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32 thoughts on “Allaleggeralive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It's pavlovian… he does it habitually without realizing. Noting 2.1 Gigawatts (baby!!!) won't fix after a few zaps…

  2. See if he's willing to negotiate a domestic partnership agreement, involving lawyers but not marriage. If he can be satisfied that adding marriage to the mix will be genuinely legally inconsequential, the objections to it may disappear.

  3. What, and other strangers aren't shitbags for the same thing?

    It's literally none of this business. His friend was courteous to let him know his intentions, but outside of that, he owes him nothing.

    Being posessive over someone you are no longer intimate with is really creepy. It's no different than getting pissed that someone you've never met is dating someone other than you.

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  5. Thank you so much for your response I hate being this way I’m trying so hard not to put that resentment on him. I’m trying so hard to forget it but any little thing sets me off

  6. As a former teacher, my guess is that she’s giving so much of herself to students and the thankless job of being a teacher nowadays that she’s used up and exhausted by the time she gets home.

  7. Step 1 – You dont jump to mentally making excuses for his changes in behavior or thought. Step 2 – You call it out. All of it. And you draw a boundary line firmly in the sand.

    When you speak with him, specify things. THIS is what has changed due to what he is watching and who he is speaking with. THIS is a very serious issue for you and many others. THIS makes him no longer the person you fell in love with. Therefor… you are asking him to seek a therapist due to THESE reasons, or you can no longer be in a relationship with him. Reiterate that he has changed lately, and not for the better, and these changes deeply and profoundly concern you.

    …and be ready to leave him. Depending how deep down the messed up wormhole he is, mentally, this may be the end. His world views changed, who influences him has changed, and he no longer even accepts the core of who YOU are as a person.

    Splitting of property is the least concern, I promise you. This person has gone over to the dark side and it is solely on him to see the issue and get help. If you can reach out to friends or family of his that are sane and mentally stable and can help him see the problem, that will be a plus. Otherwise this man needs to go, ASAP.

  8. She didn’t confess, you found out through her texts and she’s still talking to him. I think you know what you need to do here. It’s not easy but it needs done.

  9. I think this is a good time to step up, what if your grandma ends up passing away of something entirely preventable? Your grandfather isnt in his right state of mind either, this is very hard and it will be extra hard because they were there for everything and everyone.

    There are therapists who specialise in how to treat with the elder; I am aware of this because my sister used to work at a residence and they had one therapist as a consultant for how to treat certain patients even though they studied as nurses how to care for the elderly. I would look that up and see if you can arrange a meeting with one of them to explain the situation and see what you can do (but I dont know if they exist in every single country)

  10. Let time do its thing. A lot of us go thru this at the start of a relationship. The more you get to know her the less her past will affect you.

  11. If some ceremony makes her sister's husband more of a family then your 9 years together then I really doubt if you should ever have a “family” with her. It was basically slap on the face from her

  12. It sounds like your BF has been introduced to the overt misogyny of the “men's rights” movement, or whatever else it's called.

    This is unkind, abusive behavior. You don't have to stay with your BF. There are plenty of men out there who aren't d-bags who make you cry yourself to sleep.

  13. Honestly, I can understand and empathize with what your gf has been through. However, you protected her. If she can't see that simple fact, and would rather you let them do something worse like rape her, maybe she's not the one for you. You don't want a woman that's going to expect you to let men break into your house and do whatever they please with absolutely no repercussion.

    And this is coming from a woman. If my husband didn't do his best to protect me, I'd see that as a failure.

  14. You should also try to record the interaction if you confront him in any way. Not to be sneaky but to protect yourself in case he does say something and later claims he didn't say that at all and calls you crazy. Really hope the recording isn't needed, but trust me, it's better to be able to go back and see exactly what he said if he starts gaslighting you. As the kids say these days, get them receipts girl.

  15. What in the world is a wedding year? One thing is not getting married within a couple months of another close relative (unless you want to share a single wedding), but another is to be so entitled that you think you own a year.

  16. Well, I felt feel like your first mistake. I was messaging him instead of sitting down for a conversation.

    Something else that you might be able to try is clocking your hours. I assume he works 40 hours a week. Treat homemaking like your job. You probably already do that but what I mean by that is clock your hours as well. In the hours that you spend maintaining a home, record it. If you can record what you’re doing as well, then that’s even better. He probably understands work and time management and having to answer to a boss and justify hours spent on projects. If you speak his language, then you’re more likely to get a more productive conversation out of him. I’m not saying you’re wrong and he’s right or vice versa because I really don’t know what the state of your house is on a daily basis, but this might be a valuable negotiation tool, so that both of you can objectively look at the work that is being done.

    Also, from your story, it doesn’t sound like he’s lording his income over you. It feels like he was pointing out the difference in your roles and has the idea that he is fulfilling his obligation, and feels that you aren’t. I’m not saying that he is right or wrong in his impression. I am simply pointing out that I think you may have read into that in a way that he did not intend. I think that goes back to communicating in person instead of text.

  17. I was going to say to stop beating around the bush and just tell her you know. The thoughts themselves aren't the worst thing in the world, although it's kinda shitty to share those thoughts outside your relationship. It's something you could talk through if you were so inclined.

    But this:

    it means there's still a chance for us

    Immediate deal breaker. No coming back from that. She would pick him over you if he wasn't taken.

  18. I don't know why you're planning on making the next big move with him!

    Why are you considering uprooting your life and your kids' lives to follow a guy who's tired of being married, who wants to be drunk a lot, who wants to play video games, but doesn't want to act like an adult (go to therapy, engage more with kids, support the household by doing actual work there)? He appears to view himself as a giant wallet who brings home money and that is the sum-total of his contribution to the family!

    Staying where you are will give your kids the stability of remaining in their home, you would retain your job, you'd all have your current friends. Meanwhile, your husband can move on to his next big move and be single! I'm sure there are tons of women and men who would be happy to get drunk with him regularly and play video games endlessly with him!

    You've been married 8 years. It's been full of ups and down; have there been any peaceful times of 6 months or more in that marriage? You tried counseling and although it helped in the short-term it hasn't helped in the long-term. I think your husband wants you to make the move not because he is so invested in this relationship, but because having someone cook, clean, do laundry, raise his kids, makes his life much smoother and easier.

    I think you should let him move alone to his new assignment, you should get into individual therapy/counseling short-term and determine if moving to the new location and remaining married is in your best interest.

  19. You need two things here, fool proof birth control (in particular birth control that he can't tamper with) and a divorce lawyer. He will only get more abusive with time.

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