Emily Leah live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 22, 2022

10 thoughts on “Emily Leah live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think I am going to ask for a separation for 3 or 6 months, and ask her to see if she wants to try it out with him. We will both be free to do what we want during this period. I cant really think of any other way to move forward here.

  2. I do now. It took me over 13 years to see it tho. This whole fight is trying to get what I should've had to begin with if I wasn't manipulated into leaving my name off of everything when we bought at the time. Looking back I was so brainwashed

  3. My ex did the same thing and we were living together. Had to break a lease and everything. When her new man turned out to be the asshole I told her he was she tried to come back and I told her to die in a fire. You’re lucky he even speaks to you honestly. Honorable man, you messed up.

  4. Thank you that makes a lotta sense, I know none of it’s intentional I’m just scared for the impact it might have on our relationship

  5. My OCD has nothing to do with this, I’m not fixated on it. And yes I made that post during a low point but I’m fine now, and the post didn’t have anything to do with relationships either.

  6. Your friends say a lot about you as a person if she wasn't willing to distance herself from them after that is a red flag. You can't decide who she is friends with, but you can walk away because she is.

  7. While these I guess are real questions that absolutely do not play out in his favor the most telling thing here is that these are not what your main concern should be.

    Maybe you should seek someone to talk this through with. A counselor would probably be really helpful.

    I mean yeah he's going to get sick of you most likely. It might be because you get older, it might be because he makes the conquest, it might be when he's not able to manipulate you anymore, it might be when you pop out his children, it might be when the next child hits on him, it might be when your daughter brings home friends, you don't know because you don't know this man at all.

    He slept with a child just before he met you. So not only was he attracted to that but he was willing to do damage to them for his sexual gratification. And I'm not being hyperbolic… as an adult he should know that relationship was extremely inappropriate and damaging for an 18 year old.

    Also have you looked at a fresh 18 year old lately? Interacted with one? If you have a friend with a highschool age sibling ask to take them and a couple of their friends to lunch. Sit in the presence of a child and realize your fiance's cock was hard while you I'm sure will be well aware that you are sharing a table with children.

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