Addison-fleming live webcams for YOU!


hello guys I’m new welcome to my room

Date: November 6, 2022

12 thoughts on “Addison-fleming live webcams for YOU!

  1. Everyone is saying the right things about how you are insecure, “small dick energy,” and the like, but I believe you actually are onto something. Doing something in her past enthusiastically and being stingy with you is a sign. She probably was more into him sexually, but sees something different in you. So, it seems like you can get over it and accept that she liked him more sexually or break up with her.

  2. I would like to but I can see it going down hill quick. According to her she's wanted to be married since she was young so idk if she will lose composure. After thinking about it I think it's better to just give it to her in bed and lay by her.

  3. I doubt you can salvage this. From her point of view it's already over, has been for a long time. She most likely sees you as free housing, food and maid all in one. She doesn't respect you nor cares about you. I understand that it's heartbreaking but you'll need to move on. She doesn't deserve you.

  4. Smoking in the house is beyond low ? Shit’s nasty, and bro is 42 and finds that acceptable? Nahhh, he’s way older than you. Just leave him

  5. Break ups suck. There is absolutely no way to break up with someone and not hurt them, so best to be upfront and just do it.

    I suggest meeting in a neutral place, then say “Jessica, this relationship isn't working out for me. We need to break up.”

    When she asks why, tell her she is sweet and kind but you're just not ready for the level of commitment she wants from you.

    Please do NOT be the asshole who ghosts someone or breaks up over text. That's cowardly and childish, unless there is risk of danger. It doesn't sound like that is the case here.

    It will suck in the moment, and then afterwards all you're going to feel is sweet relief.

  6. you’re right about that. he’s my first everything, and now that there is a baby involved who i love more than anything i find it even harder to leave even though i know deep down i want to. i just want my baby with me so i know he’s safe and i’m scared going the legal route will make things messy.

  7. This help me a great deal, thank you so much for the ideas on what to say to him. Honestly I do care about him, and I want him to know that. So I think saying something like this could help him understand me too. Thank you

  8. Does she know you got it from a female friend?

    I mean her response is still unreasonable and you still did nothing wrong, I’m just wondering if she sees it as like you cuddling your friend or something

  9. oh you are fine. You are 19, and this is just a lesson among many more that will come your way. What ifs are pointless. There is a whole world of men out there for you to make your next mistake with. Enjoy the possibilities. I'm not being glib, I mean it. Go out and make all kinds of mistakes and have fun.

  10. You should talk about yourself to someone who will actually listen to you and value the things you say.

    I don’t want to sound mean but your boyfriend seems kinda self-centered and uncaruing. Okay maybe a little mean. Go and find a better salmon

  11. There's also “positive racism”

    Like, touching & complimenting hair of POC f.E , because “they feel SO different then our hair! SO special & beautiful!”

    Nice intention, still discriminating a whole ethnicity because of a physical difference no one can control.

    My ex has super cool, curly hair as a white man & I guarantee you, while 3/10 people wanted to touch his hair, it was 9/10 for our POC friend .

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