I don't agree with that. She should have known better to omit information from the first time she went. She should have told him some details whether it was the first or 2nd time or whatever have you. Just because he said no details, doesn't mean you cant slip in the fact you were having a chat with someone there. Both have faults.
You are way too young to be in a relationship that causes you this much stress. Partners are supposed to give you energy come up not take it away.
The biggest problem with an age gap in relationships isn't the age gap itself but the lack of experience the younger person has. The older person has dated a lot and knows what they want and how to handle things while the younger person doesn't have that experience and isn't as good at setting boundaries because of it. It is often where the older person takes advantage of the younger person.
Take care of yourself 1st, if you don't feel good in the relationship then move on.
I think I can give you your answer based on what you've said, but I will also point out – she doesn't need a reason. If she doesn't want to be with you, respect that. Understanding is nice, but it shouldn't be necessary.
Google borderline personality disorder. Read. Read about the variants. See what feels familiar.
I have been where you are, and I can safely say count yourself lucky. They seem healthier in your experience than my own, but personality disorders are not fixable. Merely treatable, and not very well. Be thankful you did not have more ties or children with them. You did your best, now find someone who will accept that and appreciate it.
Before you confront, what’s the goal? Confrontation is cathartic if it achieves a rebalancing of the situation. That could be her showing empathy for you and apologizing, you hearing something new about her that helps you empathize with her, or some sort of consequence you inflict on her for the hurt she caused. If the first two options don’t seem possible, then don’t confront, because the third option won’t work either. You’ve got nothing but angry words and that won’t create any consequence for her actions, just will give her a another story and thus one real to talk shit about you.
As an adult human being who has loved on my own, I would be so super annoyed to have to text a significant other that I was home. That's parental. I don't have any advice really except to maybe try to understand his perspective?
Would you have that same outlook with domestic violence, rape, financial abuse between parents?? And let’s not get it twisted, infidelity is emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation and anxiety inducing.
What you condone with the people around you shows your attitudes towards that action.
I’ve told him, but his suggestion is to just laugh it off, or joke about how it’ll never happen. I guess I do have to toughen up and be like, “dude, you’re married. Say that shit to your wife” Or something, but I hate confrontation.
this is pretty common and you need to go to therapy to find resolution. we can become addicted to the extreme ups and downs of an abusive relationship because we are chasing the high that came with the extremes. it IS toxic. Your partner should not be obsessed with you like that. It’s good you identify that. But you’ll need to go to therapy to work out coping mechanisms and heal your inner self.
He's lining you up to be set up for drugging your son. He knows you're going to leave, and he's being pre-emptive. He's going to try to take your son off you. Leave quickly. Talk to authorities asap.
“Me me me me me me me” god everything in this post is about you and how it affects your life. Who fucking cares? Tell your husband like he deserves and deal with consequences like an adult. You wanna fuck around like a big girl then find out like one.
The 17 year old needs a parent to step in and protect her. The 27 year old needs to go to jail because if they are at the point where they are wanting to get married, then they’ve been romantically involved way before was legal. Also this is just a gross age gap. 18-25 year olds barely should date outside of their general age group. There’s so much going on at that point in your life and your change and grow so much as a person. This is super gross to me.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Sadly, this may have been his cowardly way of getting out of your relationship. It sounds like he wants the ball in your court to make the decision whether to stay of leave him. I know if I were in your position, I wouldn't want to be someone's consolation prize. You deserve to be with someone is totally in love with you. Maybe you two need time apart. Maybe he needs to be on his own. I understand that will be heartbreaking for you, but if down the road you two come back together, than it was the growing that needed to happen. Just don't wait or hope for him to change his mind. Focus on yourself and your well being. Throw yourself into things that are important for you. Don't seek out other relationships, but be open to others once your heart has had time to heal.
Partially false pretenses partially she should have not accepted an engagement with a person that had so many red flags. The engagement has ended the woman so she is obligated to return the ring.
If someone who was on her computer managed to clock you looking at someone else in a different direction, I'd say it was more than a 2 second glance. And I'd say it's not patronising, but she could've been trying to point out your noticing someone else's attractiveness is very noticeable.
