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MiaBlossomlive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat MiaBlossom

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Date: October 21, 2022

62 thoughts on “MiaBlossomlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Bro you really need to move on. Trust me 20s aren't as long as you think. You'll regret this when you're older, move on. You won't regret leaving this situation when you're older… why you may ask? Because you will 100% find someone better!! Push yourself to be better by yourself, don't rely on a relationship.

    The pools always shrinking. You're losing an opportunity a day. Date as much as you can, don't settle. And remember the best thing you can learn to do as a man is know when to walk away. Never force something to work

  2. My female friends and I all get changed in front of each other (I am also bisexual). I have my nipples pierced and a chest tattoo, have accidentally flashed my nipples whilst showing my tattoo. I wouldn’t stay with anyone that counted those things as cheating, and make that very clear before and during a relationship. I suggest you find a partner that’s more secure in themselves.

  3. I hope you find something more fulfilling in life than to argue with a Redditor about their personal relationship. I asked a question and it got answered.

    I have answers to all of those questions but none of it is your business.

  4. Okay, I don’t understand. If she isn’t living anymore isn’t it logical that you are No contact with her? Or did she survive? Are we talking about your gf?

    Anyway, what I have learned is that nobody commits suicide just because of one reason. It’s a multitude. Unfortunately a lot of these people are very good at hiding their pain and acting like everything is perfectly fine.

    Don’t sit alone at home. Go to someone, a good friend a therapist. Someone. However people are hurt right now and they will say a lot of things without thinking. Don’t listen to them.

  5. A part of relationships is about compromise and boundaries. Your boundary is you don't want her to see or communicate her ex. Fair enough.

    She could compromise and accept an email or text from her ex. No need to meet in person for an apology. But she doesn't seem like she wants to do that.

    Ask her to accept an apology over text or email. If there's no compromise then you have to ask yourself. Are you happy with her ex being part of her life for the rest of your relationship? In fact, propose that question outloud to her.

    Be prepared to walk away and know you'll find a healthier relationship.

  6. They're also his kids. So he also gets a say. And we don't know why he doesn't want her mom or sister watch them.

  7. Well, it worked for me. I’m well aware that it’s different with my wife, but I won’t be as intense about it.

  8. If it wasn't your mother but a less close relative, or perhaps a friend who said those things to your brother, would you want them in your life?

    Who she is to you isn't what's relevent. Look objectively at who she is in her own right. Only you can decide if you're comfortable having a relationship with someone who could say those things to someone in crisis. You clearly love your brother. Someone hurt him. What does that mean to you regardless of who the other person is?

  9. I'm sorry that you're going through this difficulty. It sounds like you have strong suspicions about your partner's behavior and I understand how difficult it must be for you.

    My advice is to talk to your partner openly and honestly about what has happened, and how their actions may have made you feel. Talk through the evidence that has been presented – including the c-ring in their bedside table – without accusing them of anything, but rather expressing your worries calmly. If there is still suspicion after such a conversation, then consider seeking independent relationship counselling or speaking with someone at a helpline who can give anonymous advice unbiased by either party in the relationship.

  10. Hello /u/rulerofeverything180,

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  13. ? Your husband knows that his family treats you poorly and still chooses to stay with them: He's choosing his family over you. This is not a marriage. If you decide to stay this will be your life and your children will also suffer abuse. So please do NOT have children with this man! You're still very young and have your whole life ahead of you. Don't be afraid to start anew. You and your future children deserve a good and happy life with a loving family.

  14. Thats why he doesn't like her searching those. She might be onto him with this information. It's a key aspect of abusers, to keep their victims dumb.

  15. Is this kind of behavior common? Do y’all fight a lot like this? Is she always trying to control your time? Does she gaslight or try to manipulate your emotions often? These are the sort of questions you need to ask yourself and then decided if that’s what you want in a partner.

  16. Yeah this doesn’t sound like monkey branching to me. It sounds like she just dates people she knows already. And j wouldn’t look too deep into compliments like that. It’s an innocent one. Girls just compliment friends a lot. If she was calling you hot/sexy/etc. that might be a little much but ‘handsome’ seems fine to me.

    but if you’re uncomfortable with her kissing friends on the cheek or anything like that you can always have that conversation with her. I think that’ll be a fair boundary.

  17. Dude she is testing the waters on you.

    This isn't the girl for you.

    Don't make a thing out of it and just with dignity and pride in yourself end it.

    If you blow up or show insecurity she is gonna win.

    Play this cool and move on.

  18. We are not the typical high school relationship.

    Yes, you are.

    We never get sucked into BS drama

    That's literally what this entire post is about lmao

  19. This is great advice, thank you. I'm a very anxious person about much smaller things than marriage, so therapy is a good idea.

  20. This is so weird. She hardly showers and when u bring it up she gets mad and or cries? Is this a woman or a child

  21. You VERY clearly did favour and still favour your son. Look at the way you talk about her vs him.

    You stupidly slept with a cheating married man.

    You had his children.

    You were cruel to your daughter.

    You decided to leave the country and leave a dying cheater in the hands of your daughter.

    You chose to spend money on your son and not her.

