Cristal live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 18, 2022

14 thoughts on “Cristal live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think it depends on his views as a Republican. If he can separate the views of his party that fit him and the views that infringe basic human decency and rights on others, it’s probably not that bad. If he is open minded, not that bad. Basically, if he’s not homophobic, sexist, racist, ableist, prejudice…then he’s a-okay. Now, let me say this: Republicans are not and never have been the only party to be all of those terrible things. So you can’t base his morality simply on that.

    On the other hand, maybe talking about politics will open your mind on other things. My partner and I didn’t start the relationship believing the same things. He was a hardcore conspiracy theorist and I was a hardcore liberal. Now, however, we have both evened each other out. I am kind of getting into certain conspiracies (not the dumb ones, actual ones that make sense and solely governmental theories) and he has opened his mind to more liberal points of view as well. It’s a balance.

    The one major thing to remember is this: BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES ARE CORRUPT. Neither one of them have anyone’s best interest in mind bht their own. If they weren’t getting popular vote, the Democratic Party would not be so gung-ho for human rights. If the Republicans weren’t getting popular vote they wouldn’t be so hardcore the other way. Also, they will always oppose each other. If the Republican Party one day decides, hey, I’m gonna be decent and protect human rights then the Democratic Party would then right around and be the opposite. That’s the whole damn point of political parties. To keep us, the peoples, divided. They don’t ever want us to see eye to eye about anything, because then we won’t be distracted anymore and they won’t be able to make underhanded deals and plan secret things without us noticing. Thats just the facts. The government controls how we view the world. They always have.

    Sorry. End of rant. Wishing you the best!

  2. Wow. Through good and through BAD times, in sickness and in health.

    Do your vows mean anything for you?? Why did you marry him in the first place?

    I can‘t loose the feeling, that you are very shallow.

  3. You can't make someone be unselfish and honestly if he hasn't changed then he won't change now and he'd proven that time and time again

    Personally if he can't be selfless and put you first sometimes and support you then I highly doubt you should marry this person you'll regret it

  4. We’re not planning on having children until about 5 years down the road. $1700 a month is crazy! I didn’t consider children much.

    I think we should branch out too, ask ourselves where we really want to be. Thanks for the advice.

  5. Are you judging her through her social media? You know that only shows a small portion of a persons life, right? And one they control, as well. Don't judge her through her FB. In fact, you'd be far better off just making a conscious decision to completely opt out of social media for a period of time, like six months to a year. Spend the time you'd have been going on FB by doing something nice for yourself instead. Take yourself on a self-date, buy yourself a nice gift, spend some time making yourself look or feel better. Exercise to make yourself look and feel better. Dress up for no reason but because you want to look nice. Date yourself for a bit. In a month or so, try to add another person to that dynamic. But for at least two months, prioritize yourself.

  6. You aren't dating if you've never even seen his face.

    Tell him to send you a pic or video call you. It's been months, both of you need to know if he's hitting the friend zone or not.

  7. OP believes him. She believes his lies. Therefore, she won't end the relationship.

    Idk, when people come here, it means the surface is cracking.

    But the line “we are pregnant” gives fake vibes to me.

  8. Omg that's just unlocked a whole bunch of teenage drinking memories and of guys being all weird about me drinking pints.

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