AlanaRoose live webcams for YOU!


⚡, ✨When you see my panties wet, you’ll know i’m ready ;)♥/ TIP MENU ACTIVE/ At goal: SEXY DANCE & NAKED [Multi Goal]

Date: November 1, 2022

53 thoughts on “AlanaRoose live webcams for YOU!

  1. I live alone and sleep alone. I remember for a while there I would be laying there completely still and wide awake and feel my bed shake. It was so weird. I finally realized I think it was my heartbeat that was literally shaking my bed. That’s the only thing that I can think of.

  2. Invite her. Talk to her before buying tickets. Don’t even consider lying. You give her reason to be insecure.

  3. I think someone hit the nail saying he probably wants to spend the night there. It’s a different feeling waking up to your kids vs coming in later in the day. Don’t make him pick between his kids or you, cause you’ll lose every single time.

    I think maybe plan on what you’ll be doing together later in the day. This is a battle you’ve already lost so there’s no point in trying to get him to change his mind. He’s being a good dad trying to make Xmas as normal as possible for them.

  4. No, I said they staying together in this toxic and abusive marriage with inflict emotional damage to the kid. I totally think she’s the abusive one and I think he says some shit he probably shouldn’t say but I think it’s more reactive to her BS. But regardless it’s toxic and he should get out.

  5. We are still friends on snapchat and he saved a lot of them through there. I just feel like he didn’t delete them. I don’t trust him with these kinds of things. I wouldn’t want him showing them to anyone or anything weird.

  6. Honestly I would end the relationship, but not for anything he’s done, you sounded more enthusiastic about being single in the post and you, right now don’t seem the emotional maturity for a relationship

  7. It’s a slippery slope, especially if there are unresolved feelings on your friend’s side of things.

    Given that you have been friends for 3 years, I can see why you’d want to stay in touch. If your gf is fine with it, and maybe even incorporating her into your friendship, as she’s stated in the past, it should be fine.

    Although, make the boundaries clear from the get go, if you are to do this. I also found subtle ways to make the boundaries clearer with my friends that are girls when I was in a relationship (my ex had issues with that at times) such as mentioning the relationship in conversation and using words that implied they were in the friend zone only.

  8. But she doesn’t live or work there. She is choosing to go to parties. She is choosing to get black out drunk and high. She is choosing to be around friends who do not look out for her.

  9. Has she physically harmed you before?

    Triggers or not, it doesn't give you a free pass to cause harm. It would be a deal breaker for me.

    Speaking as someone who married a man who get get triggered and ended up being his emotional and then later down the line physically punch bag

  10. I hope you work this out with her, because it sounds like besides this you two have a good thing going now that you’ve both straightened out.

  11. You lost me at cocaine, the cheating was just the icing on the cake.

    I fail to see why you would define this relationship as “wonderful” when it is (and has been) anything but. Wonderful relationships look and feel different than what you described.

    He is trying to blame the cheating on alcohol, but the alcohol doesn't make you do things, it just makes it easier to go for what you wanted to begin with. He's been saying nice words and making promises to you for a long time, and yet that's all they were, words. His actions always told a different story, one that you seem to be unable (or unwilling) to accept as true.

    Do not ignore all the glaring deal breakers. If he is like this now, I can only imagine how much worse he will be once you get married and he gets bored. Why are you even considering ruining your life willingly and knowingly? It's not like you are blindsided, you know what you're getting yourself into. I know you love him, but be smart. You only have one life, don't ruin it for someone so….yuck.

  12. You don't have time for therapy but you can both find time for affairs. If you aren't both willing to put in the work on you marriage then end it.

  13. Sometimes we reject help because we don’t want to feel pitied or burden the others around us when we know they’re struggling through it too, even when we are struggling more.

    Take notice of the tasks she does, and maybe you can arrange a night out for her by yourself. Don’t ask her. Just surprise her, not spur of the moment, but like maybe one to seven days before. That way she isn’t immediately slammed with needing to get ready, finish tasks she hasn’t done because she didn’t plan on not being home, or whatever else may be an inconvenience by a spur of the moment surprise.

    Hell it doesn’t even have to be a night out, but occasionally organizing time for her to have self care time is just one less step she has to do. Some great suggestions would be organizing a night with her and her friends, a pedicure, a hair appointment, a shopping spree, a massage, getting her nails done, a hobby she likes to do, or anything she’s interested in. Obviously you know your wife better than I, so you’ll know what she appreciates more out of this list.

    Also one more tip for day to day, but don’t ask what tasks she needs help with. Observe her daily tasks, and just pick up some of those extra tasks that you can do. Don’t ask her. Just do the task. That way she doesn’t feel like she’s forcing you to do something she can do.

    Wishing you the best! Stay healthy and happy!

  14. 6 years is way more time than I would have given before expecting a marriage. Got engaged in 3 and married in 5 personally, a lot more reasonable. Stop wasting her time ffs.

  15. Does your lawyer want you to stay in the home until divorce is final? Who will be keeping the home, or will it need to be sold? That is the big question for me- otherwise just move out and have her served. You could communicate by text and let her know before you file. Let her family and know as well. They also should know about the affair, context matters. She knows this is coming, you were clear with her on that point. You don’t need to ask her for a divorce/separation, just let her know it is coming.

