Ana live webcams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Ana live webcams for YOU!

  1. Crating is an essential part of training. Sometimes crating is needed if you're away from home and your dog might get into stuff they shouldn't.

    But if you're home and supervising, dog should be free.

    Bf is a dick suggesting your dog needs to be crated unless outside.

  2. He shouldn’t be talking about ‘babysitting’ her and calling her ‘needy and attention seeking’. There’s plenty of room for their relationship to be unique but there’s no excuse for that.

  3. Well that isn't her house, is it? And that is their grandson isn't it? Also, they've known her for most of her life. Tell your wife she doesn't get to dictate what other ppl do in their own homes.

  4. It's extremely possible that they thought they'd found a great deal and just got ripped off. Rich people aren't immune to being suckers.

    The fact that they treat you well outside of this one incident makes me lean towards this option. Seems like a really odd and very roundabout way of dissing you. 'get this, we treat her awesomely, and then when she least expects it, get her a cheap gift!' almost sounds too ridiculous for real life.

  5. First, you need to establish whether or not your partner has a foot fetish. You two should be able to have an open conversation about your sexual likes and dislikes, but if he's a bit shy to be vocal about those things (which could apply to anyone), then try to incorporate some of that sort of play into your sexy time to see how he reacts. Bonus points on if you two can talk about it afterwards, since he'll be more likely to be in a talkative mood after he's had the sexual event.

    If you can nail down (almost went with peg down..) that he has a foot fetish, then you can address his behavior when you two are out an about. And also have a conversation with yourself about what's really important out of this, what your goal should be and where the boundaries should be set. If he's that attracted to women's feet that his eyes will wander, in moderation, that probably shouldn't be the end of the world. Yeah, he should definitely have more restraint, especially if you decide to keep indulging him in it during sex (so long as you are okay with it yourself- don't be engaging in sexual acts that you aren't comfortable with). But you can and absolutely should tell him to keep his eyes up around your family. That's basic respect.

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