Maybe because OP doesn’t want her life and personality to be defined as just a mother. She spent 8 years as a SAHM yet her husband expects her to have this kid and keep working. That is going to take a huge toll on her mental health and risk burnout. He refuses to be a SAHD so you can imagine that the vast majority of the childcare will fall on OP. That doesn’t benefit anyone, not OP, not her children or her new baby. This is hardly a stable environment for a baby when the husband is being unsupportive and refuses to find any kind of middle ground.
Is this his normal behavior? I think it is a problem. If this is your love language then he needs to step up.
Why don't you ask him if his feelings have changed? Give these 2 examples and let him know it's a problem for you. Only he knows how he feels and it's worth asking. That being said if his actions don't match his words you know you've got a bigger problem.
Your bf is abusive. You have done nothing wrong — please, going to a concert/hanging out with friends without checking in with your keeper! You must hang, witch! /. Please leave him. Abusers very much like to make you feel as if you are forever on trial, trying so very hard to “earn” their trust over things that normal people wouldn't have an issue with — and surprise, you will never be good enough
Even if you shower if you smoke the flavor can be in your skin. My partner smokes. So cum and pre is very acidic and hard to swallow. So it could be the thought of that which kills it for her.
I love how you're more worried about the fact that I threatened her random instagram DM and not even worrying that she was more concerned that I gave up after everything is said and done. also She gave me back the same threatening violence when she said she was going to harm her self. Was I going to harm her Instagram DM guys ? NO . could I harm them ? YES . But im not going to do that.
I really appreciate this comment and advice. You’re so right I’m definitely not pressuring him and he asked me. I think I need to learn to just set boundaries with my family going forward and not involve them so much in our relationship.
The only weddings I’ve seen with invites (or, more often, save the dates) sent that early as those that will require travel, like destination weddings or those of people whose family all live far away, especially in other countries.
You’re so young and I feel when I’m reading this that I’m reading a young girl who is wanting to hang out with her friends and party. When she’s involved with a grown man, who frankly, starting to look like a fool because he’s trying to hang onto something and is miserable. I suggest you guys break up you’re not really suited for each other. That way you can go and party with your friends and have a good time. And frankly, after some recovery, he can start dating somebody much more suited to settled lifestyle.
Meeting with a lawyer and getting everything prepared for divorce doesn’t mean you have to go through with it.
I would meet with the lawyer before confronting the wife. They will likely have good info on what to do with regards to finances, evidence needed, etc to get the best possible outcome for yourself IF it goes to divorce.
Divorce is hard but kids growing up in a dysfunctional family can be AT LEAST as bad.
Lol get away from this man child sis. The reason he dates inexperienced people (sry no offense) is because women his own age smell his bs and stay tf away from him
Ugh, my ex was exactly the same (did we date the same guy?? ?)! I was on nexplanon and went through hell and back with the symptoms:
I experienced weight gain, acne, random periods, mood swings and a reduced libido. I felt like utter shit and unattractive. Sex just felt like a chore most of the time. The only positive thing about it was I didn’t get pregnant. 2/5 – would never recommend or go back to.
I remember trying to explain this to bf and was like “this is what I go through so that we don’t have a baby / you don’t need to use condoms” and I swear all I heard coming out of ex’s mouth was “ehh, my manlihood is hurted because I’m not getting enough sex”
I’d love to see my ex be put on the same birth control and see how he copes. Maybe then he might start using condoms again and not rely on the other partners birth control.
It’s okay, we all gotta vent. Kind of different but I was cheated on like a month ago and had to end my 8yr relationship.
It’s the worst pain I’ve ever been through and I am painfully lonely now. I’ve always had a hard time connecting with people and after losing her I don’t even want to. I feel so empty and fake.
I’ve been really struggling, but It comes and goes. Just be sad for a while. When you’re ready, reach out to some old friends or get into some old hobbies. Idk, I haven’t figured it out yet, but it’ll be ok, eventually.
