’t want to deal with it so I let it go on and accept the bad and try to focus on the good

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