JolieMichelle live webcams for YOU!


Make my first day magical [Multi Goal]

Date: October 8, 2022

10 thoughts on “JolieMichelle live webcams for YOU!

  1. If this is the hill you wanna die on, go ahead and pull out your calculator and figure out what child support is going to cost you for those two kids for the next (almost 18) year ahead. Then do the math and ask yourself if you want to watch your kids grow up for half their lives and all your money, or you can be bigger than this fight and stay in the ring and be a conscientious and considerate partner or not.

    Sometimes doesn’t right doesn’t matter.

    This is one of those times.

    You could have been considerate given you were over an hour and a half later then the minimum you mentioned. You could have easily called or texted because you are not the exhausted mother of a newborn, or didn’t have your hands full with two kids, but you chose not to and are now putting it all on her… a woman with a toddler and a newborn who, unsurprisingly, all fell asleep waiting for you.

    Come on. Pick your fights more carefully. This is just not worth it. You can be bigger than this, right?

  2. I eventually worked through it & after being on anxiety meds for a year, i've now got it under control. We realised it came from me living with a narcissistic ex-friend for a few years. Rough times lol

  3. He wasn't wrong. He most likely saw that there was some back and forth and it just got out of hand. It also doesn't help if you've got a history of having a sharp tongue (you didn't say).

    Don't forget they are his friends and not strangers. If he knows them well and their responses to you were out of the norm for them, he probably thought they were responding that way for a reason

  4. “There’s no point in having with you sex because he feels no pleasure in it “ so sex with you is only for his pleasure. He said what he said

  5. Long past time to get a divorce – this hasn't worked out for 6 years and he's making no effort to change that.

    You can find someone who's a better fit, who loves & appreciates you for who you are.

  6. Girl, he can’t let you go out ONE night just because some male coworkers will be in the room? If he doesn’t trust you, why are you with him? Do you want this man controlling your life going forward? Why are you wasting your time with somebody who clearly doesn’t respect you?

  7. Absolutely. But all adult relationships are compromises. Allowing your parents to dictate your actions has no compromise. You need to assert your independence while considering their fears, maybe negotiate coming home on weekends and a meal during the week etc. But if you value your independence, assert yourself.

  8. Appreciate the opinion and being blunt. This definitely gives me something to think about. I guess I had higher expectations of the night, but that’s on me.

  9. This is unfortunately quite simple; you've agreed to marry someone who's literally told you that he doesn't give a shit about you.

    He's also shown you that through every example you've provided, and I can only assume there's more.

    If you're here thinking essentially that once you get married he'll respect you, you're making a monumental mistake. The person you know now is the person you're marrying.

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