Angetel live webcams for YOU!


10 thoughts on “Angetel live webcams for YOU!

  1. Keeping guy in a committed and getting serious relationship as a backup. To be discarded if things work out with plan A. Well done.

  2. Rude how? Trying to join your conversations? Do you expect her to just sit there mutely while you two talk?

    If you want time with your buddy just the two of you, express that to him and make plans for that. If he chooses to have his girlfriend along when you hang out, then your beef is with him, not her.

  3. First you both are in deep grieving. As parents when we loose children we blame ourselves we ask why them why not me .

    They were to young.

    We are lost..

    Our whole world is flipped upside down and backwards

    We got married had kids built our lives around them And along the way lost who we are.

    We lost our dreams and goals. Not a bad thing to grow old and expecting grand kids our lives are full.

    But it is when we loose them or have a huge family fight..or they move away…and we see them less and less

    How do you pick up the pieces and rebuild??

    One day at a time

    You go for walks..have a lunch date…talk..

    Take up a hobby..painting..gardening. Get bikes go for bike rides

    Pool noodles and bonk each other..

    Museums Coffee outs together

    You will have triggers..

    Those days you paint your feelings use the colors to scream use the colors to cry…..

    Date nights… Find something that makes you laugh

    Over night trip with each other.

    When your ready a trip to another country.

    Your building life again creating memories and rebuilding yourselves. It is ok to do.. Do not let guilt take over…..if you feel it grab the noodle bonk yourselves and cry then laugh.

    Its ok to live. Its ok to rebuild Its ok Its ok Its ok to love. Its ok to love yourself Its ok to love those you miss. Its ok. I promise. I promise its ok to feel..

  4. OP, as a man myself, the woman you end up loving for life will always look completely different, and that's because we've lived through the vanity after chasing it.

    Love is never about looks, the purist love is loving someone for who they really are.

    We want warmth, understanding and trust.

  5. I enjoy working out so I have been at the gym a lot. I also booked a solo trip abroad in the spring. But it just feels impossible right now. And I feel so horrible and guilty because I know that my husband (or ex husband) feels worse

  6. Personally, I feel like theres a gray area where it is about both. I feel like my needs arent being met sexually after 2 months of absolutely nothing- while also worrying that it could be that he just doesn't feel turned on by a woman- the girl he chose to be his girlfriend at that. At the same time, he is with me and open about how happy he is in our relationship to others. It just gets me thinking and worried, and then the gay men he likes pictures of dont make me feel particularly great either.

  7. She is putting this in writing because she is trying to set up to get a restraining order against you. That’s what all this “third time” and “verbally and by text message” stuff is about, and she is also trying to set up to wrong you for the gym payment, potentially in small claims.

    Frankly in your situation I would speak to a lawyer. Do not send her any response at all or do anything until you have legal advice. Then follow the legal advice you receive.

    Whatever else you do, stop fucking around communicating with this trash person. During this narrative you repeatedly suck yourself back into the drama. Doing stupid shit like offering to keep paying for things for her or to follow a certain routine and then not following it so you see her again is just setting yourself up for trouble. She is a horrorshow, but you need to get smart, and for that you clearly need a professional to guard your interests since you’re not managing it. Get a lawyer.

  8. What possible good would the knowledge do for her? Boils down to you wanting to elevate your own soul, not aid hers. This is about you and your own issues – you need to suck it up and not burden her with them.

    And if her 'treatments' don't fail and she's A-OK in a few years? Then tell her and deal with the consequences. Doing so now just seems selfish to me.

  9. If I had a crush on my friend and he asked me if he could just fuck me without any strings attached I would be devastated. When I was younger I would probably also have questioned myself – ”am I not pretty enough for a real relationship?” ”Why doesn’t he like me that way?” ”Have I been reading his interest wrong?” It would be so humiliating.

    If she has had no interest in you and you read her friendliness for flirting, if I were her I would be horrified that my friend, from total left field, suddenly asked me if he could fuck me.

    Both scenarios are bad. You were indeed an idiot. Learn from this. Never ask a female friend if you can fuck her.

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