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23 thoughts on “Lia_sexxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You don't. Not sure what kind of questions they are, but if they're about sensitive topics, then take a little time to really decide if they're worth asking and possibly dredging up old drama/issues. If you decide they are, then contact her and tell her you want to talk and ask her some stuff. There really isn't a shortcut.

  2. Why were you trying to convince someone for 33 years that your worth loving you did not realize after year 5, 10, 15, or 20. I know your weren't perfect also. Tbh your telling OP to be the person who hurt you so you still have trauma.

  3. Damn, my parents weren't making doctor money and always paid for my girlfriend or my sister's boyfriend to go on vacations. They would never invite someone and then ask for money for ANYTHING. I don't make a ton of money and have always laid for everything for my SOs. This situations makes ME mad. What a dick.

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  5. The fact you had to console her for the whole rest of the commute is what is bothering me. She laughed at you and because you didn’t immediately react and accept her apology for making you feel bad she pouts and plays the victim. Why didn’t she just get over it like she expected you to?

  6. Hi. I commented above. My sister left her ex in MI. He hasn't been able to find her over the course of 13 years. I live in MI. Northern MI (lower Peninsula) about 2 hrs from the Bridge. My sister was able to get permanent housing via a homeless shelter program, for her and my nieces. Please leave with your daughter, ASAP. I will try to help direct you if I can.

  7. You’re not secretive; you’re individuated. Which means that you’re your own person with your own priorities and goals. Which is healthy.

    What he’s trying to do is make you feel like his property. That you don’t have a life outside of the relationship. And he does this by accusing you of things you haven’t done, checking up on you and ultimately putting you on edge.

    This isn’t good for you and being confused is an indication.

  8. That’s some pretty hard projection she’s throwing out there. If it were a relationship, 20 and 24 isn’t that terrible an age gap. It wasn’t even a relationship- it was “do you think they’re hot?” You’re not talking about a 14 yo being hot, he’s a 20 yo adult. Acknowledging physical attractiveness of adults is not pedophilia.

    The fiancé on the other hand…

  9. OP I hate to say it, but this is raising a lot of red flags for me.

    As someone on medication for depression, there’s no “end date” that you can stop taking it. It’s usually a lifelong thing. You mention that your fiancé has “finished his medication”….so what exactly does that mean? Has he decided to stop taking it because it’s causing issues with his sex drive?

    Big red flag is him saying that he’s turned off by your need for foreplay. Generally speaking, women need a little bit of time and effort to get going before sex!!! Not “wham bam thank you ma’am”! It sounds like he’s not willing to put any effort into making sure your needs are met.

    Your mom’s line about “keeping your man interested” is outdated thinking, to say the least. Effort in a relationship is a two way street. One person shouldn’t have to do more because the other person is lacking.

    I feel that you should either sit down and have a long serious talk with your fiancé about everything or perhaps see about counseling, either for you alone or both of you as a couple. Getting married will not magically solve any of the issues you mentioned.

    Also, you have done nothing wrong here, from what I can tell. It sounds like the problem lies with your fiancé. He may need to talk with a doctor or therapist if he legitimately has issues from meds. But honestly, this sounds to me like he’s not 100% committed to your relationship. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and I wish you well and hope things work out, whatever that may end up being.

  10. Now I find out she’s bringing the bf to stay in my apartment with us for the whole weekend. I’m obviously not a fan of this man and I feel like the buffer again. And like a shit friend cause I basically told her I don’t want to spend the whole weekend with this man.

    Idk I feel like an asshole she’s upset now and idk what to do

    She is allowed to be upset, she is allowed to feel her feelings. You are also allowed to set rules and boundaries in the relationship and that includes saying “I did not sign up to be the host for your romantic weekend away, if you want to bring Bob then please get a hotel room.”

    She is the one making it awkward. Let it be awkward.

  11. I’ve been willing to accept I’m not her first priority. And im very respectful of her family. The reassurance that this is what happens with dating someone with kids does help

  12. So your wife says things you don't understand and she's the problem and needs to go to therapy? Cool cool cool cool cool.

  13. OP after reading the post and some of your comments personally I’d show him this post and everyone ripping into him in the comments. You’ve told him it’s an issue and he hasn’t done anything. Show him everyone freaking out on him and telling you to break up with him… and then break up with him.

  14. No one knows what their hypothetical future married sex life would be.

    But her current attitude to her cousin is pretty terrible.

  15. Either a brain dead troll or disenfranchised middle aged bitty latching on to a buzzword she overheard at wholefoods from an early 20 something to try and justify her abhorrent behaviour.

  16. Yes you leave him. You took him back once, which was his only chance, and that taught him that you were okay with the abusive behavior.

    He's not going to get help because you asked him to. It's only going to get worse.

    Leave now before it does.

  17. Girl. You do what you want with your face. All of this drama your bf is creating sounds manipulative and like he's insecure. He's not wispering stupid shit to you because he thinks your going to die. He's wispering goodbye to the girl whose confidence is low enough to stay with him. Now I'm not saying go get surgery and I'm not saying don't get counselling. I'm saying that you can do with yourself what you want and if he can't handle it or the self confidence you have then that's his failure.

    The question about how can the opinions of others be so important to you is such an insecure question from him. Women don't purely exist to satisfy the opinions of men or others. Sometimes we just want to see ourselves the way we want. Sometimes we wear makeup just for us. Sometimes we do our hair because we like the way it looks. Sometimes we want a nose job because we don't like our noses.

    Get counselling for you because everyone can be improved with talking to someone. But don't go into it asking why you want to see yourself in a way that pleases you. Get it asking why you're letting some dude guilt you into staying in his box.

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