Alisya-Dusan live webcams for YOU!


Totally naked [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

12 thoughts on “Alisya-Dusan live webcams for YOU!

  1. Agreed. Im a woman and I’ve seen most of my close female friends’ boobs at some point in time, and not in a sexual way. Just like changing clothes, swimming, sunning, or whatever. It happens and it’s really NBD.

  2. You need to let him know and bring the kid to meet his father.

    Children need there daddy's too. Growing up without a dad is hard on kids. Call him tell him and ask to meet him.

  3. It's shitty at some points but last week I thought of walking but I couldn't. My family asks me same thing but like I told them she's my love of my life if they don't want nothing to do with her than they can write me off. This Friday is her last day of working hopefully she eases up.

    It was fucked up and my knee still kills me after that but it is what it is. At that moment I wanted to kick door down but I just got her cigarettes and went to sleep and when she came in bed she let me go down on her for an hour. Like I've said the amount of shit she's done to me makes me wonder why I am so committed to her but it's how it is. I'm not saying it's healthy or whatever but I'm saying how it is. If I weren't me and saw someone in my situation I would think he's a joke but I can't live without her.

  4. Depending on how good a divorce lawyer your dad gets, and what the laws are like where they live, she will probably get half of everything.

    And yes, if she’s acting as you describe, cut her from your life. If you think she cares about you at all, you could try getting her to not ask for half of everything if you stay in her life (easier to word it like “if you try to take Dad for half of everything he has worked for this will be the last contact you ever have with me”)

  5. They were married for twelve years – however it might have ended at one time they did care for each other.

    You can still care for someone and not be in love/love them anymore – let's put it this way – you say that if he didn't care he wouldn't care what her reaction is.

    You don't need to still have feelings for someone in order to not want to actively hurt them.

    He wanted to have a child with this person as well – he grieved and accepted it wasn't going to happen – he knows what she went through because he went through it with her.

    What you describe as “having feelings, is having empathy, caring for someone and being a decent human being.

    It doesn't take much to know that the news will stir up old feelings for his ex – you just have to have slightly more feeling in you than a pet rock.

  6. Most likely scenario, she’s projecting. She’s cheating and it created a deep insecurity that you are also cheating on her. The lie is her trying to manipulate you into confessing.

  7. I'm waiting for the day people will start saying “the number of men like this out there is sad”.

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