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Room for online video chats _wonder_women991

_wonder_women991live sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “_wonder_women991live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. So would that mean I’m on the way out and need to rip off a band-aid or is she just bored and worried about me?

  2. u/Brilliant_Path5119, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. And there comes a point where if someone isn’t seeing to their own needs, they can no longer help others.

    If you martyr yourself on the altar of family, I hope your god honors martyrs.

  4. How am I being controlling and dictating when my husband can use cologne? Or how he grooms himself? I’m simply asking for opinions from strangers on why my husband wears perfume to go to work? Because who knows maybe other people in the world wear expensive cologne to a painting job site and I would like other peoples perspective too. I’m not sure if you read the whole post, but I think it would’ve been best if you read the entire post instead of assuming I’m controlling?

  5. I don't know if it was your intention to make your text look like you don't want to change anything in your behaviour or are denying being flirty with your boss. This text really looks like you don't want to do anything and I hope you didn't mean it like that.

    Ask your partner what especially comes off as flirting. If he gives you clear answers, ask yourself if you did that. If yes, you need to decide if you respect his point of view or not.

  6. Same here. I was 14 year old and thought it was so cool that I was dating a super senior. Now that I think about it, he was grooming me and would definitely try to force himself on me when I was hanging out with him at his home.

  7. Glad to hear that. I think it’s better that you figure out what you really want rather then finding out down the line you’re really unhappy in your relationship.

  8. You need to leave. Right now. Sorry not sorry, if anyone tells you they will harm or kill you for ANY reason you leave then. You dont wait for them to decide it's now acceptable to do it for their fucking honor. And to add that he threatened the life of your nonexistant child to prove his belief in such a thing?? You need to go, this will not go away, he wont change, this isn't a red flag..its a red fucking napalm in the center of your heart that he just set off. That sentence was a threat and a betrayal. Take that sign and exit.

  9. Friend, you're in your 30s. This full-grown, fully brain developed, adult man has weaponized his incompetence. He doesn't create a safe space for you to even talk about your feelings, and he's content with you being his mother. This behavior doesn't change unless he wants it to, and he clearly doesn't. He doesn't even admit there's a problem. So take stock, if zero things changed, is this the live you want for yourself? If the answer is no, then it's time to go. You brought it up, he dismissed it and attacked you, and he's not looking for a solution. He dismisses you on every level, including your very real chronic illness. You don't have a partner. You have a selfish child.

  10. I’m thinking It’s easier for everyone to forgive a person with mental health issues than an asshole…

  11. It wouldn't be cheating but honestly i would think it's super weird that my partner was having sexual chats with a bot…. Not cheating but i would still break up over it lmao

  12. Everything is as ok as you let it be. If he wants a butt plug with a raccoon tail and you like that, then it’s ok. If you don’t want to send him pics at all that’s ok too.

  13. Where in my post did I say that? It is often more traumatizing to us rape victims to go through getting a rape kit done only for the police and justice system to do nothing – or worse, tell us it was our fault. Have you not paid attention to any of the widely known cases of rape? The amount of women who did rape kits, had multiple witnesses, and their rapists still got off with little to no punishment at all? Can you not grasp how that makes something even more traumatizing to a person?

  14. Write him silly love notes around the house. You just gave me the best orgasm last night! Put it in his wallet.

    I never thought I would have such an amazing lover.

    etc etc etc.

    Do this every day for a month.

  15. Did I mess up somehow?

    It's poor form to ask someone out while they are working. If anything you leave your number.

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