Dakotasexshow live webcams for YOU!


I am ready to fulfill your fantasies so that we both find pleasure. GOAL: SHOW TWERK + PLAY PUSSY [GOAL MET]

Date: October 17, 2022

45 thoughts on “Dakotasexshow live webcams for YOU!

  1. It's not about the risk to life, it's about infections, sensitivity issues, not being able to have an orgasm, having a constant wound. Having to dilate every day for a year. That's not worth it for everyone. Doesn't mean you don't have disphoria, if you don't want to get that surgery. People can choose to mitigate their disphoria through other means.

  2. I have panic attacks. I packed my stuff and left. It's wrong of her to guilt trip you into postponing the breakup. I wouldn't want someone to be around me purely out of guilt.

  3. Its not about cheating or not, its about leaving the new girl in the dark without every detail needed to make the most informed decision about her would-be boyfriend. Personally, I’d turn down a guy I’m seeing if he asked me to be his girlfriend a day after he had sex with someone else. Its going to come out eventually anyway and she may not be cool with that.

  4. Just ask him and see how response if he can't after 7 month say “yes, I want more and would love to be your bf and I have seen you this past months already as my gf”

    Then it may be time to move on but be upfront and tell him it over.

  5. I've funny enough never had that issue my main issue has always been that they'll finish and then want to stop and I'm left laying there irritated because I essentially got blue balled. My area gets really dry to like sometimes it just won't lubricate and it just hurts

  6. Woman, but I just want to tell you that men who want you to be weak and dependent are not worth your time. My independence and strength are qualities my partner really likes about me. He wants a partner in life, not someone to lord it over and control. He's got a secure sense of self and doesn't need to boss me around to feel like a man.

    I think you're probably just dating the wrong type of guy. Expand your dating horizons a bit. Make sure you're leaving room for the people you care for you, but you don't have to be weak and dependent to find love.

  7. She's not efficient with her time. The better you are at making money, the less likely it is that the amount you earn is directly related to the amount of time invested.

  8. Why can’t you reach him when he’s that late? Seriously? I have so much else to say but it’s not like when I was your age and no one I know had a cell phone they carried around. Relationships shouldn’t be this hard at the beginning. Trust me on this. When someone truly loves you and is ready for a relationship they are considerate. No communication and being many hours late is not considerate.

  9. My wife and I have been married for about a year and we waited till marriage (we're both religious).

    Thus why waiting for marriage is a terrible idea. Knowing how you live together and if you're compatible (including in sex) is needed to make sure you pick a partner you are happy with.

    You two also put sex on a pedestal so now it's hard to talk about the subject. You're used to your hand and being able to make any position feel how you want so of course sex where you can't control everything will not be great.

    There's also the frequency problem: we usually have sex once a week, maybe twice in a good week.

    That's pretty normal. She probably also has a lot of pain associated with sex. I don't see a frequency issue. Sounds like you got used to your hand every day so thing it's weird you're not getting it every night- once again an issue of putting sex on a pedestal instead of being based on reality.

    She outright told you she'd be fine with no sex. You either got to accept that or leave. Trying to push someone into sexual acts isn't ok.

    You're not wrong to want more sex. You would be wrong to pressure her. Either accept it and stay, or leave the relationship. Next time don't ignore one of the most important aspects to match with someone on. This is why people avoid religious types.

  10. If you didn’t make it clear that you want to go just the two of you, she’ll assume it’s with the friend group, especially if y’all do things like this together all the time. Better to be straightforward, no confusion, if you want a straight answer.

  11. If you're on board with the conventional wisdom that it's fatal to marry the first person you date or to marry prior to the age of 25 then you might as well enjoy this while it lasts. He's much older and getting a late start on the dating he'll need to do to find a life partner. But you're still young enough that you can afford to spend time on a relationship that's just for fun. It's up to you of course. But if you like spending time with him, even knowing you're the “practice girlfriend”, don't sweat it. We learn from every person we spend time with so if he's got something to offer in terms of non dating life experience it might be beneficial to you in the long run.

  12. Your above statement is an admission that you would rather have contact with an ex who supplies you with drugs and whom you admittedly have to remind of their own partner than drop them as a friend to be committed to your partner.

    People come and go from our lives. You make the choice about who you welcome into your life. You are chosing to involve yourself with someone whom you know to have bad intentions..

  13. He respects his friends more than you, which is why he’s impressing them with jokes about you rather than respecting you. He’d rather make them laugh than care about your feelings. Your husband is an asshole

  14. First off- if friends are trying to slide into your DM's, advertise the fact to people that you're in a closed relationship now, as otherwise you are potentially just inviting a lot of drama & awkwardness into your life for no good reason. I would also recommend forming distance with any friends who don't respect your boundaries.

    Secondly, I don't know what your past relationship trauma is, but if you feel like your past is negatively impacting present-day relationships, it would probably be good to consider doing a few therapy sessions.

    It sounds like although you had a lot of issues to deal with when you got first together, you've ended up being a really positive influence on each other, growing together, getting to know each other (and yourselves!) and creating a relationship that is actually right for the both of you. Don't last the past ruin a good thing by not dealing with it properly.

