ViolettAndMegan1live sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “ViolettAndMegan1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Gotta wonder why the wife had to leave to 'pursue her own goals' when she had such an understanding unselfish millionaire husband.

  2. OH MY GOD!!

    You're the 'how to tell the guy I want to sleep with him again in a confident and funny way that I want to sleep with him and if it's not great he could just be a booty call' troll!

    OK – let's get down to it. What exactly is going on with you and this guy? Why have you been obsessed with him for the past few days? When is the last time that you spoke with him directly? How did you find out that he is moving back? When is the last time that he reached out to you directly by phone or text?

  3. I'm well aware of this, as a low support needs level 1 Autistic person. The point is that it's not a treatment because the person is still Autistic and will still experience the core sensations and feelings from being Autistic. It doesn't manage or treat the condition, it provides support, insight and options for managing the condition if the person is open to it.

  4. Oh honey no. This whole thing reads like dangerous red flags. He could have killed you with the way he drives. If he is threatening suicide, dial 911, and then pack your bags while he's at the hospital.

    There are domestic violence resources in your area.

  5. Yes it is. Hurt feelings because she say pp too small. Fucking communicate and work it out. Quitting is biggest pussy move ever over honest words of a drunk person. His dicks probably small to most people . If she isn’t satisfied she would have left.

  6. I agree you can't control what you think.

    I don't agree that this was the only thing she was supposed to do. She's 25, and old enough to know what's going on here and manage those thoughts, feelings and urges on her own before they got to the point where she has to have this come to Jesus moment with her fiance.

    It says a lot about a person's character that they can allow themselves to be swept up by any “new toy” that happens to show up in their life. There were a series of boundaries she crossed to come to this point and she didn't check her role until now.

    Like come on! ??‍♂️

    Thanks for your input, though.

  7. Thank you for your kind words. That sounds comforting. I haven't really though of it as mourning a loss, like no one has died, and we continue live per usual. But when you put it that way crying my eyes out feels less over dramatic.

    Right now that not too distant future feels pretty distant future where the special someone is a cat. For some reason I'm picturing myself riding a ferris wheel with an orange tabby.

  8. So, you think the only thing of value a partner brings to a relationship is money? Those situations that misogynists cry about being unfair are usually because the woman has taken career hits to raise children and/or do household labor that women are overwhelmingly more likely to do far more than 60% of.

    Speaking as one of the exceptions where I did the majority of the work, the household maintenance and the child raising, I came out just fine in my divorce.

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