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JordanXolive sex stripping with hd cam


50 thoughts on “JordanXolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Yeah we’re in a music ensemble together which is quite large and easy to avoid him, however we are also in a small ensemble with 9 people as well where communication is crucial so that was my main worry. I’m sure it will work out if he doesn’t want to be friends and such but I think my anxiety about if we weren’t to be friends in that situation that it would make things difficult. Again I really appreciate the helpful advice you’re giving

  2. That level of defense is usually a bad sign.

    If the card was no big deal, he'd say he either wasn't sure, maybe it fell out from a visitors pocket, or told you what it was. The fact that he got angry at all is a tell.

  3. Sorry, I clicked submit before I was done. My mom abandoned me when I needed her most. I just don't understand how a parent could do such a thing to their child. I am just asking for thoughts.

  4. Go for it! If you like him then why not just confess your feelings and see where it goes. Live is all about discovering yourself. I’ve seen it happen loads of times. People think they are a certain sexuality, but then meet someone who changes that perspective.

  5. The best part is, if you don’t go and don’t contribute, they would STILL be out 350 dollars. Like, no matter what the scenario is in his brain, he’s assuming you are going to pay him. And that’s super manipulative.

    At this point he could just go “don’t worry about it” and the family would still have no changes to the money pool. You don’t go, they lose 350, so why even ask for it in the first place.

    I can PROMISE you this dude heard his parents go “it’s about 350 a person or so.” And then assumed his parents were requiring you to pay. At this point, just tell his parents. “Sorry mrs. bla, I can’t come along this Christmas because I can’t afford the 350”.


    Was she the only one involved in the prank? How the fucl did she get divorce papers

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  9. Well she hasn’t replied to my texts so guess I’m worried she won’t pick up and the it makes me look desperate

  10. Currently dating someone like you. Dude is super philosophical. Has a pretty expansive knowledge of a shit ton of topics. He likes listening to podcasts that talk about psychology and self reflection. And you know, i don't know a whole about certain things he likes. Like Greek and Roman mythology. Or ancient philosophers. I never got into Lord of the Rings and I have a very limited knowledge on a lot of classic literature.

    Everything here sounds boring to me too, except LOTR lol. I think OP needs to understand that we all have different interests and the fact that his girlfriend doesn't like the same things as him doesn't mean she doesn't have any interests at all.

    That being said, I do have a lot of knowledge that he doesn't. I have a pretty in depth knowledge about anatomy and physiology. And animals (especially exotic animal care). I know (and can talk for hours) about the history of a lot of blues/rock/metal bands

    Off topic but girlll are you me? Wow you summed up almost everything I love in life lol!

  11. That was my thought as well. For a second I thought it's like these porn titles that try to circumvent telling you directly that it's an incest fantasy scenario.

  12. Under no circumstances should you be having even vanilla sex – never mind BDSM play – with someone who you are scared to disappoint.

    Under no circumstances should you be having even vanilla sex – never mind BDSM play – with someone who you “dread” sex with.

    Under no circumstances should you be having even vanilla sex – never mind BDSM play – with someone who you can't talk to.

    What the hell is he doing that you are being injured all the time? That's not normal for most play.

    Do you have a safeword or words? If so, why are you not using them? This is literally what they're for. Given how you say he behaves after sex, is he under the impression that you're enjoying yourself? Have you ever told him that he has inflicted actual injuries?

    On the other hand, if you don't have a safeword and this guy's going full-medieval on your ass to the point that you are constantly in pain and he doesn't care, you're in an abusive relationship and you need to get away from this guy.

  13. I think that you could greatly benefit from talking to a therapist about this exact situation. You need someone who can, hopefully, look at and question your thoughts.

    It's something that should be done sooner and before you make that decision to leave.

  14. Why in the bloody blue blazes are you still with this childish, amateurish manipulator?!?

    “So, you've got all these girls hitting on you? Meaning you're encouraging them to do so. If you're so interested in all this attention, far be it for me to deprive you of your opportunities. Good bye.”

  15. I handled it well but it would have been nice if he did the right thing too. I think men are raised differently. Men are protectors, right? Or what's your role again? Shit on women? I've met a full spectrum of men in my life. There are some honorable guys who try to do the right thing as much as they can.

