Naomicambell live webcams for YOU!


Hello there, I wanna play with my naughty pussy/Goal is to fuck my pussy [114 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

12 thoughts on “Naomicambell live webcams for YOU!

  1. If it was me I’d tell the girl he’s dating. He’s a manipulative piece of shit. Tell the girl what a piece of shit he is. Tell him what he told you. Ruin him.

  2. While I get your bf's desire to have his own space and privacy, there is no justifications for him for saying horrible things about your dad. Your dad just wants to be with his family, namely you.

    And I'm pretty certain that your dad tries to be as obliging as possible, helping to clean up when he is at your house. So, I don't see any issues.

    My own dad is getting on with age. When me and bf moved into our new home, I want my dad to stay with us because this is my dad and I love him. My bf is fine with it and he also supports him moving in with us, which I am glad. My mum passed away a couple of years back and my sis has her own family and house. So, It would just be my dad alone by himself if I moved out.

    While my sis and my BIL is fine with my dad staying with them, he would prefer to stay with me and my bf.

    Have a good talk with your bf and let him know your dad is important to you. What is it that he has an issue with? You can try to work around it. If he doesn't like your dad going into his room or touching certain items, you can just let your dad know. I'm pretty sure your dad would be fine with it. And tell your bf to stop with the name calling and insults on your dad. If he doesn't even want to talk or compromise, then I think you need to re-evaluate this relationship.

    Your dad is not going to be here forever, cherish him while you can.

  3. Dude, are you really this dense? You try to sound so smart in all of your replies, and yet you ignore culturally relevant information to form your incorrect conclusions or attribute it to something else entirely. Even in America, women used to not be able to leave marriages very easily. Women were specifically discluded and discouraged from joining the workforce. They had no financial means to leave, and even if they did leave, they had very few options when it came to employment. Because men held most if not all of the positions of power at the time, most women could only hope for menial jobs at best. They were also not allowed the same educational opportunities as men. Going to college used to just be for men. Women either weren't allowed or were treated terribly if they did. Again, further limiting their job prospects. They were expected to be at home and nothing else, this wasn'teven 100 yeara ago. Then there's the general stigma of divorce. Back then, it was seen as a failure, especially on the woman. It was hard for women to go out in the world as a divorcee, and to many men, this lowered their “value.” There was also the religious aspect. Many American women belonged to Christian churches where divorce was not only frowned upon but could get you kicked out of that church, limiting their support system and making them feel they had to stay. So before touting your opinions (very poorly informed ones at that) as “facts,” you may want to actually educate yourself. Otherwise, you join conversations and show just how little you actually know or understand. There's nothing wrong with admitting you may not know something and need to look into it further. Maybe people aren't jumping on you because you're some harbinger of difficult truths, but because you took the wrong information and twisted it to try and make it true.

  4. It’s great that you want to protect and provide for her, but she’s not a damsel. She’s capable of picking up any slack you drop. Let her be your partner; it’ll just make your relationship more deep and meaningful.

    Just talk to her. Relationships should be fluid and open to change if you want it to last. You say the two of you plan for her to be a SAHM someday. That doesn’t mean she can’t work and contribute financially until that point. It doesn’t make you less of a man.

  5. I keep thinking these are AI generated. They always include a couple of details that just make no sense with an overall tone that doesn’t reflect any feelings about the situation.

  6. I hear ya fully and know this is not normal for a relationship.

    But ultimately it's up to me to break it, right, since I'm not the one who started it. It's just fcked and guess my ego is too fragile.

  7. Wtf? Not funny, not a joke. This shit will also become even less amusing over time… if you want to be together for the long term, you need to start with a common understanding on what is decent behaviour towards each other.

  8. True! I know she mentioned she wasn't free until tomorrow night since she mentioned doing something tomorrow night after I asked her to go check said restaurant last Wednesday. Instead of me picking the day, she was the one to pick the day we met up. We agreed on Sunday due to mine and her availability and was okay with Sunday.

    I did send a how was your weekend text an hour ago and pending a response. I was asking this question because I would think you would take a few seconds to check messages and respond so you don't let the other person think you don't wanna message or anything anymore.

    Wouldn't you wanna be in contact with a match so you don't feel like you're being ghosted. She didn't say she wasn't busy to text but just said she wasn't free to do something until Tuesday night.

  9. I don’t understand your outing then. Why are you meeting up with these people- or were supposed to?

  10. Oh, possibly! Although he did make it sound like he was really into me and wanted me to give him a chance. I suppose he wouldn’t have missed his horse winning to still meet me if he wasn’t.

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