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Erotic_Sagalive sex stripping with hd cam


30 thoughts on “Erotic_Sagalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. In what way were they bad? I mean, were they not interested in sth with you?

    Also, you are not old at all and can date older, say like maybe late 40s-early 50s should you want, of course

  2. You've been assaulted.

    You're going to be okay.

    You need to leave.

    Go to a friend, your parents, anyone you trust.

    You need to get to safety.

  3. u/theebigcal, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  4. Thanks for your input and sharing your experience! It's difficult, but it's something I'll have to talk to her about. I appreciate it!

  5. Sounds accurate though. The real AH is your BF and bestie, but you prefer to ask Reddit for help then insult those who give you advice.

  6. Normally fetishes are a red flag if they involve a power imbalance that you lean into. Reflect and think carefully about why you get off on feelings of complete and immediate power of life/death with romantic partners. This is absolutely a topic for your therapist.

    That's the sort of fetish that makes people question if you should be/should ever be in positions of power, if you're capable of taking pleasure from such an extreme example of power plays.

    A fetish on its own doesn't make you a bad person, but leaning into something like that sure can.

  7. This is terrible advice but tbh, if you eat a new type of cake and really really like it, do you need to eat the cake every day for 3 weeks to decide that you love it?

    Don't fo anything stupid and keep your wits about you but otherwise you should probs just relax and not worry whether you're moving at a pace that satisfies others

  8. Kind of like asking if you are ready to have kids. In reality, you are never ready to have kids. You said you would and backing out now would likely ruin the relationship.

  9. Obviously there's a reference to racism here. Please clarify what you mean by a) “half white” and b) if that's because he's fully white or not at all white. We want racists to be accountable in both directions right?

  10. Stick to it. Also consider a man more age appropriate. A 27yo had no business dating a 18/19yo.

  11. Yeah this isn't frat/barracks play. This is a father pinning his son and sucking/biting the neck that only happens in sexual romantic way. Would dad sticking his Johnson in his sons backside in a playful way also not be consider sexual or even sexual assualt.

    Massive line was crossed and in no way was it a playful encounter. Each family may have their quirks like play fighting in this one but hickeying each other isn't one, his mother reaction wasn't boys will be boys.

  12. In a normal regular household, no father will give hickeys to his children, not even for jokes.

    This is the kind of clarity I look for on advice subs.

  13. To train him, not only throw him some shade when he misbehaves, but praise him when he doesn't.

    As for letting it go, on your part – I recommend you recite mentally the things you like about him.

  14. She kept going on and on about how awful I was and not doing the right thing, etc. and she refused to take any blame.

    The ‘right thing’ for one person may be the ‘wrong thing’ for another person. Did she ever say what she expected you to do? Why did she not want to give you a weekend off? Was she expecting you to babysit her son while she’s resting?

  15. He knows how much he's lost, that's what I was trying to tell you. He doesn't need to look at his overall win/lost statement to know that every time he deposits money it disappears and he keeps depositing money.

    Either way, I don't really understand why that's what bothers you the most. The fact that he's a gambling addict who's broke should be what bothers you the most. In addition to that, he talks down to you.

    Money in stocks? Go ahead and ask him to show you his balances. Make him show you directly on the website as you observe him entering his login information. I assure you, he has no assets, and you'll first learn that reality when he immediately gaslights you when you ask to see it. Also, again, if he actually has money tied up in the market, he's still lost so much money gambling that he has absolutely zero cash to pay his bills. When you get to that point, your next step is cashing out your brokerage account. Why? Because he wants to fucking gamble with it.

    But then you ask again, why would he do that when his stocks were down? Because he's a degenerate gambler. You do know. You're just going out of your way to try to find a way to believe that he's not a problem when you know with absolute certainty that he is. I'm sorry to be blunt here, but you really need to hear it; you're going to set yourself up for financial ruin if you continue this.

  16. Do not tell him. He will hold this over your head for a lifetime. Take it to the grave with you. This is not about dishonesty. This is about protecting yourself. Some things need to be kept to yourself. I speak from experience. Ok bring on the downvotes lol

  17. Age difference and maturity issues aside – This isn’t about your husband and his ex. This is about some seriously low self esteem and jealousy issues within you. Their friendship just highlights it. Have you spoken to a therapist about the underlying issues and why you have landed on this obsession? It may help to speak to a professional and deconstruct why this is happening. And it may neatly even tie in to your attraction to men who may be considered a father-figure for you. It’s always nice to speak to someone who can help you unravel your thoughts and put them back together again in a better light.

  18. You looked up “chemsex” on Google Images on your school computer and you’re upset that you got called to the principal’s office?

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