Maksin the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Maksin, 22 y.o.


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Maksin live sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

21 thoughts on “Maksin the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You listed a website where a couple clicks leads you to buy Facebook and Instagram likes. I'm not posting anything to drum up further business to your store.

    Btw, I haven't downvoted a single comment on yours and yet you're the one name-calling me and accusing me of being the troll. All it takes is people to check out our profiles to disapprove that theory.

    We're done here.

  2. I wouldn't say he's an abuser – we don't know this.

    But he really avoids providing any coherent information about this girl he hooked up with…

  3. Why don’t you bring your boyfriend along so he can meet your friend. Has he met him? I have plenty of guy friends but my BF is always invited to come and has met everyone.

    If you haven’t introduced him to your boyfriend that just sounds weird to me? Wouldn’t a really friend want to meet your partner?

  4. If your interested in trying to learn to be in a poly relationship, you should check those subs. This reddit will just tell you to break up.

    I am not poly, but I know people who are very happy in those relationships.

  5. Sunken cost fallacy, just because you’ve been doing it for 20 years doesn’t mean you should keep going. It sounds like you’ve grown apart and staying together has done enough damage. It sounds like you both resent each other for your differences. This often feels like the fate of opposites attract. Your kids are better off with 2 separate happy parents then one unhappy unit

  6. So half assing a gift is ok, because his expectations were to high. Lol. She made little effort recycling wrapping paper. Is this an indication of what you mean to her if so the answer is very little match her energy or you will feel resentment towards her!

  7. Not everyone cares about gift-giving the same, not everyone is great at gift-giving.

    Have you and your gf ever discussed gifts and budgets? Have you looked into the five love languages?

  8. He usually builds me up and tells me how beautiful I am, he is a very sweet guy and an amazing boyfriend. He is just blunt sometimes, I don’t think he realizes that it upset me this much, or I know he would try and make it up to me.

  9. Rule of thumb: boundaries are put in place on the person setting them. Example: “I wont date a girl who wears skirts”. Controlling is when the boundary is put on the partner: “You can't wear skirts because it makes me uncomfortable.” Expressing himself isn't necessarily trying to control your behavior if he puts in the work to come to terms with his insecurity so that you don't have to change a thing. It's a him problem, not you. If he does nothing to cope with his own emotions and leaves it up to you to resolve them, guess what? that's manipulative and controlling. You know more about the situation than us, but your answer is going to be in how does he handle the irrational feeling of being insecure when you wear a skirt. Does he recognize it's a him problem and works on himself, or does he make it a you problem and leave it to you to resolve?

  10. Careful… this may be related to her giving birth.

    So this may neither be “out of the blue”.

    You could have antivipated that her own parents/ father may become an issue when becoming a mother herself.

    It kind of hormonally turns you inside out. And makes you all soft and weak.

    And if there are unsolved childhood yearnings for validation by a father THiS will be the moment they get tangible.

    That “lyon king” esk gesture to present the child to her father… in order to… what exactly we not know! speaks loud and clear of issues.

    Father daughter issues, if you ask me.

    So there may be no real reason there to feel blindsided! I bet you all you want she didn't see that coming either months ago.

    One may well be aware of a parent being a disgusting ah with unbearable beliefs.

    And still have leftover unhealed childhood issues which make one seek a parents validation/ praise.

    I feel you don't see the entire picture and you may well judge her unfairly.

  11. Every single person in this thread is telling you men should cry. Where are you getting the idea that finding someone who thinks emotions are normal will “take many years”. That's blatantly false because you don't want to face the fact that you could absolutely find someone better.

  12. Are you sure you want to marry a woman who makes you feel this way? You say yourself, the issue is never truly solved, she just changes temporarily to basically placate you. Has it always been this way? I'd wonder if she's into men at all but if she's bi, then you guys might just be growing apart. You should reevaluate your relationship.

  13. That's a pretty snobbish take. Where I live, it's 350,000+ for a starter apartment/flat. Many, many people here don't leave home until they're in a stable relationship because it's simply too expensive. Cost of living is through the roof and pay is atrocious. We can't all afford to be thrown out at 18 to buy a house or flat.

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