ArianaAndreea live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 3, 2022

11 thoughts on “ArianaAndreea live webcams for YOU!

  1. They were doing well before, then she started the ssri that changed her. This is medical and likely not permanent.

    My spouse was ill for two years. Couldn’t have sex, couldn’t get out of bed most days. I didn’t leave him. I stayed with him and now he’s better than ever. Yes I thought of leaving, but I decided I’d leave after he was better, not while he was dealing with the worst illness of his life.

    Op needs to help her seek medical attention. He needs to help advocate for her. And if he truly cares about her he will.

    I get that he’s hurting and this is extremely difficult for him. I know my response seems like I’m downplaying his issues, but I get where he’s coming from. He needs help himself, whether it’s family, friends, therapy, or all three.

    If he was planning to stay with her for life he needs to exhaust every possible option he can to help her. Honestly it almost sounds like she needs in patient psychiatric help.

    Regarding sexual needs, I get it; we’re human and it’s practically a requirement. There’s a multitude of toys out there. Or he can work it out with her to hire an escort.

    I know what he’s going through isn’t easy. And it can be helpful to distance himself. But to straight up leave her during the worst time of her life because he’s not “happy”… that’s fucked up. Life isn’t always happy. Maybe they can temporarily live separately , or she can stay with a family member or something. Like there’s option other than abandonment.

    Anywhos, it’s up to OP what to do. I’m just an anonymous person on the interwebs.

  2. Your are not surprised by my response, good what do you want now ? A cookie? I don't know if you are having conversations with yourself and think it's me or something but I never said she should somehow able to protect him. Yes on reddit people other than OP can comment on my posts, but because I asked a specific question to OP only she can answer unless you were there too, than there is no need to write to me your hypothetical answers.

  3. You may feel that way but the volume of posts that talk about men who are the breadwinners being arseholes because they don’t want to do household chores disagrees with you!

  4. Block him. He sees you only as sexual object and challenge to conquer. He doesn't respect your boundaries he just wants to have sex with you and chances are that once he gets your nudes and has sex with you he will move on to another girls he will find at another frat party.

  5. Go wrong..? What this will actually do is give you a (potentially painful) crystal clear picture of your marriage, and of your husband. If your husband is not 100% supportive of the fact that you do not want this, your husband does not respect you, period. if your husband attempts to manipulate or coerce you into this, he is an abuser, period.

    I feel like you are less afraid of bursting his bubble and more afraid of bursting your own. The fact that your husband didn’t let this go the first time you turned him down is already indicative that he neither respects nor actually loves you, which is incredibly difficult to accept so trust me I understand the denial you’re in I’ve been there with my abusive ex.

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