  15. I definitely do not think this is okay, I just got put into a very difficult situation and I got put here suddenly and my eyes have been opening more and more every month

  16. Omg this. I literally just ended a bunch of friendships because my “best friend” said something shitty about my biggest dream and aspiration in life. When I talked to her about it she said “oh but I asked around and no one else thought it was a shitty comment. Why are you affected by this?” Which didn't bode well with me and then she went on to say I was responsible for how it felt to me, and yet she claims she offered me room to talk about my feelings. And another friend went on the same boat as her, saying I was overreacting and my best friend has given me plenty opportunities to properly talk about it.

    With people like that, all I can think is: good riddance.

  17. I am much happier now. I lost me by trying to help her, be a good spouse, supportive and compassionate. It's kind of cliched, but at some point you realize no amount of loving someone else is worth losing yourself.

  18. You’re 22. Leave. You have your whole life to find someone who wouldn’t cheat on you, pretend she was going to work on things, then text him the second she thinks she can without you getting mad. Side note, she would’ve kept texting him even if she didn’t think you were going to move back home.

  19. I also had super creepy coaches in high school. One particular bowling coach flirted with me for a couple years before asking me on a date when I was 17 (after he found out that I was in an abusive relationship, of course. He was 28). At the time, he told me that him and his fiancé split so it just made me feel special and given my relationship at the time, I ended up going. He tried to pressure me into having sex with him that night (didn’t happen), but I ended up cutting that off for multiple reasons. Apparently he never actually left his fiancé and he had 2 adopted children ?. He texted me for years after that trying to reconnect but I never gave him the time of day. Eventually when I turned 21, he knew I was out one drinking one evening. When it got late he texted and called me trying to convince me to let him pick me up and take me to a hotel. I turned him down and looked him up on Fb. He was married to the woman he adopted children with! ?

  20. I’d be pretty hesitant to get engaged to a man who thinks my contributions should be valued lower than his. Can we say misogynist?

  21. Get a doctor to check her out for any medical problems. Change her birth control as sometimes that can have an effect on libido.

    Counselling is a must. Do be prepared that it may be that she has just lost interest. In that case, it will be kinder for both of you to go your separate ways.

  22. Are you going ro honestly stay in a relationship with someone for the rest of your life and allow this to be norm?

    You aren't even married and there are red flags all over the place.

    Why are you wasting your time?

    It's clear that she isn't going to change. What makes you think marriage will be a catalyst for her to change?

    Time to bounce my friend. You can do better.

    All the best.

  23. I’d say you’re just incompatible then. I’ve been in a sexless relationship. It never gets better. Just cut your losses

  24. How about you just adopt the kid after it’s born regardless of if you end up with her? How about you just do the right thing and come clean to him regardless? You keep calling her husband a tool but I see at least 2 tools in this story and neither of them is her husband you’re trying to screw over.

    Oh and if she’ll cheat with you she’ll cheat on you. I am rooting for you two to get together, y’all deserve each other.

  25. I also hate the word. I got called a Cis by a couple of trans the other day. They asked me what it was to be a Cis? I then asked them what but was like to be a fairy and queer. Told them if they get to name call me I got to name call them.

  26. If you are going to be living together I don't know why he needs to buy his own apartment now? It doesn't make sense. It kinda tells me he's afraid of fully committing and needs an easy out. Same with the stretched timeline. Even if you agree with his timeline there is nothing to say he won't try to extend it again…

  27. Hmm. If it's based only on that text, I would say no he's not stringing you along, he's an adult who got tired and didn't end up getting together with you? That seems pretty innocuous.

  28. Roger never was and never will be your dad.

    He didn’t come back into your life until the “dad” role was no longer needed from him.

    It’d be disingenuous for him to walk you down the aisle and the spot rightfully so belongs to the man who took on that role with grace, the man you consider your dad.

    It’s your wedding and if your grandma wants to make a hoot of it, she doesn’t have to come either.

  29. Not really.

    One is a simple order that requires minimal effort. You don't even need to go anywhere for it, if you don't want to.

    The other is a sex act that requires effort.

  30. Do some research into this. Some reading, psychiatrist YouTube vids etc. I think you’ll find that you are not in for a fun time here.

  31. Sorry OP there are a lot of red flags in what you're saying – the intense perfection and yet within months he's getting 'cold' and possibly even ignoring you.

    The way you describe this as being like a drug rings true that this person's manipulative and tricked you into a more intense relationship than they deserve.

    Personally I'd just leave it – see what they come up with I can almost guarantee they'd either come out of the woodwork with a million excuses (and yet no real apology for how that made you feel) or they'll turn this around and claim YOU'RE toxic for not persuing them more…

  32. I can't help but feel like there is something missing from this. Missing reasons here. You merely talked to her about her homework and she threatened to kill herself? That is honestly, sincerely psychotic.

    Only you know the reality of your life, the years and years of history and what you and your wife's daily lives are like. You need to separate, and your wife needs professional help. I am glad she is at the hospital, and hopefully she can get the help she needs.

  33. So again, can you articulate the reasoning behind coming to the conclusion that “it's not the same if tis with a woman”?

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