BabySmith OX live webcams for YOU!


UNZIP to reveal the WET

Date: October 24, 2022

15 thoughts on “BabySmith OX live webcams for YOU!

  1. Why are you still with him? I'd break up if I knew my bf liked to spoil his exes but doesn't even get me a birthday gift? Seems like he doesn't value you a lot, don't waste your time

  2. This is such unhelpful advice.

    OP, have u heard of a condition called vaginismus? Plus fear of the potential pain might be causing you to have even MORE anxiety and fear, even if you are attracted to the person, and that would make pain worse, whatever the root cause of your pain is. But that's not your fault and is totally understandable.

    You shouldn't have to go through so much pain, don't let ppl minimize it. good luck!!

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  4. He put a shotgun to her head. It's not about fairness. It's about survival at this point. You can't be fair if you're not alive.

  5. Theres no guarantee that anyone at any age can have kids. And mens sperm counts drop with age so your clock is ticking too buddy. Strangers cant tell you how much time you will need to get to know someone.

    Either way, 30 is not some magic threshold where your fertility drops

  6. It wasn’t, I opened up to her about some mental health issues and she understood as she had her own issues she opened up about. After some thought and further discussion, I decided to end things because I needed to work on myself. She understood but hurt things ended. Full disclosure she gave me the ultimatum of making it official or ending things which is something my ex did that I hated ultimatums. (We talked about it when we got back together she agreed she’d never do it again and hasn’t)

    While I was concerned if I should get tested, I decided to trust her because I believed her to be trustworthy. I get tested usually about twice a year and got tested shortly after I ended things the first go around, but I just needed to know if I should get tested again or if she needed too. She is in the medical field too and understands the affect STIs can have on someone and the severity of it. Not only was she someone I trusted she is someone with a degree in a medical profession who told me I didn’t have to get tested on that account because she didn’t have sex with him. And I had been abstent since we broke up so I saw no reason to get tested again.

    I was in small part asking because yes I was insecure about it, I’m human. I trusted her so I did trust her about it. When I was told she slept with him by Josie i found out a lot of other stuff about Josie, she lying about other things with concrete proof saying otherwise. So my source was untrustworthy. So hearing her tell me it wasn’t true gave me the reassurance I needed. Also I didn’t ask Morgan about it and I hadn’t brought up since, one of my friends said there’s no way Reeces body count was only 3 myself and her two ex boyfriends. Where Morgan said I think it’s 4 or 5 now not 3. She then counted them out as I tried to stay as calm as possible because I was shocked at her answer, where she listed off us in order and after myself and her two ex’s she said and that one guy Montgomery or something. Where then I asked about him and she was shocked and thought I knew.

  7. Preying ? Rarely do people outside of the internet think this way. She's old enough to buy a bottle of jack Daniel's and a firearm in every state.

    People that imply that this age gap is predatory are also implying that a 21 year old WOMAN is a child incapable of making her own decisions.

  8. Absolutely. And it's assault the second the terms of the agreement become breached. In this case, it was using protection.

    OP, I'm sorry this happened to you. Please end it and go to your GP to speak about getting STI testing done

  9. How can I say it any clearer…there is a difference between withholding sex and physically being incapable of performing.

  10. This comment rubs me the wrong way. It is perfectly ok for him to be sad. It is perfectly ok for her to be sad (and OP has pointed out that she IS sad about it). It is perfectly ok for him to communicate his feelings. HOWEVER – the goal of having a conversation with her should NOT be “oh maybe she'll decide to keep it”. She's high risk and has health issues already. I'm sorry but her decision needs to be reaffirmed and supported.

  11. Ahh, so many people make the mistake of talking to family when they have a fight with their SO. The family hears so much negative and virtually no positive. When that is the info they get, how can they possibly see any good in your SO? You both have poisoned the well.

    If your family is so important to both of you that you are willing to throw away a good relationship, good luck on ever finding that perfect relationship. That is assuming that your relationship is good otherwise.

    The truth is, the baby binds you both for the life of the child anyway. You will encounter each other even after the child is an adult for graduations, weddings, etc.

    The two of you have to sit down and talk. Even if you split up, you need to discuss your child's future. If you want to give the relationship a try, you probably both need to go LC with your extended families, to give your relationship a chance. And any discussion with the extended families has to put the other partner in a positive light, no matter what. You will have to have each other's backs. Relationship counseling may help as well.

  12. So the victim card. His pain about you wanting reassurance and connection to ensure this doesn’t happen again trumps your pain and questions, your broken heart at this news? I’m maybe a little cynical having dealt with my ex right now as we’re expecting a child but when someone breaks your trust, they are meant to earn it back. This isn’t you holding it over him six years in the future. This has literally JUST happened and he wants you to burn all doubts so he can get what he desires from you. It seems like that, I could be wrong. But the behaviour is remarkably like my ex. Check out some BPD reddits and just read how others are reporting their experiences and then re read your post. I hope you all the best moving forward!

  13. Stop having sex with him.

    He doesnt respect you and frankly, im afraid hell decide what he wants matters more and will stop attempting to rape you via coercion and will rape you with force. Dump him

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