AlinaMurrrr live webcams for YOU!


SPANK MY ASS (10) [50 tokens remaining]

Date: November 4, 2022

90 thoughts on “AlinaMurrrr live webcams for YOU!

  1. He needs to have sex with lots of people in order to feel attractive?

    That’s a troubling statement right there. If someone said that to me, I’d be advising them to stop having sex with anyone (except their partner) and to start attending therapy so that they begin to see their own self-worth.

    Opening your relationship is not a good response to this statement by your boyfriend.

  2. The issue is that when I state my feelings he gets frustrated or defensive which I feel isn’t fair. I don’t know where I come off controlling if you can more insight. Not sure where to go from here. It’s a battle of heart and mind.

  3. OP Even if you are happy now with relationship, what she did was the result of her insecurities, this is not about you being a good catch, ut was about her fear of losing you and instead of talking and solving the issue in a mature way she decided to coerce your reproductive freedom. Now that younare talking about a second kid her guilt has resurfaced bacuase of the difference between planning a child with you and doing without your consent.

    Please do not rug sweep this under the carpet, please go to couples therapy for the mental health of both of you, what she did seriously broke your trust on her and unless both work on it, you will always have doubts about her motives.

    Talk with her and stablish a very hard boundaries here, tell her that you are willing to forgive her but you have conditions: 1. You wont tolerate this kind of manipulation, if she decides play another stint like this, the relationship is over. 2. She needs to go to individual counseling to understand why she did it and to deal with her feelings. 3. Both needs couple therapy, one of the main pilars of a relationship was broken, she broke your trust and both need to learn how to comunicate better and reestablish that trust together. 4. Pospone the idea of having a second child until both feel the relationship is stable again and both are on a better mental space.

    Please do not ignore this, if you want to have a healthy marriage, both will need to do a lot of work, specially if you were thinking about a new kid, this the kind of things that is going to bite you in the future if you don't deal with it now.

  4. Your parents are old fashioned. You are 21, and do not need their “talks”. Time to tell dad, you are an adult.

  5. The simplest reason is usually the right reason: Your family is full of assholes. That's why everyone hates each other and they are treated poorly.

  6. My advice is to walk away because after 8 years he should know whether you are the one, issues or not. Though I noticed that you mostly respond to comments that validate that he might still ask in the future; so my next suggestion is that you put a deadline by which if he hasn’t asked you walk away.

  7. You already said it yourself. I think you truly need to work on your on self-esteem and trust issues. Maybe therapy would be a good idea. And yes, it’s scary to think that people can theoretically just fall out of love or change their mind at any minute. But that’s life and it will never change, so you need to learn how to deal with the fact and how to build some trust. Also, cheating and meeting someone can happen everywhere, not just at parties and people can’t stop living their life completely. It’s just a risk you have to take when in a relationship.

    And I’ve got to say, when you’re that young setting up the rule that you can’t go out partying or clubbing alone does not sound healthy to me. Especially when it’s rooted in so much insecurity.

  8. Did you not think how ridiculous it was to type all of this out? Having to justify why you went and bought some ingredients for a dinner? I understand she has medical issues, but we all have issues of our own, and I wouldn't take being called abusive lightly. As others have suggested, maybe she's better off staying with family for a little bit so you both have breathing space, because nothing I've read sounds abusive whatsoever. It sounds like you're in a financially desperate situation and are prioritising food and sustenance over an eye test, which I can't see as being unreasonable.

  9. Stop making excuses, get a backbone and make your son a priority. Court can absolutely impact this…..make sure your custody agreement requires daily FT, if she fails to comply you keep going to court. It’s work if the other parent is difficult but you keep pushing foresees. You don’t allow her to get away with it.

  10. You are right to feel that way…it happens…and ya i do get you as i am an Indian…so we have quite same values when it comes to such sort of problem…its just that you had to hide it because its hard for him to trust you even after 5 years of relationship…you see you didn't wanted to make him feel bad thats why you hid it…don't you think your bf should trust you more…i mean he really means a lot to you i can see that…So he should also work on his insecurities and himself…a relationship is no single lane both should be equally commited

    just communicate and tell him that his insecurities are misplaced and you deserve his trust because you never did anything wrong…and regarding “i love you” its normal…i mean i have a girl best friend and we do say “i love you” often…but we know that we don't see each other that way…just like you know that you don't feel that way towards your friend…i hope it helps…really rooting fir you here..✨

  11. She probably needs help. She likely doesn't need you piling on her that her drinking caused her to fail to get pregnant unless you know that for a fact.

