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esmeedeeplive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “esmeedeeplive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Exactly. I don't want to cheat per say, I just want my physical needs met. She won't do that so the urge starts to stray to other women.

    But I choose not to act on that urge.

  2. Ummmm… dude, this isn’t worth saving. It’s like looking at a 1997 Nissan Sentra that was in a front end collision and the airbags deployed and wondering how much it would cost to fix. You don’t fix that. You just move on.

    Your primary purpose in life now is your kids. She doesn’t want to be involved? Cool. Her loss. Raising them is an awesome responsibility but also very rewarding. If you already do all the household things then that part won’t be different. Go to an attorney and explain the situation. Get the admin part over with quickly. Empty your bank accounts asap. Tell her she’s free to go and wish her good luck. You will be better off, I promise.

  3. they don’t… not at 4am when she gets off work in Iowa. They be looking for anything and everything ?

  4. I had a similar experience. One can only experience so much capricious rejection and ghosting before your emotions at the start are numbed into oblivion.

    Love? Can't love a stranger. Everyone is a stranger until I get to know them. Very few people stick around long enough for that to happen. Some do and eventually I did really love them. However they all eventually rejected me anyways.

  5. Yeah that’s the other part he kind of glossed over. If she had taken them and sent them to OP previously he would have mentioned that. So she took lingerie shots but not for her husband. I suppose there is a slim chance she took a bunch, chickened out, but kept them on her phone anyway, but between that and the friend just happening to stumble upon them, it’s a lot of unlikely things at once.

  6. There are a couple of ways to handle this – the “passive” way or the '”pro-active” way.

    The “pro-active” way is to have the conversation with her about your concerns and see if some resolution can be found as to how she treats you. If you are in the frame of mind where you can't find the words to say what you want to say, see if writing it all down in a letter to her helps. And then once it's complete and you are happy with it, you both sit and she reads it. Then let the discussion flow on from there.

    The “passive” way is pretty much what you are doing now – shutting down on her completely and making yourself as small a target as possible. There are a couple of ways of doing this and if you like, google these two phrases “The 180” and “Grey Rock” and see if these are something you can do.

    The 180 is basically shutting down on her completely. No affection, no sex, no lovey dovey stuff, no engagement, etc. It effectively reduces your relationship down to housemates and co-parents. And that's all that will happen between you both. If you want to do something, you don't ask – you just go and do it. Tell her as you are closing the door “I'm off and will be back at x time” then you close the door and turn off your phone and go and do what you plan to do. When you get back you give her a stone cold face to her inevitable slide into the abusive frame and walk away if you have to.

    Moving into a spare room also helps with this.

    Grey Rock is generally done when you find that your partner is a narcissist and Gray rocking, or the grey rock method, is a tactic some people use when dealing with abusive or manipulative behavior. It involves becoming as uninteresting and unengaged as possible so that the other person loses interest.

    Both of these are things that you can do that may go some way to giving you some breathing space to think your situation through. It may give you space to see if leaving her is the best option.

    It may even be a wake up call to her that her actions are forcing you away from her.

  7. Something tells me you’ve overlooked an aspect of her personality. Some people simply have difficulty handling unexpected changes in their schedules or routines. Additionally, it sounds like she’s been stressed and busy. Sometimes taking a day off during a busy period at work causes more stress than it alleviates.

  8. This is predatory.

    He admitted to you that he was into you when you were a teenager. That alone is the biggest red flag ever. A teacher who builds shrines with pictures of his students (and likely masturbates to these pictures) and admits to 'wanting to f*ck them' is a teacher who needs to be reported.

    On top of that, his sex roleplay requests now are along the same line – he wants to feel like you are still his student and thus a) like you are still a minor and b) like there is still the student-teacher power imbalance going on.

    Nothing about this is normal. The relationship being a secret also isn't normal. I mean, the age gap in itself is pretty horrid anyway… In my opinion, this man needs to be reported so that he is not allowed to teach minors anymore (at the very least). He likes you because you're the closest thing he can get to having sex with one of his underage students.

  9. “you know: who can't have the grape's, always tell they are green… “

    And you can finish with something like: ” i know you're rightly sad, because she is really delectable/yummy!”

  10. Yeah, you see? Again this bullshit with “privacy used to lie”. But yeah, keep forcing that bullshit around.

    If you have nothing to hide you wont hide anything. OP should confront her about lying, he's not guilty, he had chosen to “trust” his girlfriend he'd be blindfolded.

  11. That's not very uncommon at all, especially for people who aren't super experianced. If its too bad her gyno can help. Otherwise, a common solution is to get various sized dildos. Start with a small one and lube for a few days, then move to a bigger one, and after a few days if needed, a slightly bigger one.

    Otherwise, make sure you are using plenty of lube, and stopping as soon as theres any pain.

  12. If you really want advice on whatever situation you have going on, you should just post the actual situation. Not use this vague “skydiving” analogy.

  13. So he does what he wants and doesn't give a shit about your thoughts or feelings to the point of boxing up your belongings and giving them away so he looks good and you think you can 'de-escalate'? If de-escalate means 'giving in and letting him do whatever he wants to you because it's the only way you can maintain a relationship with him since he doesn't give a shit about you as a person, he only cares about being right' then yeah, I guess 'de-escalating by letting him give your property away whenever he feels like it will probably work. {eyeroll}

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