There are some really cool strangers on the internet and you’ll find soo many people who have been through the same pain. Music helps
You have no reason to feel ashamed or disappointed about the things that turn you on in porn, unless it involves the sexual exploitation of children. Many people enjoy watching porn that is a far cry from their sexual preferences and practices IRL. Straight folks watch gay and trans porn, queer folks watch straight porn, pure-vanilla types watch all sorts of kinky porn and vice versa. Feel free to reassure your GF that you are indeed heterosexual, assuming that's true. She's making a big mistake to think that you must actually want what you watch.
I don't think you can be upset with her for finding your porn, if it popped up in your search engine when she went to order from Doordash. She didn't intentionally set out to invade your privacy, and IMO she was right to express her concerns rather than keeping them a secret, even though you felt embarrassed to have to talk about it. But if she's still upset after you tell her that you have no intention or desire IRL for the fantasy stuff that visually stimulates you, gently remind her that you are Not That Guy who broke her trust in the past, that you love her and plan to remain true to her. Good luck!
If you head over to r/agegaps, you'll find that many people in age gap relationships crave the fatherly mentor aspect of this kind of relationship.
Personally, I'm 19 years younger than my husband and if he ever acted like a mentor to me, I'd run screaming for the hills. I felt physically ill while watching the last few episodes of Longmire because ewww.
Walk away. She's not treating you respectfully, and you are potentially stopping yourself meeting your perfect partner.
That’s something you should’ve discussed before you became her bf. Literally suck it up or admit to her you’re a boy who can’t handle a real person.
Talk to her. She’s ur partner. Tell her what u heard and ask her about it. See what she says and go from there. Good luck.
We aren't friends but acquaintances; he is my friend's friend.
Yeah I would also break up with someone for acting like you did.
I don't agree with that. She should have known better to omit information from the first time she went. She should have told him some details whether it was the first or 2nd time or whatever have you. Just because he said no details, doesn't mean you cant slip in the fact you were having a chat with someone there. Both have faults.
You are way too young to be in a relationship that causes you this much stress. Partners are supposed to give you energy come up not take it away.
The biggest problem with an age gap in relationships isn't the age gap itself but the lack of experience the younger person has. The older person has dated a lot and knows what they want and how to handle things while the younger person doesn't have that experience and isn't as good at setting boundaries because of it. It is often where the older person takes advantage of the younger person.
Take care of yourself 1st, if you don't feel good in the relationship then move on.
I think I can give you your answer based on what you've said, but I will also point out – she doesn't need a reason. If she doesn't want to be with you, respect that. Understanding is nice, but it shouldn't be necessary.
Google borderline personality disorder. Read. Read about the variants. See what feels familiar.
I have been where you are, and I can safely say count yourself lucky. They seem healthier in your experience than my own, but personality disorders are not fixable. Merely treatable, and not very well. Be thankful you did not have more ties or children with them. You did your best, now find someone who will accept that and appreciate it.
Before you confront, what’s the goal? Confrontation is cathartic if it achieves a rebalancing of the situation. That could be her showing empathy for you and apologizing, you hearing something new about her that helps you empathize with her, or some sort of consequence you inflict on her for the hurt she caused. If the first two options don’t seem possible, then don’t confront, because the third option won’t work either. You’ve got nothing but angry words and that won’t create any consequence for her actions, just will give her a another story and thus one real to talk shit about you.
As an adult human being who has loved on my own, I would be so super annoyed to have to text a significant other that I was home. That's parental. I don't have any advice really except to maybe try to understand his perspective?
Would you have that same outlook with domestic violence, rape, financial abuse between parents?? And let’s not get it twisted, infidelity is emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation and anxiety inducing.
What you condone with the people around you shows your attitudes towards that action.
I’ve told him, but his suggestion is to just laugh it off, or joke about how it’ll never happen. I guess I do have to toughen up and be like, “dude, you’re married. Say that shit to your wife” Or something, but I hate confrontation.
Sacrificing your happiness for a cheater isn't healthy imo.
this is pretty common and you need to go to therapy to find resolution. we can become addicted to the extreme ups and downs of an abusive relationship because we are chasing the high that came with the extremes. it IS toxic. Your partner should not be obsessed with you like that. It’s good you identify that. But you’ll need to go to therapy to work out coping mechanisms and heal your inner self.