  12. You no longer having feelings for the other person IS an articulated reason. And yeah, I definitely believe that communicating that reason to the other person is good practice. Just leaving without saying anything is an ass move. Coming up with a bullshit reason to cover the real one is even worse.

  13. If you can't accept that other people have sexual histories, you aren't mature enough for a relationship at all. Let alone with someone 11 years younger than you.

  14. Through song.

    I wish you a merry breakup I wish you a merry breakup I wish you a merry breakup and a happy new life Goodbying to you and all of your friends I wish you a merry breakup and a happy new life

    Bring me my hoody sweatshirt Bring me my hoody sweatshirt And bring it out here

  15. u/A-bug-2002, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  16. She went into your kids room and sliced her open and you are co sidereal working it out???

    The fuck is wrong with you? Why isn't she in fucking jail? I am glad you are divorcing but why in the fuck did you not have her arrested and why is she anywhere near your kid still????

  17. u/That_Wait_1760, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  18. That's likely why OP went inactive in the comments. I don't work in family law but part of standard client intake for any practice area is asking them about any public statements they may have made regarding the subject of their case, and instructing them not to make any more public statements while it's pending.

    Yep, a lot of the stuff that gets posted to this sub is likely discoverable.

  19. It does make you worried, uncomfortable and upset. Before worrying about being controlling worry about being honest in your relation and communicate properly how you feel. Incidentally there is nothing strange about how you feel. It is inapropriate and while some people may be ok with that I believe most people would not be ok with their partners doing what she is considering to do.

  20. Hello /u/tjessday,

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  21. This is bad advice. Don’t give him a deadline. Instead, talk to him, let him know time is running out for you and give yourself a deadline.

  22. Sure people can change, but it doesn't happen overnight. And even if he does eventually change, you two would still have to rebuild the relationship.

    I wouldn't go back. Make it a clear break so you both can move on.

  23. That’s what he said about me being reluctant to pay for the hotel room & also having my university studies to concentrate on that he saw them as being red flags for him.

    But with me having to always pay for the more expensive things maybe I should start seeing them as the red flags but it’s hard when I do truly love him.

  24. In fact, we do 50/50. I cook one day and she does the next day. We always do it like that. However, the days that she has to cook, she just brings me the frozen meatballs knowing full well they irritate my stomach.

  25. My advice is not to do a thing. Stay at your parents house and do your work remotely. Wait and see if she tries to contact you and get back together again. I'm not gonna say I'm a 100% sure, but it seems to me if she likes attention from your roommate that there might be a reason why. At this point you'd be better off just staying put and seeing how this all plays out.

  26. Sending another message to take down something that could look like you were being horrible just sounds like another screenshot waiting to happen, which could look incriminating. You'd have to be very careful in the way you worded it but I would suggest probably just leaving it, if it's from years ago probably no one would even be bothered to look at it.

  27. It is entirely possible that he is just being very insecure, and you have given him no reason to distrust you. And, that the rest of the advice you are getting here is on point — head for the exit now, because it’s likely just going to get worse.

    On the other hand, it is also entirely possible that he’s picking up on something— the way you talk about your guy friend, the things you talk to your guy friend about, non-verbal cues that you might not even be aware that you are giving off, etc. that is setting off his red flag alert.

    The bottom line is that he feels threatened by your relationship with this other guy. You are going to have to deal with that. Lose the boyfriend, lose the guy friend, or figure out a way to set your boyfriend’s mind at ease.

  28. In my opinion I should decide if I want to have sex or not, but their house their rules

    Right on the first part, wrong on the second. Living in someone's house does not mean they own your bodily autonomy. That is unreasonable… and that's the nice word for it.

    There's nothing nice to say about your parents here, in fact, lots of awful but I won't say it, you probably don't need to hear it from a stranger.

    If there's a way to emancipate yourself from the sexist yoke of your parent's bigoted rule then go for it. If not then it may just be a case of you and your BF biding your time until you can financially extract yourself. Might be best to work on that goal together.

  29. She's not a child, she has to tell you what you're supposed to have done.

    It's probably a load of bullshit, that's why she's ashamed to say.

  30. So.. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who would say:

    I'm a little fuzzy on what you mean by “attacked”. If you haven't already, could you please elaborate, the more details the better.


