Amalia-sanz live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 21, 2022

53 thoughts on “Amalia-sanz live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm going to ask you a straightforward question: Why does something need to be wrong?

    You two are both adults facing different mental health issues: he has some issues wrapped around feeling responsible and suffocated by his mother, and you have some issues around trusting men as a result of past trauma. As such, you're pointing at his weak points and saying “Is this a red flag???” instead of trying to help. You're over-analyzing the situation, desperate for a “reason” for his behavior, since the ones he's given you aren't “sufficient” to satisfy your traumatized thinking.

    And I just want you to ask yourself Why

  2. HELLL NO! If he dumped you once he'd do it again! As a performer you're going to be put in situations that might test your relationships but you've been handling it right by being open and if he's to insecure that he dumps you over a feckin photo then you need a better man!

  3. I work in advertising and have a great job that pays well so I am able to be independent. I also have 3 friends from back home that live here.

  4. Okay but how much of the housework/mental load are YOU doing? Yeah my husband spent time with the kids when he got home, but that didn't mean I could take a break. It just meant I had to do the things I couldn't do with the kids. By the time we went to bed the last thing I wanted to do was be touched by someone else, or have to give more attention to anyone. Best way for my husband to get laid was for him to sort dinner, or do the dishes/laundry/vacuuming while I went for a walk, or send me to bed on a weekend and take the boys out so it was QUIET. If she has no time to be herself, and is just mom, cook, house cleaner, social manager, etc., then there's nothing left for sex.

  5. Yeah I have a guy friend who is gay and I act differently with him than I do with my straight guy friends. If you didn’t know he was gay, I could see our familiarity and casual touching being interpreted as romantic.

  6. So why do you need weed in your life? Does it give you something your boyfriend doesn't? Do you plan on having kids with him? Drugs have no place in a relationship.

    If weed is more important than a commitment from a loyal guy, then I guess your priorities will reign. Good luck

  7. Time to let this one go. If quitting smoking was a stipulation to getting back together why did you let it slide? If he’s shaming you for something you are actively working on, even more reason to drop his ass. I hope you wrote this out just so you could see how toxic this is. You deserve better.

  8. Hope OP sees this, because this is exactly right. If she drives on the street where her location appeared on her way to work and simply opened her Snapchat app while driving and then put her phone down, it will appear that she is stationary at that spot when in reality she was just driving down the street with her phone out. Now, if the location she appeared was off the reasonable path she travels to work then I would not know how to explain that

  9. ❤️❤️??? Thank you kind beautiful human!! I will screenshot this and not forget it. Your words mean a lot to me.

  10. I understand that you’re uncomfortable and I probably would be too… but I have lived in cultures where this is totally normal. Kudos to your gf for being confident enough to swim naked. Maybe join them to try it yourself and see if you enjoy it too – it’s so liberating… of course if she doesn’t want you to join them I’d be wary.

  11. If you trust your girlfriend this isn’t an issue. But if you don’t trust her, that says a lot about your relationship…

  12. I think this is a really good idea. I firmly believe that as long as abuse isn’t happening, anyone can work through their marital problems. But only if they work together. Your husband is clearly not willing to put any work into the marriage. If he is not willing to make changes, you are going to continue to be unhappy, and you deserve to be happy. And honestly, I don’t think it’s an ultimatum. I think this would be giving him one last chance to keep his vows and promises.

  13. Thank you for the support. Is it normal that the closest women's shelters I've contacted won't let me stay with my son? I'm having some difficulty in finding a safe place to stay the night

  14. I’m curious why you went to “Emily”’s birthday party by yourself? Bringing your gf would of been the best way to handle this

  15. Any thirty year old woman that would even consider dating a twenty year old man is emotionally stunted. Her games prove it. Get away.

  16. How about you communicate directly, instead of giving 'hints'. You could have also saved the situation by offering an actual date instead of waiting on him to guess exactly what you wanted. You're a 36 yo adult.

