Adriana-Carter live webcams for YOU!


adriana-carter chat

Date: November 6, 2022

10 thoughts on “Adriana-Carter live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is weird behavior. Every anime fan i know, regardless of gender, is well aware of how over the top the fan service is and isn’t a fan of it. Your bf probably likes it but is ashamed to say

  2. This is not normal, no not at all. He’s thirty-five and you think you can teach him how to be a decent person? He should already just be a decent person. That’s a low bar too and he’s way below it. You’re not his mommy and it’s not your life journey and purpose to fix him.

    You were hurt and he laughed at you. He chose to fight with you the rest of the day instead of trying to understand WHY it hurt you. “I never thought of it that way. I’m sorry I wasn’t supportive, I’ll do better next time” was all it could take from him. He clearly does not know how to communicate in a healthy way when you’re hurt. And he is sexist.

    That group chat is worse in my opinion, and you can’t go back to being unaware. THIS is who your boyfriend is. The group picture is a woman they all know without her consent? Makes me wonder what kind of stuff could they possibly be sharing on there with a picture like that as the icon? (I’m being sarcastic)

    I think this dude knows he doesn’t have anything to offer to women besides material goods hence finding him on a site like that. They take advantage of young women, but it is not your fault. But it will be if you continue to turn a blind eye to all these things your boyfriend says and does. You deserve so much better than this. You’re twenty-six and it’s only been a year. I personally think you’d should break up with him and really reflect or consider therapy to figure out why you’re willing to tolerate such sexist and rude behavior with your boyfriend when clearly you don’t like when a stranger does it.

  3. I bet this is not an isolated incident. I bet you are also not allowed to have any female friends, and you need her permission to be out with friends. I bet she does not like your friends and makes wanting to see them really miserable. I also bet when you look in a direction and she happens to notice an attractive woman (that you may not have even noticed) you get accused of gawking and an argument ensues. I bet she’s always right and you are always wrong and you apologize even when she is the offender. Correct me anywhere I am wrong.

  4. I mean thats a fine analogy. Some woman won't go near an uncircumcised punishment, and want to know beforehand. Might be a deal breaker.

  5. So, the sooner you send her over to him the better. Don't let her blackmail you like that. Jeez.

  6. That’s smart. Let her know that it’s not a bluff and there will absolutely be serious consequences if she does anything stupid. Thank you.

  7. She won't cut him off, she'll just lie to you about it like she already has. She's getting something out of this relationship with him and I fucking doubt he's a closeted gay man. It does not matter how much her sugar daddy makes, HE'S SPENDING HIS MONEY ON HER!

    Grow a spine. You think for one minute she's not using you for your income? Wake up, she doesn't love you, she loves your income and the fact you are likely lavishing it on her.

  8. I'm aware of what you said in your first paragraph, that's why I might be forgiving in the specific circumstances I'd mentioned, i.e. a one time sexual thing and she's very remorseful and apologetic.

    Completely agree with your second paragraph, different people often have different perspectives on the same situation.

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