    You now only want contact with her for money.

    She grew up in spite of you, you awful, terrible mother.

  22. I mean the thing you're saying, where for some reason Reddit culture has this weird emphasis on bjs, it seemed like he and his dudebro friends are tapping into whatever that toxic entitlement is.

  23. I'm more of an immediate texter, but I've dated people that took hours or days. Sometimes thats an indicator of their interest level. Other times thats just how they treat everyone

  24. Both are young now. Sex is important in life but sex is not life.

    I appreciate your bf because lots of persons cheating and create trust issues. He is genuinely telling his feelings and he is not wanting to cheating on you.

    Best give him space. Take time think twice both of them.

    Take good decision. High sex drive is created by hormone.

  25. Prostitution is ‘consensual rape’. The ‘consent’ part only exists because it’s bought because the prostitute is in a position of needing money. How consensual is sex truly in that case?

  26. Not the worst thing in the world but I (M) see where you are coming from. I wouldn't tell him now, way too early in the relationship. As someone said make sure you are covered before you say anything. What are the chances that the person who knows will talk too much? What about a “customer”? No matter whether this relationship works, at some point you will be faced with the same problem. My immediate reaction is that it isn't necessary that anyone knows if there's no way you can be exposed. I'm pretty old and I have seen situations that are much worse and have been ok. I know people won't agree with my point of view and, of course I have no idea what kind of person you are but I assume you were young and you took a route that most wouldn't take for reasons that seemed expedient at the time. The people telling you to get a new job seem to be forgetting that you are going to face this with any person you end up with. Hope you make it and have a wonderful life. (As an aside…most of the posts say don't tell. I really thought the do gooders would be all over your ass. They aren't, listen to them…don't tell)

  27. Sounds like your girlfriend might be going through some bouts depression. How long have y’all been together?

    If it’s a change in behavior that would be a red flag to me that something is going on, and it might have nothing to do with you.

  28. Yes. But. from. my. perspective. if. my. partner. hasn’t. seen. friends. in. some. months. i. would. not. see. the. issue. for. hanging. out. with. them. when. i. see. her. every. single. day.

  29. to go back to the wife when the affair partner (or love interest) backs out of the “situation”

    Us youngins call this “cushion” btw. Plan B if Plan A doesnt work out.

  30. Nah man, that was half of it, but it was more like “don't be a dick to me at the wedding, which I feel like I have to ask because you've historically been a major dick to me”.

    The same message could be phrased way better if OP was actually interested in smoothing things out.

  31. Okay as a parent to a non-parent who doesn’t like babies, you literally have zero idea of what you’re talking about. You have absolutely not one single clue. Until you have thrown horm

  32. These games people play seem dumb as hell. Are they actually fun, or is the point that it will sow discord at some point?

  33. It sounds like you want to enter therapy so you can get back together with her. I'm worried that as soon as you got back together with you you would drop therapy and it would turn back to the same old same old.

    Aren't you tired of letting your anger and panic take over your life and erase what is left of your morals and goodness? I don't see you making an effort to step into her shoes. Don't you think she despaired every time you lashed out at her? When my abuser did that it just absolutely gutted me, and years later, I still feel the aftereffects. It is an absolute effort to make sure that my abuser's methods does not contaminate the way I raise my child.

    You may have every intent of being a better person, but intent and desire isn't enough. It requires hard work, and in your case, the work involves letting her go. You've hurt her tremendously and deeply, but when you say

    She could just talk and take this pain away.

    It's pretty clear that you want HER to do the work and fix it for you. If you were truly sorry you would realize that you have hurt her so much that she may never want to speak to you again. And if you were sorry, you would be willing to accept those consequences, and spend each and every day of your life being a better person for others. But do NOT expect the people you've abused to provide you comfort, solace, and encouragement. This is too much to expect. They've have carried your emotional burden too many times, and it's time for you to lift it yourself.

    I wish you grace in the times ahead.

  34. It’s a stupid game because you didn’t talk to her to figure out whether she checked out of the relationship or if something else was up.

    Instead you hired someone to flirt with her, got upset to find out she responded back and didn’t right out say she has a boyfriend.

  35. i’m not sure what everyone is bashing on the guy when OP wasn’t honest with him from the beginning. he may or may not have had pure intentions but OP pretty much lead him on.

  36. “Why would I want to initiate sex with someone who talks to me the way you do”

    And then break up. There are plenty of women who treat their partners like humans instead of like sex toys.

  37. I want to have kids. She doesn’t want to have kids

    Sorry to tell you but that is an incompatibility that can not be resolved.

    This is not really a marriage. I suggest that you get individual counseling to help you make the difficult decisions.

  38. You already may have bud again nothing to do with you she’s just realizing she wasn’t ready for all this especially at that age. She may want to see if the grass is greener on the other side, don’t be surprised if she comes crawling back and misses what you currently have.

  39. While I agree that typically, things between two people should stay between two people, in this context I would say it's a non issue.

  40. Hmm, well, it's possible she wanted to try him out the party weekend, then give you a shot later.

    Since, reasonably, there's no reason to deceive you like that over him saying y'all don't vibe well.

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