AxelJames69x live webcams for YOU!


AxelJames69x Public Chat Channel

Date: October 23, 2022

37 thoughts on “AxelJames69x live webcams for YOU!

  1. Did you talk to her about it. Is she ok with you hanging with another girl one on one smoking and chilling because I would have a stable of them if she’s behaving like that. Get a local girlfriend. She’s not serious about you. Also Joe is not a friend.

  2. The OP is coming off as self centered? Oh hell no. The guy got so drunk it required a team of people to take care of him through the night between at least one coworker and his fiancé, but his fiancé is the selfish one? All she wants to do is study for her finals. Christ Reddit can be absolutely fucked.

  3. No.

    And, probably saved yourself waking up with he house.on fire and your dick super glued to the bed post one day.

    Just saying

  4. I was sitting here like “isn't 42 kind of old for a boob job?”. Then realized I'm basically that age 🙁

  5. Hello /u/underwoodmodelsowner,

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  6. I really think your logic is backwards a bit, but either way 8months is not too early,

    And at any point of the relationship is more than okay to discuss about things your partner is doing that’s bothering you, if it’s excessive or no mutual agreement then by all means leave the relationship,

    But to assume that every relationship won’t have this problem is ridiculous

  7. Just buy the waterproof detector, mattresses are not cheap, and if you are getting that annoyed by it tell him you are going to take pictures and post them online telling everyone your adult bf pisses the bed. He listen to you then. MF wants to act like a baby, treat him like one!

  8. Thank you for your response. My question is am I obligated to provide a reason for not wanting to go, even when the others haven’t either? I was open to doing something else but it was too late at that point as I already made other plans for later in the day.

  9. I'm guessing your sister has some daddy issues. If I were you, I would not give your brother this guy's name or any detail that could lead him to this guy. Not for the man's sake but for your brother's. He needs to deal with just your sister and her daddy issues.

  10. Your first call should be to the irs. Don't let your dad know that you are turning him in.

    Turn him in. This is not something that you just handle on your own, so he stays out of trouble.

    This is not your fault, and it will not be your fault that he gets in trouble. This is all his doing. Let him handle the consequences of HIS actions.

    If anyone in your family wants to complain about you turning him in, let them pay the outstanding taxes.

  11. Sure, I think it's fine she decided not to and there probably isn't a benefit. But that's a much more limited and easy to defend point than what I objected to, which was the idea that “an affair will blossom” if they meet up. Plenty of people could meet up with an ex with effectively no risk of it turning into an affair.

    The fact that her husband said he was uncomfortable explains her guilt and reservations without having to posit that she knows in her heart of hearts that if she saw him they would eventually bang.

  12. I get it but she Asked twice. She asked him…he was honest…she already knows how this makes her feel and asked AGAIN. This is a OP problem.

  13. Why in the hell is a random friend commenting on someone else's reddit profile? We're nobodies, this is a ” fuck reddit” moment and not gaining karma via someone else.

  14. I would outright uninvite him and tell him to stay away. He's proven he doesn't know how to behave in public, and even if he shows up dressed right he'll probably try to pull something else.

  15. Mark is an idiot. No ultimatum. Love your husband as he should love you. Be a friend to your friend. Just do the right thing.

  16. You're welcome.

    And Oh no – not in writing. I'm not sure such a contract would be enforceable?, but I wouldn't chance it. As always it depends on the laws of your jurisdiction.

    I'd probably feign approval about this Awesome Idea and if he pushes for a contract, say, “Dude come on you know me better than that! We don't need a contract!”

    If he insists, he gets to pay for an attorney to draw up the contract AND pay for your independent attorney to review it. Which I guess he'll not do.

    So yeah I'd just play the long game, however that works for you.

    Your ex is an ass, by the way.

  17. Shared living space equals shared decision making. It is your place, too. If he’s not budging on this, then you should rethink living together.

  18. Why? As long as it's reciprocated and I get two weeks, I'd be OK with it. Not that I'd really want to travel that long without my wife, but…if she really wanted to I'd be game. We have two young kids too.

  19. I’m sorry but I can’t be your transportation. It’s taking time away from my wife who always comes first. And. Grow a spine.

  20. You've exactly reflected my feelings here, you are so right. I do feel like a fool. I'm humiliated. And now I also doubt myself – how come such a close friend thinks I'm not worthy of treating with integrity and respect. That's not right-thinking and I'll eventually put things in the right perspective but I'm certainly feeling like a very poor judge of character right now. You have a good sense of this – would you share with me what you might say?

  21. Hey thanks for the reply! I'm trying to figure this out myself and it's very possible I'm somewhere on the spectrum.

    I actually did look up the definition now and apparently I have been using the word wrong, to describe things that I've seen other people enjoying, but are not really important or necessarily enjoyable for me.

    That a relationship feels smothering and dull to you. That you’d prefer NOT to be dating him and would rather be single.

    This might be true. I don't think I feel smothered and dull is also a too strong word. I might be ambivalent, and I know I am just not capable of being head-over-heels-passionate, neither do I want to fake that. Is it not enough to consciously commit and to choose being in the relationship over being single, even though I have less time for my hobbies?

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