AmiaMileys live webcams for YOU!


show asshole [Multi Goal]

Date: November 5, 2022

17 thoughts on “AmiaMileys live webcams for YOU!

  1. thanks for ur comment but it didn’t rlly address my question. it was just surprising to see him look different it wasn’t that deep lol

  2. I fail to see how doing the thing your husband wanted you to do – go to sex parties and have sex – is cheating, just because you talked to the guy you had sex with. Husband knew she was having sex with another man, and the point of it was for her to do so. Like, does it become cheating as soon as two swingers talk to one another before/while/after the literal sex? Or was OP meant to just pantomime a gesture towards her vag in a general come hither invite to the entire room?

  3. i went into this post with that at top of mind.

    i even went into it thinking 'who would be mad at their boyfriend buying his friends gifts?'

    and then we got to the 'her birthday isn't until next year' and it became pretty fucking obvious that he's the asshole regardless of age. if anything, she's in the wrong for dating a 21 year old and expecting him to not be a selfish prick. but also, he's still an asshole for being an asshole. there are lots of 21 year olds that wouldn't treat their girlfriends like that. so let's not excuse it because of his age.

  4. Porn is something that should be discussed very early on in a relationship, because opinions about it can reveal deep incompatibilities. She'll probably never understand how you feel.

  5. Yeah, that's what it sounds like. OP is there any reason he might have to think you lied about something? Something REALLY big? Any male friends he has been jealous about, anything like that?

  6. She's 20 years younger and is asking you for money.

    You're paying for this relationship dude. She's not with you because she loves you, she's with you because she loves your money.

  7. Goodluck, I let someone borrow a substantial amount of money 2 yrs ago when they got hurt. They own a business and having been doing well the last 1.5yrs. They throw money away, buy people extravagant gifts for no reason but to buy friendship, it's unreal. I've begged, pleaded, raised hell many many times for them to start paying it back. At Christmas he and his friend was in walmart shopping, I am struggling, my child was in the hospital, I told him I needed my money, it was Christmas, my kid was in the hospital, I needed to provide Christmas for my children. He looked me dead in the eyes and said I don't owe you anything, you never gave me a dime!!! His friend took up fir him, how great he was, why was I harassing him. I let it play out, I then asked his friend if it wasn't his cousin he was buying the business from that is now paid for, yes, I said why don't you call him & ask if I didn't loan this p.o.s. money that was paid to him, why don't you call his daughter and ask who let this man borrow money to pay for her wedding pictures, cater her wedding, his and his brother wardrobes, their way their/vacation, then come by my house and I'll introduce you to my bank statements showing what else I loaned him.

    The moral of the story, don't let no one know your dirt if you screw people! I found the following out later It's called, Never paid taxes for several businesses in 30 yrs State called, no taxes paid Reported to child support for warrant out on three grown children nonpayment. Reported foodstamp fraud! Reported all utilities in others name at home/business because of big bills in his name. Blasted on all social media for many things, unbelievable! Many things!!!

    He lost his livelihood over money I lent him in good-faith.

    Took to court, of course no pymt, placed lein on all assets!!!

    As someone else said, DO NOT LOAN MONEY YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE!!! If you're not my child I can't help you!!!

  8. It's not really that, though. Like I work in construction and I can deal with just about anyone but MY space is MY space, there's no way around that.

  9. The relationship is abusive, and you don't need to be told what to do. You already know, as the title suggests.

    Not knowing how you can do something is a fairly common issue. However, people often find a way for things to work out once they make up their minds to do something.

    I think the reason is that until a firm decision is made, the fear of making the decision motivates a person to come up with reasons not to. But once the decision is made, you can now focus on solutions, and will often find ones that weren't obvious before the decision was made.

    Good luck

  10. I appreciate this response from a man with experience. I agree with you. Everything about comment checks out with why I’m pissed about it. She just sent me a video of them at dinner 5 minutes ago so at least I know where she’s at, but it’s definitely weird to me

  11. Be warned, if you do that without specifically telling your credit card company that you want to block payments to the gym it’s decently likely that they’ll just route all the automated payments that you had set up on the old card over to the new one. Discover has done that for me before, because it’s usually a convenience.

  12. Does your wife have some kind of syndrome? because 30yo looking like 15… Unless she has some kind of Dwarfism, sounds very unlikely. Is she too short/thin? What makes people think she's a child?

    Im sorry if this doesnt help you but Im really curious now.

  13. Love has no boundaries other than the ones you put up yourselves.

    for a FWB situation it is neccesary to talk about what is the limitation of this relationship? And what is okay and what isn't? Is emotional comfort okay? is it okay to visit eachother and meet family members? What about going on dates?

    Do you want to be exclusive? What if you catch feelings? Would either be willing to look into possibilities to take it to an long term relationship?

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