Alisonmiuu live webcams for YOU!


Are you ready to please me bby?? , ♥ You will love when all over cum the place [16 tokens remaining]

Date: November 2, 2022

13 thoughts on “Alisonmiuu live webcams for YOU!

  1. Do you like posts with girls butts hanging out? Follow them on insta? If it’s okay for you to view it’s okay for her to post. You don’t get to say it’s not a big deal to follow those posts then make it a big deal when she posts the same.

  2. Women often do things more than once because they feel pressured. You’re treating her like an object. I also think your age difference here is interesting. She’s 23, an age when women are just now getting their footing on how to establish boundaries. And you’re in your 30s…

  3. Kick him out and get yourself a restraining order and you keep the shotgun when he leaves and be ready to use it if he comes back.

  4. We already have a 2 year old together. I don’t stay at home. I’m a working mom and he works too. We have different schedules, when he is working, I’m with our baby, when I’m working he is with our baby.

  5. If it looks like a scam, feels like a scam and sounds like a scam, it’s a scam.

    The only thing you should send to someone on dating apps are clean photos of yourself, contact info if you want to message off the app and the location of where your first date will be.

    You don’t need to prove you are real. Real people will want to chat for a bit at first, then if things seem good, they will want to meet in a very public place.

  6. If you choose to believe her obvious lies, that’s on you bud. It’s clear she cannot be trusted.

    GPS don’t lie but humans do. You’re in denial.

  7. Mutual respect is the same as chemistry right? I'll quit. lol. You remind me of my lil brother. Big eyed wondering about stuff. lol I'm gone bro. be kind to her. always. Peace

  8. I agree with him. Cheating is normalize as a way to “not loose yourself”. If you want to cheat, leave the relationship. If cheating is ok then be poly. But I guess that's not cheating or sexy

  9. Absolutely no question go to the graduation!!!! Holy fuck you're a doctor! Celebrate that! I'm sorry your relationship with your family might suffer but you have to choose yourself here 100%. You have to show them you're not abiding by their rules forever. You cant just ditch everything important to you for your brother.

  10. God I hope so,but never underestimate just how stinky human filth can be. I def don't doubt for a sec that ppl like this exist, even if this is a troll.

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