  16. I stopped reading after the part where you said she’s already cheated on you multiple times. Grow some balls. Leave.

  17. Noted. I guess my issue with it is this ex caused such an issue for us in the beginning and I’m shocked out of all people he slept with her. He spoke so poorly of her and minimized their relationship, yet would catch the bus?

  18. it's clearly more complicated than “fucking randoms”. I'm doing moving away so I can go to a decent university. The other options are break up with her, or have both of us remain celibate for the next 4 years. I haven't decided on anything yet, I simply wanted to know how to bring it up with her.

    Plenty of people are happier in open relationships, I'm just trying a way for ours to survive.

  19. I agree. I have always had insecurity like that towards our relationship because it means a lot to me, and since it's my first I really want to make sure I do it right. I will have to get over that insecurity at some point, which is something I've been working on

  20. Id be gone to be honest. Its not your job to watch his daughter while he is at work.. Sure the odd time is cool and would be good bonding with her, but all of the time and hes not even there to help? He should change the schedule around to have the daughter when he is actually available. Im sure your life is much easier without him in it and your teenage kids probably arent big fans of the set up either.

  21. Who knows what has made its way into that bottle of hand cream since. I don’t even believe that’s what he was really doing because it is so ridiculous. His wallet or cellphone, yes. A maybe half-full bottle of Neutrogena hand cream? Isn’t his time worth more than the cost to replace it?

  22. Your partner is a cheat, he cheated and lied to both of you, you need to think on whether you want a baby and if you should be in a relationship with him especially if there's any truth to what she said that he abused her

  23. It's not a heartbeat it's a glob of cells, it doesn't have a heart yet, that's fluid swishing around the uterus. I hate this misconception.

    You can mourn for the baby you wanted it to become but right now it doesn't have a fucking heartbeat or nerves or feel pain. But your gf does. How will you feel about being a single father if she dies?

  24. I have a hard time differentiating between when it's okay to help and when it's too much. Like, we all need help sometimes.

  25. He's probably thinking that you wouldn't take him seriously if he asked you out. You can drop a few clues, and see what happens. Tell him your mother keeps telling you to date white boys, but none of them have ever asked you out…not yet, anyway, but…maybe one will…someday…maybe even today…you never know what might happen…are you going to ask me out already??? Why yes, I would love to go have coffee this afternoon! For future reference, my ring size is 9.5.

  26. This doesn't seem like a family but like a cult. You need to understand that adults in normal relationships with each other are not this codependent. Hell even married couples usually can manage without entangling themselves to this degree.

    Everyone has a need to belong somewhere but you talk like your entire life revolves around this.

  27. Listen, you can break up with someone even if they aren't a terrible or abusive person. You can break up just because you would rather be alone than with this person, or because you don't feel happy. You don't need some urgent reason to end a relationship or any reason at all. The relationship should be adding to your life and if it isn't, just leave. I wish someone had told me earlier that you can just reject someone that you aren't attracted to or wouldn't have seen as a potential partner if they didn't throw themselves at you or whatever. I kept dating people who pursued me bc I didn't have any “good reason” to hurt their feelings by saying no despite them all being people I had to learn to be attracted to. It's not necessary, you can just not. Go find someone you actually like.

  28. I think every pregnancy should have a mandatory paternity test at birth. It should be a standard procedure. There have been many, many posts on Reddit and elsewhere with father's finding out they were raising someone else's child. Most estimates put the percentage at 3 to 5 percent, though some say as high as 30 percent (unlikely). So, in a room of 100 men, 3 to 5 of them has been unknowingly raising someone else's child. That's still pretty shitty odds. If you have nothing to worry about , why dies it bother you?

  29. Girl, I feel for you and wish you luck. Sorry you’re having to go through this. It isn’t fair. It’s hard to impossible to ever gain back trust in a relationship after one party has squashed it.

  30. Ya he is over there right now! I haven’t ever said he CANT go, just that it makes me uncomfortable. Just don’t know if him not making me feel secure is a dealbreaker or not :/

  31. Sounds like you guys are no longer in a good relationship. You don't want to spend time with him (Wont cook with him, want to stream play games instead) And you both have resentments about work/life balance. Time for some single life IMO.

  32. she had been feeling neglected and depressed which is why she tried to kiss him.

    Instead of talking with her fiance like an adult should she decide to cheat on you with your mutual friend. Imagine if she can't be trusted to be alone with an old friend, will you be okay if she's out with a new colleague or someone she just met. Here your old friend told you out of guilt but if it happens again the other guys won't tell you.

    You got a chance to see the real her and move on. Don't get married to her. She has a lot of things to work on herself before she's ready for a relationship let alone to be married.

  33. Nothing in your post history makes me think this is an easy dynamic to live in. Your boyfriend has a history of being inflexible and uncaring and you’re in the comments making excuses. Has this behavior escalated steadily or has he been like this since day one?

  34. So what advice do you actually want here? Because everyone who has told you the correct way to proceed in an adult relationship and you're bending over backwards to figure out a way to negotiate with someone who is STEALING YOUR STUFF.

  35. We were together for a year and a half before she met this guy. Before she met him, everything was fine. I was happy, she was happy, but it changed when she met him. She told me she feels like he just understands her more and that they have much better conversations. Apparently, she feels a genuine connection to him. I thought we had that, but I guess she felt differently

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