StrangeAnn live webcams for YOU!


StrangeAnn Public Chat Channel

Date: October 9, 2022

6 thoughts on “StrangeAnn live webcams for YOU!

  1. If she cheated on you, why are you even together? You need to grow a spine and walk completely away from her and her drama. I’m shocked you’d even consider remaining with a woman who would betray you by spreading her legs and letting another man inside her and the continue seeing him despite knowing it hurts you. She’s clearly got no respect you at all. Guy you need to move on.

  2. This is ridiculous. You are 39! Please see the light now. This man is usingyou. He will continue to use you until you are dry. So dump him and block him on everything. You are studying law, please just focus on that and your future.

    Also don't date for a while until you get your mind in the right place. Starting with putting yourself first. I will pray for you and I mean this sincerely.

  3. Fuck the people that suggested doing another threesome…what is wrong with you people??? He clearly didn’t like it. Why the FUCK would he want to do it again??? Where are your heads?

  4. Your friend is an asshole, don’t chase her, she’s a poor excuse of a friend. I don’t even follow her damn logic.

  5. I’m not dismissing it, I just dont need it right now im not gonna make a whole post apologizing for looking through my boyfriends phone, I stated it at the beginning that should be enough. I also only looked through his phone because of previous red flags. Im not saying its right but again I did it. Also I said that because the messages didnt go farther I can live with it, it doesnt mean I dont have a problem with it. I even stated im clearly hurt by the messages. Him messaging someone else sexually is a violation to our relationship. How would you feel if you looked at your SO phone and seen them messaging that they want someone else’s private parts? Again I know I shouldn’t have looked through the phone, but thats also a no-no

    As for the porn itself. If you think the issue is the porn he watches you’re missing the point of the post. I literally dont care about his porn. My questions on this port are: Im wondering if this is a a small taboo type porn hes watching just to get off, or if this could be something that he genuinely wants to pursue as that could be problematic in our relationship as im not into that. Im asking as im baffled because he expresses exact opposite to these interests? Im asking if I bring it up, or bury it in the back of my mind?

    If you arent going to answer any of my actual questions and only going to shit on the fact I looked into my boyfriends phone gtfo the post:) you’re not being helpful.

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