  17. *psst …. my relationship was about as toxic as one can be for the first five years ( she was 18, I was 20 when we met). That was 27 years ago. We're madly in love today. Maybe yours won't work out, maybe it will. Stop looking for advice from social media and have actual conversations with your partner.

    Jealousy is a secondary emotion. She has some issues she needs to talk through. Until she deals with those demons, problems will continue.

  18. It’s hard because when I get heated and tell him he’s literally does. Not. Talk. He will be quiet till I ask him the same question multiple times. He is hard to argue with at times when he is like this. I know I’m a Fckn spineless fuck , I will put my 100000000% best efforts in but when I turn my back, I’m done for. I’m trying to understand why I can’t do this to him as I have done it to exes. It’s like he has the upper hand in this

  19. The only problem might be that the relationship moved to fast. Also it could be that he is love bombing you and that makes you feel uncomfortable. You do not yet know him well enough to know that he is really so good until you have been together for longer. This too could make you feel uncomfortable.

    I would suggest you talk with him and think about moving forwards with a bit more distance from each other. Meaning not necessarily seeing each other as often. Maybe cancelling some of the up coming events you two have planned. Not a break up. You just think this moved to fast and you want to make sure you are in the right place for this relationship.

  20. Update threesome went amazing, no one was hurt, relationship healthy as ever. Everyone had a good time ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  21. One thought that just occurred to me – how many units are in your apartment? Sound travels in VERY strange ways in apartment buildings. I used to live in one where the people next door would leave their alarm going for fifteen minutes at a time, so I would start banging on the shared wall… come to find out it was actually an elderly woman above me, but it absolutely sounded like it was coming from next door. Is there a chance Dan might actually be hearing something from a different apartment and not realizing it?

  22. I don’t think it would of mattered what your answer was. She created this in her own head.

    She sounds unhinged.

  23. Support is different than getting him help. Only he can do that. All the support in the world won’t do anything if he doesn’t want to help himself.

  24. No 7 year itch here. He is a selfish partner. Hold out on the kids because you will have more to do. Then I'd leave for a week or two.

  25. Just going to counselling is not enough. Also, your dad’s advice sucks. Yes, hold off on the marriage, but break up? Really? During a pregnancy? This should really be a time for her to be enjoying the process, gearing up for the baby, and instead you are dropping the emotional support you should be giving her and upsetting her.

    Think really hard about why you are doing this. You loved her enough to make a baby. This sounds more like commitment issues.

    And if you do break up, for heaven’s sake don’t start dating immediately. Just focus on yourself and being a good father to the child.

  26. He has explicitly told you he was not ready to be married.

    He also got you a nice gift that you told him you wanted

    You need to calm down and tell him thank you for the gift. Then, have a serious conversation about where you both are in your relationship and affirm that you have the same plans for your mutual future

  27. OBVIOUSLY he'd be upset seeing that. Are you for real? Job or not, if you're in a monogamous relationship what you're doing in that link is not copacetic. I would break up with you.

    Yes, some people could handle that and not be bothered and some can't. I'm in the latter group and apparently so is your bf.

  28. There’s an incredibly high statistical probability he took advantage of a human trafficking victim. Just throwing that out there.

  29. Invest in condoms with spermacide. Those will prevent pregnancy better than just a bit of rubber. Trojan is the brand that pops into my head, but it should say on the box if it has any, so read before you shop or ask the pharmacist.

  30. You have all got it wrong. The test should be a standard part of healthcare, for the child's sake, not the parents. Children have a right to be sure of their DNA lineage, for medical reasons

  31. I am by utterly confused how you are to blame for the chicken to go bad? Is this how he normally treats you?

  32. It's a matter of opinion/personal preference. Stop doing his laundry if he can't do this courtesy, and it means that much to you.

  33. Get away from this toxic prick asap. He could be dangerous, and there's no reasoning with someone who is this controlling and abusive.

  34. Nah, I hate that shit. You don’t get use to it and you can always smell it. I get it when you don’t have options from plumbing but if you do that in North America, it’s fucking gross. There was never a place where I didn’t notice or smell it.

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