AyleenRoseX live webcams for YOU!


AyleenRoseX Public Chat Channel

Date: February 10, 2023

7 thoughts on “AyleenRoseX live webcams for YOU!

  1. The fact that you don't feel like a pervert is not relevant. If doing something perverted felt bad, perverts wouldn't exist.

  2. Substance use that you’re not noticing or else yeah, references you don’t get. I’d dig into both of these options if I were you

  3. Dude I looked at your post history and I think there's a high chance that you might be suffering from some kind of anxiety disorder. I've struggled with OCD my whole life and some of this stuff looks familiar. Couples counselors don't typically deal with that kind of stuff. I'd strongly suggest you go into individual counseling with a CBT-trained anxiety therapist just to see what they think.

  4. Right. This is what I’m trying to do. I told my therapist that even if I did audio record one Wednesday, and nothing happened, then what about all of the following Wednesdays? I may just have suspicion after suspicion, neverending, to recording may not help at all.

  5. There isn’t a good answer here.

    If you are ready to go NC then invite your chosen family to your graduation and build a fulfilling life. You have made an amazing accomplishment and that should be celebrated.

    However, if you are relying on your family for anything or if you are emotionally dependent on them still, then the wedding will be an event that they would never forgive you for missing.

    Missing your graduation won’t diminish your accomplishment. To many people, walking through graduation is a chore.

    You need to set clear boundaries whichever you decide.

    Even if you go to this wedding, every single accomplishment you make will be downplayed, ignored, and even belittled. Boundaries in the way of scheduling and expectations need to be established.

    If your family had any class they would add your graduation to the wedding celebration. But it doesn’t sound like they have that kind of class and you shouldn’t expect any acknowledgment.

    Good luck whatever you decide Op

  6. Well, it's pretty obvious you are reaching a breaking point. You have three choices. Compromise and find a happy middle ground if possible. Accept, just deal with it and know this will not change anytime soon. Walk away, Just go and know you reached a point of no return.

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