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AlissaNoirlive sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “AlissaNoirlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I own the house, the only thing I'm worried about is our shared savings account — but I'm the only one putting money into it and I don't think he's checked it in months, so if I pulled everything out I really doubt he'd notice.

    I'm not going to have children with him. I started worrying about the relationship when I made that decision. I do care for him and want him to succeed but you're completely right, he's making decisions that could hurt me. I already had to take out a $2,000 loan for him because his credit score is awful — you can guess where all of his money went. I'm just tired of raising a man that is seven years older than me.

  2. The fact that you believe this is incredibly telling of a lot. Everyone should cut out toxic people out of their lives in order to live in peace and not chaos. REGARDLESS of who it is (yes even parents!).

    People don’t just wake up one day and decide to cut someone off – or rarely that happens. It happens after years or abuse, neglect, toxicity or anything of the sort. It also likely happens after much deliberation and soul seeking.

    2/3 of your kids cut you out. Not great stats.

    And the idea that the DAY your son committed suicide you were on the damn Internet asking strangers if it was your fault?! Hoping someone, anyone, would feed your narcissism and absolve you from guilt?! Disgusting. Instead of grieving, you were looking for attention.

  3. Thank you for help, I cannot afford a therapist at this time and I am not considered severe enough to receive it from the national health service.

  4. What’s toxic? You believing him when he says he doesn’t care? This attempt at manipulation is pretty week, actually. You not letting go of what he says repeatedly isn’t toxicity, it’s realistic.

  5. Man what ever happened to just putting your foot down?

    I would say to her

    “If you keep talking to me this way, with this disrespect, we’re going to have problems”

    I wouldn’t tolerate being talked to like that.

    I never talk to my partners in a Disrespectful way. So I fully expect them to be respectful of me. If not, it needs to be addressed.

    This world is full of ass holes that don’t care about you, your wife should be one of them. (Even if it’s just 30 min in the morning)

    Time for her to get her emotions in check. She needs more sleep or something idk. That sounds annoying at best.

  6. No, when I asked to see the app on his phone he took a very long time to unlock it, and once he finally showed it to me he quickly scrolled through the messages. I told him it seemed like he deleted a few things and that's why he took so long to show me and at that point got upset. The next day he offered his phone for me to go through but I declined saying if I have to check my phone we shouldn't be in a relationship. And I didn't want to need to do that from now on.

  7. Sounds more like he doesn't want you to see a therapist because he's afraid of them helping you realize his extremely inappropriate behavior. I bet there are more red flags than what you've mentioned here.

  8. Define predatory behavior. Because many descriptions I’ve seen on reddit are basically men hitting on women at places that serve alcohol.

  9. Well it sounds like you've already made up your mind. That he didn't use Coke.

    But I hate to tell you I'm 50 and was a bartender for 13 years and worked in divorce for 14. People that use Coke don't use Coke chronically all the time and they don't become addicts.

    I know many people who would take an occasional bump only once and not do it again for another few years or months.

    They do it as a recreational party drug.

    But ultimately it's up to you to decide whether you trust him or not.

    To me it sounds that you were out on a weekend and he had none of the allergy symptoms until that moment and those allergy symptoms just came on. Not to say that he doesn't have allergies or asthma but I think he's using that as an excuse and by him being so over the top is to convince you that you were wrong and to avoid suspicion.

    Perhaps he just doesn't trust you enough to tell you that he still does coke once in awhile. Or maybe he doesn't trust all of the friends group to know the truth that sometimes he indulges .

    But again ultimately it's up to you whether you believe him or not or if you're okay with him sporadically using Coke.

  10. If you’re married then why not wear the ring? Unless you have some sort of allergic reaction which you didn’t mention. Otherwise you’re just giving crimson flags over here.

  11. Oh honey.. you can’t possibly keep fighting for a marriage when he obviously doesn’t value it. he won’t even admit he was in the wrong and somehow turns it on you.

    my heart aches for you, the more you allow it. the more it’ll happen. it’s not in your head, if you need more validation.. how would you feel hearing this same exact story from another person you loved? yea.. I thought so too.

  12. Leave.

    He is abusive.

    Is your baseline for a relationship REALLY “oh, well he hasn't hit me yet, only shoved me and screamed insults at me”?

  13. He sounds impulsive, irrational and unreliable

    Are you absolutely sure you want to spend your life with a guy who quits jobs without a backup plan?

  14. What would ever make you think that someone you aren’t dating would be exclusive with you? You aren’t dating. She has made it clear that she doesn’t want that commitment.

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