AndreaKiss live webcams for YOU!


AndreaKiss Public Chat Channel

Date: October 9, 2022

10 thoughts on “AndreaKiss live webcams for YOU!

  1. This sounds like good advice. He is telling her his feelings about this. Don’t dig too deep. He owes you nothing really.

  2. You could delete your Instagram profile and look at your girlfriend instead of models.

    My husband deleted his because the algorithm thought that’s what he wanted to see and it wasn’t. So he stopped looking. Don’t put yourself in a position to be defending the indefensible.

  3. She already knows.

    Choose a time when the story worked well, figure a way to reset back and give it a second chance.

    Some people just aren't storytellers.

    Some are just overwhelmed by rules and numbers.

    See, I'M the dm. What I SAY goes. If the story is off the rails making Charlie the Unicorn look like some biblical telling of some story on common sense, then soo be it.

    Your 1 saving throw isn't a loss. Your swing goes wide, and you lose your balance, tumbling to the floor, falling most un-nobly upon your sword.

    As the blade pierces your armor, the tip strikes the liner in your breast-pocket. Good thing you opted for the nerdy accessories to your under-padding. Being a hardened leather under-kit, OF COURSE the lining of this pocket, used to prevent accidents from quills and etching implements, is made of the finest crafted steel.

    What better to show the practical in your soul that you constantly ignore…

    The hilt jams into the floor, the tip goes into your chest, stops abruptly, and due to your total weight, the angle and the motion of the swing, and the positioning of several celestial bodies, and one very earthen-bound, the blade snaps into 3 pieces: End, middle and hilt…..

    The middle thus being launched out at a magically unmatched rate and lodges into a tree trunk.

    The witch SMILES at the unexpected free meal and lunges forwards, but at that moment, the tree cracks…splints….she stops, somewhat taken aback….and falls….. Away from the group.

    She smiles.

    Towards the river…

    She begins to re-lunge…

    Onto a wheelbarrow's handles…

    She rises up to stab you with her dagger, its quite impressive; its made from bone, candy and flying monkey fur…

    And launches a few gallons of water back, splashing upon your sad, sad self and the witch.

    You should be dead, but you hear the gurgling sound of the witch, melting….melting…..ooooooh wadda world…..

    You open your eyes, the wind knocked out of you….crumpled up all doggy-style so death can have his way with you but he got all whiskey-dicked.

    You collapse onto your side coughing and gasping and let out a horrendous honking cough…gasp…laugh?

    A honk, none the less.

    Anytime, from THIS POINT ONWARDS, any outburst from you will ALWAYS start with a gasping-honk.

    In the future, you encounter an ogre, who upon recognizing you as part of the nytz elite recon dispatch seven, shouts out


    (he will eventually join your order)

    You luckily survived one of the most terrible strikes of bad luck….death wont forget this either….you were right there and… presented soo willingly….but….the celebration from the haul of souls from your last encounter….

    The lining protected you. It protected your pocket.

    Thus, the mighty pocket protector was born….

    -now inadvertently instead of killing you, I'd force you to slowly become stereotypically nerdish in presentation, a sudden self conciousness about your honking …. Dexterity getting a modifier to more easily fail checks but with an acute overreaction… And charisma would be adjusted to both be high and low at the same time.

    If you opposed this, death would find his viagra.

    If you worked with it, I'd see where it went…

    If you totally got on board…. I'd consider future modifiers to other stats until you had both high and low or similarly modified stats…then split you into two separate characters, like twins, that you'd have to play.

    Therefore, as dm, i am god, storyteller, all of the fates, death(who has been outed as having a drinking problem…..when a dude who is just a skeleton can't bone…. there's a problem)…and whatever else that life throws your way.

    Last time i looked, that wasn't in any manual or compendium.

    Roll for initiative

  4. I think the logical thing to do in this situation like you said is to end things and go your separate ways. I don't ever see this working out if you are just going to wind up homesick for years with someone who doesn't want to move home.

    You sound miserable and there's no reason to stay miserable if you have it in your power to move home and be happy again.

  5. Question: What does “do something like that to Sarah” mean exactly?

    The reason I'm asking is the following: What you did was, basically completely okay. No matter if it was truly some sort of misunderstanding and she really believed you were just FWBs or something or if she was playing mindgames, you did nothing wrong by finding a new partner.

    However, I feel like you may have been a bit in the wrong if the friends mean that you left Sarah alone at the party. Like if she had drunk alcohol and relied on you to get home safely or whatever. I'm not from the US, so I have no idea what “party at a college” actually means in terms of how far it is from her living arrangements, if a car was needed to get there, whatever. I personally simply don't like the idea of leaving a drunk woman standed in an unsafe environment if you were the designated driver, for example.

    But if she lives like… two houses down from the party location and had friends there to accompany her home, then you definitely didn't do anything wrong.

  6. I'm 43 and I'm pretty sure I know why OP keeps this manchild around.

    But it can't be good enough to justify all this.

  7. My husband had to have a talk with me when we were dating. We refer back to it as the “don’t write checks with your (my) mouth that my (husband’s) fists have to cash.” If she can’t understand that then I’d move away from the relationship. She’s not thinking rationally about how that all could have ended and has no practice in de-escalation. If she’s not interested in learning how her actions impact your life, she’s not being a good partner, end of story.

  8. If you can't trust, your relationship isn't in a rough patch. It's already dead. You just haven't buried it yet

    A relationship doesn't die at the time of the breakup. It dies when the the trust is gone. It's buried at the time of the breakup.

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