Liia-ebony live webcams for YOU!


my first day together [403 tokens remaining]

Date: October 18, 2022

17 thoughts on “Liia-ebony live webcams for YOU!

  1. Congratulations!!! This internet stranger is so very proud of you!

    Yes, it sucks to break up. And it’s ok to grieve it however you need to. You’re a badass and you’re going to find someone amazing who treats you the way you deserve, because now you know you’re strong enough not to accept any less.

  2. He was weak in the face of trouble, cared more about himself than you who was also physically ill. He tantrummed like a child and isn't keeping his promise. A lot of empty words. He's possibly guilty for what he mad you do and that's why he keeps avoiding you..

    But girl you deserve better. Dump the manchild.

  3. She’s all you knew and now your broken hearted.

    Just be glad she didn’t go through the motions, marriage, kids etc…. Because you would be in a bigger world of shit.

    There’s a first time for everything. And your experiencing it.

  4. Does this mean anything? I dont mean “woo-woo” like is this a common pattern for someone with abandonment trauma? Or something similar?

  5. Honestly, I agree. I he should leave her. There is really no coming back from that after the # of years its been hidden. But OP still needs to seek reconcilation with the fact he was cheated on and lied to many years about it.

    Y'all dont understand what the sub is for. Its for those who choose to reconcile or not. Resources for either option can be provided.

    I joined that sub, read other peoples story. Got other peoples feedback who been in the same exact situation. Got to see both side from people who tried to stayed or decided to leave and how they did/delt with it. When I left, alot of people gave better resources to me then this sub did.

    So go ahead and keep down voting my comment but OP its definately useful if your looking for better support that you find in this sub. There is also another r/afterinfidenity I think, thats good (might have to come back and edit that).

  6. Typical, man wants open relationship but only really open for him. You're pathetic. I hope he's fucking your wife real good.

  7. You don't do anything that doesn't feel right. He should not try to pressure or persuade you to do anything like this. If you aren't enough for him, he needs to say that, so you can move on and find someone who appreciates you.

  8. What? It's not a boundary mate. It's basic human decency.

    “Sorry, one of my boundaries is that I don't like to be falsely accused of rape.”

    She is unhinged and incredibly dangerous. He needs to leave her immediately.

  9. Maybe decide to not be in several bands and make time for your girl. Or don’t have a girl and be in several bands. Your girlfriend wants to be a priority and you’re making her an option.

  10. Lol, get fucked. 4-1 yrs isnt any kind of age gap at all. Buddy is being straight shang hai'd for being into someone well within his age range.

  11. Get him to admit it via text.

    I.e. “Why do you want to kill me and my family if I refuse to marry you? That's really scaring me. It's abusive and I'm scared of you now…” Etcetera

  12. But the thing here is that he's denying all of it, saying he wasn't the one who watched those. He said he will never be sorry about it because it was not his fault but the social media in general and some “glitch” on facebook. I would've understand and certainly forgive him if he told me the truth.

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