  31. He has. He’s said he really needs to figure out what to do because he wasn’t expecting to end up feeling this way about us. I think I need to tell him to really consider his relationship, whether he’s happy. Because as much as I like him, I don’t want him to throw away a good relationship for something new that may not even work out in the long run

  32. Exactly like she did

    Now grin and bear it as another man does to your woman what you should have been doing

    But nah you were too busy thinking how to get it wet with the next chick

  33. Well yeah she used to be very fat and unnatractive, but now she's really beautiful and everyone there could see she was clearly not ugly.

    plus she lives in my house rent free and I never complain about that? so maybe she could agree with me once in a while because I definitely think she's overreacting and trying to make a scene about something that was clearly just a funny joke

  34. If he is currently going through a mental episode. I think you should txt him that you need space and time to process what happened. And that he should seek out therapy and you will contact him when you are ready to talk about it. After that you need to decide if this is something you can deal with or if his mental issues are just too much right now.

  35. If he is currently going through a mental episode. I think you should txt him that you need space and time to process what happened. And that he should seek out therapy and you will contact him when you are ready to talk about it. After that you need to decide if this is something you can deal with or if his mental issues are just too much right now.

  36. No you didn't. You had bleeding throughout your pregnancy but you cannot have a period while being pregnant, these things are incompatible.

  37. Yeah, leave him. He is clearly too stupid and irresponsible to be having sex if he can't even do the basics by respecting his partner and putting on a condom correctly. Did he ever take a single sex ed class?

  38. Ohh look insults.

    No they don’t. They agree it’s killing a potential life.

    Are you saying removing people from life support is also murder?

  39. What's concerning is your partner is sexualising your relationship with your sister. She's the fucked up one. You're better off without her. You keep being a good person.

  40. I later got surveillance footage from my neighbor and he had placed the boulder before visiting me!

    Your boyfriend? Brought a boulder to your house and put it next to your car just to see you hit it?


  41. Honestly it sounds like she doesn’t respect you and sees you as a safe option. You honestly deserve better. There’s zero value staying in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love and respect you the same way that you love and respect them.

  42. I would ask for her to consider another evaluation for PPD. To make sure her treatment is actually effective for her symptoms and to help with your transition back to the office. Also ask her if she could consider couples counseling to help strengthen your relationship and all of the changes you have been through. Tell her that you want to not fight, but work on communicating better.

  43. You both need to have clear rules so there is no wiggle room or hurt feelings. If you don’t feel comfortable with this situation then you need to let him know.

  44. If he does show up in a clown outfit, I just wouldn't give him the satisfaction of acknowledging it. I wouldn't let him be in any of the pictures unless he was in dress code, but he seems to want attention or to cause distress and drama. By making a big deal about it, you are giving him what he wants. I'd warn my family/friends that it was happening so they wouldn't be caught off guard and they could know the plan of ignoring it.

    One day it might even be a funny story. But for now you have way more important details to think about than what one guest is going to be wearing

  45. What you should do is whatever you truly feel is the best overall decision for your own long-term happiness.

    But . . . I can't blame your boyfriend. I don't know of a single guy who would be happy with his GF moving in with another guy, even if he's “just a friend.” If you do move in with him, you can probably expect your current relationship to fall apart.

  46. Your husband is a disgusting abusive person and you deserve better.

    I came up and repeated myself and said – “Please don't yell at me, I don't like it.” This was the start of spiraling fight. He came downstairs and wouldn't talk at first. I said, “I would like to talk about this, I don't like being yelled at like that”. He said ” But you wouldn't respond to me”. I asked that we talk about his actions first and then we could talk about mine but that I didn't agree that my actions justified being yelled at. He yelled at me more saying I was disrespectful to him. I continued to stick to my two main points

    I’m glad you stuck to your boundaries. Now you know that he cares more about abusing you than he does about you as a person. Don’t go back, no matter how much he love-bombs and sweet-talks you. If he actually cared about you, he wouldn’t be abusing you, and he wouldn’t be defending his abuse of you. You don’t deserve this, no matter what.

    He keeps texting me saying the only reason he yelled was because he couldn't hear me and that I took it way out of control. He says he doesn't think he can trust me now but still won't acknowledge that yelling is wrong.

    Translation: He enjoys abusing you, he wants to abuse you, and he doesn’t give a shit about how it makes you feel. He could hear you just fine. Him saying “I can’t hear you” and devolving into a screaming abuse session is abusive. He could hear you just fine, he just wanted to abuse you.