Grow up
He's lining you up to be set up for drugging your son. He knows you're going to leave, and he's being pre-emptive. He's going to try to take your son off you. Leave quickly. Talk to authorities asap.
“Me me me me me me me” god everything in this post is about you and how it affects your life. Who fucking cares? Tell your husband like he deserves and deal with consequences like an adult. You wanna fuck around like a big girl then find out like one.
The 17 year old needs a parent to step in and protect her. The 27 year old needs to go to jail because if they are at the point where they are wanting to get married, then they’ve been romantically involved way before was legal. Also this is just a gross age gap. 18-25 year olds barely should date outside of their general age group. There’s so much going on at that point in your life and your change and grow so much as a person. This is super gross to me.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Sadly, this may have been his cowardly way of getting out of your relationship. It sounds like he wants the ball in your court to make the decision whether to stay of leave him. I know if I were in your position, I wouldn't want to be someone's consolation prize. You deserve to be with someone is totally in love with you. Maybe you two need time apart. Maybe he needs to be on his own. I understand that will be heartbreaking for you, but if down the road you two come back together, than it was the growing that needed to happen. Just don't wait or hope for him to change his mind. Focus on yourself and your well being. Throw yourself into things that are important for you. Don't seek out other relationships, but be open to others once your heart has had time to heal.
Partially false pretenses partially she should have not accepted an engagement with a person that had so many red flags. The engagement has ended the woman so she is obligated to return the ring.
Having seen The Owl House, I think that giraffe law is for good reason.
I did and actually I have never acted this way…
If someone who was on her computer managed to clock you looking at someone else in a different direction, I'd say it was more than a 2 second glance. And I'd say it's not patronising, but she could've been trying to point out your noticing someone else's attractiveness is very noticeable.
Maybe because OP doesn’t want her life and personality to be defined as just a mother. She spent 8 years as a SAHM yet her husband expects her to have this kid and keep working. That is going to take a huge toll on her mental health and risk burnout. He refuses to be a SAHD so you can imagine that the vast majority of the childcare will fall on OP. That doesn’t benefit anyone, not OP, not her children or her new baby. This is hardly a stable environment for a baby when the husband is being unsupportive and refuses to find any kind of middle ground.
She's already been jealous of our dogs
Is this his normal behavior? I think it is a problem. If this is your love language then he needs to step up.
Why don't you ask him if his feelings have changed? Give these 2 examples and let him know it's a problem for you. Only he knows how he feels and it's worth asking. That being said if his actions don't match his words you know you've got a bigger problem.
If he can’t carry it, he doesn’t get to demand it be carried.
You know what else is a really big deal, kiddo? Being fucking pregnant.
This is definitely fake, but if it isn’t you’re a pedo
Why don't you talk when you're both sober and back home?
She made out with some dudes and is acting like a skank on her bachelorette party. Is this enough to make you dump her?
Your bf is abusive. You have done nothing wrong — please, going to a concert/hanging out with friends without checking in with your keeper! You must hang, witch! /. Please leave him. Abusers very much like to make you feel as if you are forever on trial, trying so very hard to “earn” their trust over things that normal people wouldn't have an issue with — and surprise, you will never be good enough
You’re not using your jaw in the same way. I have TMJ and it can be excruciatingly painful
Even if you shower if you smoke the flavor can be in your skin. My partner smokes. So cum and pre is very acidic and hard to swallow. So it could be the thought of that which kills it for her.
I love how you're more worried about the fact that I threatened her random instagram DM and not even worrying that she was more concerned that I gave up after everything is said and done. also She gave me back the same threatening violence when she said she was going to harm her self. Was I going to harm her Instagram DM guys ? NO . could I harm them ? YES . But im not going to do that.
There’s plenty of families where grandparents are divorced and hate each other. Why would this be any different?
Wow now that is an unexpected twist. I am glad your GF found out how shitty her friends were actually and was able to set things right
Why doesn't he understand that you like climbing Max more than celebrating his birthday with your son?
when max cheated on you with a young girl and you were alone
your son's words will be more meaningful
It sounds like you need to see a therapist. This issue isn't about him, but moreso you.
