Alicesasha-honey live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 16, 2023

9 thoughts on “Alicesasha-honey live webcams for YOU!

  1. Girl, weird and dangerous. You want to go on vacation with a random man off the Internet you haven't even met?

    Do I really need to explain why that's a bad idea?

  2. No, you should gather evidence, secure all your assets, file for divorce, move his things to a storage facility and then serve him the divorce papers and storage facility info while he is with his mistress

  3. If she's the one who stopped working or whose career was put on hold, yes. But if a woman is a higher earner, which is increasingly common, she could end up worse off in a divorce. I'm not saying not to marry but the whole protection for women thing is based on making women dependent on men and a far better protection is to ensure that's not the case.

  4. Words are cheap, just look at her actions, it sucks but she isn't attracted to you. She can frame it however she wants, but nothings changed, and the issue clearly lies on her. Cancel the engagement and rethink marrying her. Things won't get better just because you marry her.

  5. You are fundamentally not compatible. The fact you’ve lasted this long amazes me. He strikes me as a guy that fits the “Big Man on Campus” persona. All talk and no action. He lives and acts like a wheeler dealer, but never really does anything big business wise. People like this drive me bonkers and I would have never, ever tied myself to someone who thinks 100k in debt, no job prospects, and then screws up interviews almost deliberately it seems. It not just about money. You are just very, VERY different people.

  6. Welcome to single life. Honestly he’s doing you a favor by showing you his true self before there is a marriage and kids.

  7. I went to his house for the second date and spent the night together. He clearly has a drinking problem

  8. It’s being in the room with them, with the door closed. In 2023 in my industry that is a no no. I don’t get why that is hard to understand.

    As to calling me a misogynist, fuck yourself. I march in feminist rallies and raise both my daughters to be independently-minded, highly educated, and fully knowledgeable of their immense worth as human beings.

  9. Are you also willing to pay for unexpected expenses or upgrades that come up for the house? E.g., replacing the water heater, fridge, repairing the roof, paying for a plumber, other maintenance etc? These are things homeowners have to worry about. I know you said paying half the cost of keeping the house running, but I’m unsure if that’s what you meant by this statement. This stuff is very expensive and adds up.

    Ultimately it seems like you’re more concerned about the power balance than the money, and this is a valid concern. Have a transparent conversation with him about it and make sure you two are on the same page before you make such a big move. Having an unbiased third party might also help (couples counseling).

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