    He will never, ever change. No matter what he says.

    Finally his texts started threatening to cancel our upcoming vacation and threatened to find his own place.

    Take him up on that. Seriously.

    What should I have done differently?

    There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent an abuser from abusing you. Period. Full stop. Nothing.

    I’m actually really proud of you that you stuck to your guns, finally. Think back at all the abusive, disrespectful things he’s done to you in the past, and how much you gave up and overlooked for the sake of “love”. Then promise yourself you’ll never let that shit slide again. You deserve better than this !

    You need to separate, for your own safety. If you’re in the US, call 1-800-799-7233 to formulate a plan to get out safely. Someone that this this angry could easily devolve into physical violence, so please get out safely. If you are not in the US, /u/Ebbie45 has a ton of excellent resources that can help you.

    The only thing you did wrong was letting this abusive asshole get the best of you for this long, before you finally put your foot down and refused to allow yourself to be abused. You are exceptionally strong for doing this and I’m fucking proud of you. Continue this by getting therapy and getting out of this abusive relationship.

    You can do this. I believe in you. ❤️

  47. Because they were drunk and reminiscing in the moment.

    It's not a crazy stretch to imagine she felt guilty in the moment because they were sharing an intimate anniversary with her husband.

    Should she have maybe just kept it to herself? Yeah. It was insensitive and accomplished nothing except maybe make her feel a little better in the moment. But this is a talk it out and reaffirm each other's love kinda problem.

  48. You're better off moving on but before you get into another relationship you really need to examine the idea of wanting to “save” someone, especially in the context of a romantic relationship. That's not a good thing to want and you should really try to move away from that or else you'll wind up in another bad situation.

  49. You could block that second account of his and see if he will follow either via his main or via another one. If you spot another one, you could simply confront him:)

  50. I didn’t reduce him to his height tho that’s the thing If I did I wouldn’t have liked him

  51. It sounds like he's punishing you for “not having sex” with him enough by limiting quality time spent together which is manipulation and can be a form of abuse. I understand wanting to have sex but that shouldn't be his main motivator for spending time with you, you're in a relationship ffs not FWB.

    You deserve someone who puts in the effort to see you just to see you. Based on what you said, it sounds to me like you have a normal sex life. It's not like you're denying him sex. His libido is obviously higher than yours but sometimes that happens in relationships, and you have to come to a compromise.

    If his behavior doesn't change you should consider breaking up with him imo. You don't exist to be his human fleshlight, you're his girlfriend.

  52. If you're ok with being distrusted and treated like a cheat and a liar for no reason, this is the girl for you. Otherwise, run.

  53. Can you fire /transfer them? Pick them off one at a time with the gym guy first to go. Give less than stellar appraisals, give them lower value projects, etc in order to grind them out so they are forced to go but nothing so bad that they can point a finger and claim mistreatment.

  54. For the love of god man get a divorce. She gaslit you and isn’t even remorseful for cheating. She’s going to do it again

  55. You’re too young to be dealing with all of this. He’s not mature enough to think of a world outside of his penis. Leave and start a new life. There’s nothing for you here.

  56. Jesus get your car and break up with the crazy chick. Your 18 she's 26 and your the more mature one her life doesn't get better from here, you need to walk away. Jesus christ you let her leave in your car? Stupid.

  57. Thanks. Doing the usual: focusing on myself, my job, my growth. There has to be a good and faithful one for me out there. Tho I am beginning to lose hope…

  58. Might I suggest getting a bidet? That way the water cleans you up and TP would only be needed for drying, aka not gross. Also invest in a trash can with a lid (or even a diaper pail) for added cleanliness.

  59. Especially since she has cited that she always preferred the “European” style of dating where marriage wasn't even a thought for ten years (not sure how accurate that is).

    As a European, that's not accurate at all. People marry at different ages for different reasons.

    I'm sorry, but reading through the post and the comments, it seems you're 3rd on the list of priorities.

    This doesn't sound as thought she's afraid of commitment, she has committed to supporting her mother, she supports her friend financially.

    I think it made sense for her to not move in with you straight away, that's something I would always suggest, especially to women (don't move in with a man that's just moved out of his parents house. Wait to see if he can keep up a house. Only because too many women get sucked into being housekeepers).

    I think she's just not into having a serious relationship.

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