I really appreciate this comment and advice. You’re so right I’m definitely not pressuring him and he asked me. I think I need to learn to just set boundaries with my family going forward and not involve them so much in our relationship.
The only weddings I’ve seen with invites (or, more often, save the dates) sent that early as those that will require travel, like destination weddings or those of people whose family all live far away, especially in other countries.
You’re so young and I feel when I’m reading this that I’m reading a young girl who is wanting to hang out with her friends and party. When she’s involved with a grown man, who frankly, starting to look like a fool because he’s trying to hang onto something and is miserable. I suggest you guys break up you’re not really suited for each other. That way you can go and party with your friends and have a good time. And frankly, after some recovery, he can start dating somebody much more suited to settled lifestyle.
Meeting with a lawyer and getting everything prepared for divorce doesn’t mean you have to go through with it.
I would meet with the lawyer before confronting the wife. They will likely have good info on what to do with regards to finances, evidence needed, etc to get the best possible outcome for yourself IF it goes to divorce.
Divorce is hard but kids growing up in a dysfunctional family can be AT LEAST as bad.
Lol get away from this man child sis. The reason he dates inexperienced people (sry no offense) is because women his own age smell his bs and stay tf away from him
Ugh, my ex was exactly the same (did we date the same guy?? ?)! I was on nexplanon and went through hell and back with the symptoms:
I experienced weight gain, acne, random periods, mood swings and a reduced libido. I felt like utter shit and unattractive. Sex just felt like a chore most of the time. The only positive thing about it was I didn’t get pregnant. 2/5 – would never recommend or go back to.
I remember trying to explain this to bf and was like “this is what I go through so that we don’t have a baby / you don’t need to use condoms” and I swear all I heard coming out of ex’s mouth was “ehh, my manlihood is hurted because I’m not getting enough sex”
I’d love to see my ex be put on the same birth control and see how he copes. Maybe then he might start using condoms again and not rely on the other partners birth control.
OP, your gf deserves WAY better.
It’s okay, we all gotta vent. Kind of different but I was cheated on like a month ago and had to end my 8yr relationship.
It’s the worst pain I’ve ever been through and I am painfully lonely now. I’ve always had a hard time connecting with people and after losing her I don’t even want to. I feel so empty and fake.
I’ve been really struggling, but It comes and goes. Just be sad for a while. When you’re ready, reach out to some old friends or get into some old hobbies. Idk, I haven’t figured it out yet, but it’ll be ok, eventually.
There are some really cool strangers on the internet and you’ll find soo many people who have been through the same pain. Music helps
I don't think this particular OP will seek divorce without getting the therapy first.
It is such a common thing in so many workplaces I'm confused how you've never heard of it before.
You have no reason to feel ashamed or disappointed about the things that turn you on in porn, unless it involves the sexual exploitation of children. Many people enjoy watching porn that is a far cry from their sexual preferences and practices IRL. Straight folks watch gay and trans porn, queer folks watch straight porn, pure-vanilla types watch all sorts of kinky porn and vice versa. Feel free to reassure your GF that you are indeed heterosexual, assuming that's true. She's making a big mistake to think that you must actually want what you watch.
I don't think you can be upset with her for finding your porn, if it popped up in your search engine when she went to order from Doordash. She didn't intentionally set out to invade your privacy, and IMO she was right to express her concerns rather than keeping them a secret, even though you felt embarrassed to have to talk about it. But if she's still upset after you tell her that you have no intention or desire IRL for the fantasy stuff that visually stimulates you, gently remind her that you are Not That Guy who broke her trust in the past, that you love her and plan to remain true to her. Good luck!
Your wife and her friend have the SAME phone, phone case, and lock screen image???
If you head over to r/agegaps, you'll find that many people in age gap relationships crave the fatherly mentor aspect of this kind of relationship.
Personally, I'm 19 years younger than my husband and if he ever acted like a mentor to me, I'd run screaming for the hills. I felt physically ill while watching the last few episodes of Longmire because ewww.