Alejandro-Alejandra live webcams for YOU!


Alejandro-Alejandra Public Chat Channel

Date: November 2, 2022

14 thoughts on “Alejandro-Alejandra live webcams for YOU!

  1. I have endometriosis and really bad periods where my hormones are out of control, and I can get REALLY mean when I have my period, but it literally can not be helped.

    It has been scientifically proven that women on periods are more emotional, etc. I get being sick of her temper, but she truly can’t help it.

    However, some people need to go on medicine to control this issue. My mom did. It is called sertraline and it really helped!

    I know periods are rough for everyone, and ur doing right by trying not to upset her, but always remember, she can’t really help it.

  2. It's sad times. I feel bad for the Young Generation with all this exposure. The average 13-year-old boy has seen more naked bodies than all of the kings in history saw in a lifetime.. it's becoming a real problem. My only hope now is the younger women will gravitate to the older men that recognize this. We will take their women and don't need porn because we like to preserve our seed..

  3. I respect how you feel and your heartache but when someone abandons two years for no good reason that’s them telling you they don’t value you or the relationship and you can do a lot better than that. People who leave for no reason aren’t people to trust and start a life with, you know? A good partner would love that you have a job, bought a condo… man… there‘s a line of women outside you condo! Look out the window! ? TBH – she didn’t treat you or the relationship as “special.”

  4. You do know you’re tied to him for life, right? And this will get worse once you progress through pregnancy and eventually childbirth.

    I’ve been pregnant and given birth. My husband was AMAZING through it all. I got the support I needed, and he is an awesome dad, too. Not once was my pregnancy or the childbirth about HIM. I cannot even imagine being in your position and pregnant – with someone you’ve only known for 4 months.

    He needs therapy. You need to realize you’re now tied to him for life due to pregnancy.

  5. I would do the same thing and most women would do too. ignorance is bliss… I never look through my partners phone either because like you said, I don’t wanna get my feelings hurt. The only reason I looked through his followers is because he has done this once before so I wanted to see if it would happen again after he agreed it not to do it. This is what has upset me the most, that he continues to do it after he knows it upsets me. That to me is a sign of disrespect. What lead me to look through his followers was him breaking our trust. It baffles me that people on the internet point fingers at the women without knowing the full story.

  6. Why is it weird? My bestie and I are both night owls and talk at night after our husbands have gone to bed. We both have very demanding careers and work long hours during the day on top of other commitments, and this is the best time for us to catch up uninterrupted.

    It might be weird to you, but not everyone has the same schedule as you. The boyfriend decided to date someone 10 years younger than him, and frankly at that age I was burning the candle at both ends and so were my friends. He joined into that dynamic and has no right to demand she stop talking to them because he thinks the time is inappropriate.

    He sounds controlling and if not this, he'll find another reason to manage her relationships.

  7. Would you rather drink around them and receive the comments

    Or not drink around them (which shouldn't be hard if you're not dependant on alcohol to have a good time) and be less likely to hear their comments

  8. So he told you it’s his job to take care of you, and then holds it over your head and calls you a gold digger? He says you shouldn’t have to work, but then gets upset when you can’t sleep at night and have to sleep in, or your PCOS makes it hard to function?

    I think you deserve better. I know a lot of the comments here are talking about his side of things but hopefully, despite a couple downvotes, seeing a different perspective is helpful for you. I don’t think you’re the problem here, and it sounds like you realize that the things he’s saying about you aren’t true. Do you really want to be with him? Or do you simply want him to be a different person than who he is showing you that he is?

  9. Ladies, is it un-ladylike to be living? How dare you.

    Just leave him in all honesty. He needs some serious help to get past those feelings but you don't need to stick around and wait for him to do it either. It's just not worth it.

  10. You were way too old to be playing the bullshit games you played. The fact that you don’t out and out say she cheated, just that she went to meet him, makes me think she went and got coffee or lunch with an old friend or something. It sounds like you heard this, and instead of talking to her about it like a normal person, you instead told your 24 year old wife to quit her job, lose all her financial independence, so she could live the barefoot and pregnant life of your dreams.

    You claim this was just because you wanted to know if you were important to her, which if it’s true, is absurdly pathetic, manipulative, and abusive behaviour. And if it’s not true and it’s actually what you wanted, then it’s the oldest move in the abuser handbook and likely terrified your wife.

    You are not a mentally healthy or safe person and you shouldn’t date anybody else. You should also leave your poor ex wife alone, because she deserves to live a happy fulfilling life away from the toxic immature much older man who swooped her up fresh out of college.

  11. He wants to open your relationship, and has been accusing you of seeing somebody for 2 years?

    Sounds like he's already been seeing other people.

    Leave him and find somebody worthy.

  12. OP, you need to pull your head out of the sand and see this relationship for what it is, and that's nothing more than a convenience for her until her flirting can find her someone better than you.

    For God's sake, why would you consent to something like this? Get a little self-respect and kick this trashy woman to the curb.

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