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26 thoughts on “Arax118live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you I needed this! I don’t have a problem with anyone’s style of texting and I definitely don’t need daily texts or good mornings, my anxiety just sometimes makes me go to ‘oh no he’s over me’.

  2. Lmao! More downvotes? Like, just you downvoting me? You started out sad and pathetic, and now you’ve just bottomed out, lol. I’m sorry that you’re angry, bitter, and that no one loves you. That’s your a lot in life. Sucks to be you. But hey! So long as you’ve got your right hand, you’ll always be loved.

  3. So, a mutual lie? Grow up guy, that’s not what everyone does. She doesn’t want to be friends…and neither do you! Her being honest isn’t uncivil, but you being a liar is.

    If you want one night stands with a bunch of woman, go forth, but get used to things being a bit awkward if you run into each other. You can make it less awkward by being upfront with woman and telling them you aren’t looking for a relationship! That would help you greatly.

    Drop the friend thing unless you actually want that, no one cares, and most people don’t want to be friends, which is fine.

    Also, you probably don’t bother her because statistically her ability to quickly replace you is far higher than yours. She doesn’t care. Get over yourself and don’t be rude to your current date by obsessing over what others are doing, you’re not that important to them.

  4. There is no easy way to solve it completely, as is a mental problem, is easier to be strong when there is no attachment, when there is attachment is often the weakness for anyone. The best suggestion I can apart from therapy or talk to professionals is talking to your boyfriend so he can give you more trust and feel safe and less worried even when he is not here, is also better for your relationship long term

  5. The “he's not here so I need to take it out on someone” comment is a huge red flag and you should break up with this guy immediately.

    It's one thing to be frustrated that someone from your partner's past keeps butting into your lives. That's understandable. It's annoying, but there are better ways to handle it than getting verbally abusive with your own partner for something that is not their fault.

    You couldn't have predicted your ex would go out of their way to text you from a different number. You were straightforward and honest with telling your boyfriend what happened – what else would he expect you to do, lie about it? Pretend it didn't happen?

    He did overreact. He can express his frustration about the situation in so many better ways than the way he did. But he instead chose to take his anger out on you and be verbally abusive towards you, which will never be acceptable. Especially not when he then claims to be the victim in the situation and demands an apology from you for something that wasn't your fault.

    Please, please, leave him. If this is how he reacts when he gets frustrated or angry about something indirectly related to you, he is not safe to be with.

  6. Not going to lie, I’m shocked by all the people that think this is sweet. It gives me major ick vibes too! He might be a really great/sweet guy and I would still give him a chance (assuming you enjoyed the date and also want to see him again), but definitely be on the lookout for anything weird…. (I.e. love bombing, saying he loves you WAY too early, trying to hard or being obsessive)

  7. It’s so weird to me. I’m gay, I can’t imagine being in a relationship where I wasn’t allowed to hang out one on one with any of my female friends.

  8. That is absolutely abusive behavior. I’d have him charged with assault, or the very least civil court for the cost of a hair style and extensions.

  9. Do women your own age just not fall for you or what is it that you have to go after someone decades younger than you? While she is running around with the little ones will you be scootering after them? Maybe if you can't face her family you know how and why they will react the way they do. How old was she when you two started dating?

  10. Yeah it doesn’t make any sense. If you were so abusive that he broke up with you, then why does he want to be friends?

    But If he’s just LYING to you about your behavior, then he probably just wants to keep you around as a backup option by “being friends” with you. Or he wants to make you feel so bad about yourself that you stay single??

    Point is – block the guy.

  11. This is common for guys who masterbate to porn, especially when they build an interest in a specific genre that isn't practical to reproduce with the girlfriend.

  12. How do you move towards greater intimacy, and how do you know/avoid when you're moving too fast?

    If you want to kiss her, ask her if that is okay. Talk with her about what, exactly, you want to do, and listen to what she says to you about it.

    Also, if you want to flirt with her, do so. Pay attention to how she reacts.

  13. i will say! saying no is hard so even if it came out a little messier than intended it’s good that u got ur no across

  14. When you put it like that it’s sounds simple, and I wish it was. In the middle of this situation I wish I could say “I’m done” and I’ve had that thought a hundred times in the past couple of days, but then my brain reminds me of the times he is an excellent husband and father.

  15. If it helps, think of it as an addiction. People usually relapse before fully quitting. It’s okay, it’s normal, and that doesn’t mean you’re weak. One step at a time, one day at a time.

  16. Personally, I'd say “didn't your mum ever teach you to STFU if you can't say anything nice?Maybe you should keep that ugly personality of yours in check!”

  17. I’m not sure where you live or who you surround yourself with but the objective reality of the world isn’t this Reddit thread. I can’t believe I even have to say this but there are still tons of women who reinforce toxic masculinity and gender norms. At least in the US, 45% of women identified as pro life before Roe was overturned.

    I’m also a bi guy and I’m not even going to begin to describe the level of homophobia I’ve experienced in past relationships perpetrated by women. Respectfully, you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re also part of the problem.

  18. I don’t think it could have been more evident. I brought up my relationship several times throughout the night, was bringing a gift for my partner back to my room when this happened. When I could finally speak I told her my life is over

  19. That’s a serious betrayal and your feelings are all valid. I would step back and take a moment to talk to a marriage counselor individually to sort your thoughts then act accordingly. Don’t involve anyone else in this matter like friends and family, they will definitely complicate this issue. This is 100% something that can break your marriage and rightfully so, every spouse has the right to know each others past and make a fully informed decision to keep the relationship or not. I’m sorry this happened OP

  20. TBH he sounds as irritated and unhappy as you are. You two aren’t communicating well, something is out of sync.

    If he will not talk and will not go to therapy to get help figuring this out, it’s going to end up in divorce. You need to lay that out in front of him and get this moving one direction or the other.

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