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Bea88live sex stripping with hd cam


8 thoughts on “Bea88live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Alright well, it sounds like you two were rushing things as fast as you could when you were dating. Slow it down… take those steps for the right reasons, not because you're running on honeymoon emotions.

    You did shoot him in the face pretty much…. He put in all this effort into getting to know you, build a connection and you took a cold exit out of no where. Obviously that would hurt a lot of people.

    Can you try and make amends? I don't see why you can't/ But you need to royally prove to him that you're feet are planted and you know exactly what you want. If he refuses, then yes, your consequence for abandoning.,

  2. You shouldn’t lie, but plenty of info doesn’t need to be shared. Nobody actually wants to hear every detail about your relationship with your ex.

  3. So your just upset about the porn? If everything else is fine I don’t see the problem? But I am going to vote most men watch have watched porn

  4. i just want to say that the way i phrased that can be kinda misleading.

    but i also want to understand that if i expressed discomfort abt him gg somewhere, and he still went, i wld be p upset too. but yes igi, this behaviour can be deemed as controlling.

  5. The question could be irrelevant. We don’t know if OP is bi or not. I genuinely think they were interested in how your line of thinking would work with someone that was bi. I was too to be honest. When I saw that someone actually had asked I was curious what your answer would be. We know how that turned out.

  6. As someone who's struggled with alcoholism myself, I think the drinking every day is a bigger problem than your boyfriend's feelings. One pint might not seem like a lot, but if you rely on doing that every day, it's not a healthy way to deal with your work stress. Many cultures used to normalize drinking or still do, but it's really really bad for you. Even one pint a day, when it's every day.

    If you can pursue therapy as an alternative, that would be best. It's also worth seeing a psychiatrist to see if you have a condition that could be better treated by medication than by drinking. I hate mental health meds and get awful side effects from all of them tho, so this is a case of do as I say, not do as I do, lol. Just sharing what my excellent doctors have told me. But alcohol is genuinely bad for you. Arguably worse than many meds (not all), but that's complex terrain.

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