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querhyus&savagestuds, 28 y.o.


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querhyus&savagestuds live sex chat

Date: October 14, 2022

34 thoughts on “querhyus&savagestuds the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He stopped pursuibg them and decided to pursue you and date you. If he didn't think you were good enough for him he wouldn't be dating you.

    Simply everything it's usually correct.

  2. If you have different values you two may not be in sync or a compatible match

    She shouldn’t be restrained from doing what she wants and you shouldn’t have to live with being upset with behavior that would upset a lot of normal reasonable guys

  3. I feel like you're bringing up the gambling/drinking scenarios as examples that sound ridiculous, to make op sound ridiculous. Of course I could be interpreting you wrong. But the fact is those are excellent, well defined boundaries.

  4. I feel like something is up with both of you. You have something going on. Possibly some kind of OCD or sensory issue. I feel like for MOST people, if you're going to fuck someone, them taking a fork full of food off your plate isn't a huge deal. I mean, your boundaries are your boundaries. But it seems to be centered in some kind of idea of mouths being dirty or you not liking certain sensations. It's not a “quirk” but a pattern.

    I understand not liking sloppy kissers. But what does foreplay or sex look like with no kissing?

    And then what's with him? He could have made himself a plate when he served your food. Or at any point just….. did as you asked….. and got a plate of his own. Doesn't seem like a big deal to me. If a friend or partner said to me “I just have a thing with it” I'd go get a plate.

    So to sum up, I'm wondering if your hangups are JUST around food and kissing (although the kissing would be a deal-breaker for me too) but regardless why didn't HE just end it if he wasn't ok with your boundaries?

    This whole interaction and relationship makes no logical sense.

  5. Walk away. She's absolutely awful to you, she's got the critical thinking capacity of a damp sponge, she's greedy and she's delusional. You're too young to get tied to someone who is only going to make you suffer.

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  7. I’m sorry to break it to you, but you guys aren’t together anymore, and frankly, you don’t want to date someone who is so rude to your mother.

    Don’t date people where you work.

  8. Everyone here is applauding the wife for telling OP. I completely disagree. In this case discretion is the better part of valor. She shouldn't have said anything to him and just removed herself from the situation at work. The feelings fade. This is called managing yourself.

    To OP. I can see why you feel hurt. You feel betrayed. You need to decide if you can get over it. Don't stay if you're going to resent her.

  9. You do you big dawg.

    Glad you’re getting out now. As a step-parent, I can say, it only gets harder to reason leaving the more involved you get. The kids become your kids and they depend on you. Being a step-parent is a lifelong decision.

  10. Some people will only hear and interpret what others say to them to fit into their own logic and rational. Your girlfriend cheated and she's trying to blame her therapist for not telling you. That's not the problem or issue, it's your girlfriends cheating.

  11. Every day she didn't tell you was her continuing to cheat

    I strongly disagree. She felt enough remorse over it to change her life.

  12. Stop waking him up. He’s an adult. He needs to get one of those vibrating alarms that goes under the mattress like what deaf people use. Or put his alarm away from the bed so he has to get up to turn it off.

    If he really had such a difficult time, he may want to consult his doctor as he may have a sleep disorder as well.

    But him yelling at you isn’t cool. And him expecting a daily wake up is silly. He is 34 not 4.

  13. Fertility is “a healthy couple get pregnant over the course of a year”. If you don't that is a Fertility issue. I also gave an example of a woman I know who married late and had 3 children after 45. That doesn't change the fact that doctors call it a geriatric pregnancy.

  14. yes I would never end the relationship without talking and discussing first. As I said in the post, I feel the attraction for other females but I’m not a cheater so these “urges” that I cannot control don’t even enter in this post/conversation

  15. Communicate, I feel like I'm mean, but if my gf told she disliked it so much to the point of breaking, Up then yes I'd think twice of what comes out of my mouth

  16. you comment is such a trip ?

    “i hate the 'boys will be boys' defense”

    “but you know, you dad will be a boy!”

    hilarious, so unaware

  17. I would never date anyone with a close opposite sex friend. It’s never been a big deal because I establish that in the very beginning of my relationship. My current relationship so far is 26 years and counting so it’s working for me.

  18. Why is your entire post history telling people to break up with their partners for the most trivial reasons? How bitter and lonely are you?

  19. Oh yes, you absolutely can just leave a relationship like that. Who cares what he does after you leave as long as it doesn't hurt you. Look out for yourself and leave, toxic relationships will drain the life out of you

  20. You are better than me. Accepting your BF at his word. When I argue with my husband, I stick to facts and he name calls. After the arguement, he will say that he didn't mean it…but I question that..why say it you didn't mean it? You can say sorry, but you can not take words back.

  21. I mean it's a little weird. You'd think comfort would be his main concern. As in “In what type of situation will my partner feel more comfortable meeting my friends and vice versa”. After all friends should care more about who is right for their friend and not how good that person looks. I get that you want your partner to look nice because you want them to see what you see, but “showing off” physical aspects of your partner is one big step above that.

    Also: I don't know what type of glasses you have or what you look like. But have you EVER seen a person who truly looked “worse” with glasses? There's a reason people mock make overs in movies where the character just gets some make-up and their glasses removed. If people can't see your full beauty with your glasses on, they probably need a pair themselves.

  22. I'm not really sure about this. If my partner was inquiring about an ex because they were waiting to see if they'd have a chance with them again, I'd be wrecked. If someone is thinking that, there's a serious, serious problem

  23. Then that’s a very different dynamic; I’d say you’re completely right about him being resentful based on what you’ve described. Is he remotely open to a conversation about shifting the balance of work/responsibilities, or does he just shut down when you try to bring it up? I’m assuming you have tried to bring it up…

  24. You were just her FWB, it doesn’t seem like she truly betrayed you because you were never truly in an exclusive relationship. Right now you might want to scorched earth and blow up her whole life but I would prob let it marinate for a few days. Either way you should block her and be gone from her life but I’m not sure reaching out to her husband and escalating will make you feel any better.

  25. OK op, if you're serious about changing and being better while living at your moms then here's what you do, you write her a detailed letter telling her that you WANT to be better and ask her to give you a list of things that she would like you to do each day and that you will do them. Clean your room without her telling you to do it, do the dishes without her nagging you, sweep the floor, take out trash, clean the bathrooms, vacuum the floor, mop, just do things that you know needs to be done…Your mom probably gets tired of doing all of those things and it probably wears on her that she has to nag you to do anything, it would help her a LOT if you just took the initiative without her always having to tell you. Also learn how to cook some simple meals and surprise her and your stepfather someday with dinner. Tell them you appreciate and love them and that you WANT to do better. Good luck OP you don't sound like a bad person just someone who got a little too comfy with getting away with things.

  26. Associates doesn't do anything unfortunately. My suggestion would be for him to find an appreticship for a trade, if he can't handle community College business I don't think he will survive a state school or any 4 year university.

  27. Yeah, tho that's still kinda weird. I still feel like it's kinda not okay. Mixed with the him wanting her to cut ties with her friend. Say if this was on a relationship where the girlfriend never would have cheated, that's completely not okay. A boyfriend should never have a say in who their girlfriend is friends and vice versa. I feel like that's controlling. Tho because she did cheat I feel like people feel its different.

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