  16. Even if they never get in formal trouble for harassment, they do g er quiet consequences.

    I’m glad to hear that! And that no one here objects. My experiences with such creeps at my former company was unfortunately that they got promoted again and again – unsurprisingly as the big boss was as also the big creep. Glad that it usually works differently

  17. What can I do, if anything, to win him back?

    Your CBT is NOT going to work if your sole focus is on going through the motions in an attempt to pretend that you are 'cured' so you can get him back.

  18. That just sounds like hardcore honeymoon energy at play. I said this to my ex when I was younger because I was young and in love.

  19. Thank you for your thoughful input. I really appreciate your time and effort. I need to let it a sink and reread it later. There's a lot to take in. Though I think you hit the nail with relationship burn out. He was single for a long time before we met and I can be a lot sometimes. If so the trip should help him to process things and come back more willing to work through our issues. He has taken short solo trips during our relationship, and they've been for better. Also before we met he used to go on long vacations around hard life events. Travelling is somewhat a safe space for him. Of course it's possible he comes back with some unfavourable news. Meanwhile therapy sessions for me sound like logical next step. I've been too eager to think that the couples counselling would be the solution, to even think I should start from myself.

  20. What exactly are you thinking to get out of this meeting? Do you think you will become friends with your ex? How is that going to enhance your life? It will always be awkward for your husband, and most likely for your ex this “friendship” is just a way to entertain himself and show he can still yank your chain. He will lose interest in sustaning this “friendahip” as soon as he gets into a relationship. Seriously, ask yourself, what benefit is in it for you?

  21. No, this is not a normal dynamic in a marriage. I don't know where you heard that crap from but it's wrong. Set him free!

  22. Calling “im going to openly cheat on our already agreed upon monogamous relationship” a boundary is an abusive way to put it because its basically actual gaslighting. How selfish and manipulative. Let her go travel anf she can come home to an empty house and divorce papers.

  23. Nope, the fighting cycle is toxic. Couples therapy or reading a book about communication together might be helpful if you're both invested?

  24. OP do not let this weirdo tell u this shit is normal. I'm a girl that grew up in a family with just bloody 7 boys. I've seen them wrestle, give each other wedgies, and even purple nurples. When they were kids and still act a fool now as adults bt none of them ever so much as kissed or bit or sucked on each other as a joke.

    This isn't funny. The intention was to upset ur gf aswell which is something someone that is jealous of ur affection for tht gf does.. and it's not the first time he wants her upset? To what? Break up with u? To what end? Whats the goal?


  25. Apartments both here in Arizona and the state his parents live in are really expensive, and we're both young with minimum wage jobs and barely any college education. Believe me, we've been trying to get our own place. We just need the support financially from a parent until we can scrape together enough money.

  26. I'll go further: love is never enough on its own. You need compatibility, mutual respect, trust…. so many other things.

    OP, you're not compatible with her. You can find someone to love and be compatible with

  27. My advice is to walk away. Your going to spend too much time chasing that $100. Call it a lesson learned and move on

  28. You literally said you had a fight every weekend in March about her going out. So she tells you the truth, fight. She lies to you, fight. Either way, you're unhappy and fighting, what's the point of all this honesty if the outcome is exactly the same?

    And at least with a lie she won't have to text you every 45min. WTF is that even about, it's ridiculous to begin with and extra ridiculous given that you're 5 or 6 hours ahead. Are you staying up every weekend at bloody 3 and 4 and 5am waiting for her “still safe” texts???

    This relationship was so dysfunctional, I can't even wrap my mind around it. You're not ready to be in a relationship. Leave the poor woman alone.

  29. Yeah tell her you and the last 3 guys left her, she didn’t leave them. Big clue there. She needs to get her shit together.

  30. He sounds abusive and like he’s trying to isolate you. He already negatively affected you to give up on your degree. How much will you let him rob from you? This is spiritual warfare. You need to get away from this man.

  31. If my girl told me this after the first few times I’d understand and learn but 4 years later… I’d be so uncomfortable

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