Violla-Oliver live webcams for YOU!


ahegao [Multi Goal]

Date: February 12, 2023

15 thoughts on “Violla-Oliver live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your boyfriend sounds terribly insecure. First it is a coworker that he doesn’t want you to be around. Next it will be your clothes….you can’t wear attractive clothes to work….and why is that waiter smiling at you? You must have been flirting with him! Run.

  2. I had a lawyer and he couldn’t do that much for me I don’t want to make any rash decisions that I might regret and it feels like an overreaction to file for a divorce over one issue like this

  3. Sucker. You are a sucker. She is a con artist. She gets things she wants out of people.

    Get out of this. Cancel her gym membership so you don't have to see her and run as fast as you can.

  4. One of my Dad’s friends strung his girlfriend along for twenty years before he finally agreed to marry her. The poor woman died less than a year later, only in her forties. I’ve always felt terrible for her, wasting her life with a jerk who never appreciated her.

  5. You wrote that you are being molested, then you write nothing about that in your list of issues. What is true?

    Also, why would you move out in September instead of now?

  6. Is he doing the “death grip” when he masturbates? That can desensitize a guy to the point where he can’t orgasm any other way. Suggest that he do /r/nofap for a while and see if it improves his experience in bed with you.

  7. So these are your questions:

    Can anyone else relate?

    I have hobbies my partner's not into, but they don't require him to go anywhere or spend any money to actively support me. He just needs to act interested when I'm all enthusiastic about some new thing, which he does.

    How do you deal with it?

    I make friends in the hobby community to share my enthusiasm with. I have discord servers and subreddits dedicated to my hobbies and I talk to those people about our shared interests. Most of them have partners who don't really get what's so great about our hobby either.

    should I push him to be supportive of me?

    No. He's made it clear that he thinks community runs are a silly hobby. You can prod him hard to show up for your events and maybe he'll do it, but you'll both know he's not into it and doing it under duress. That's not real support.

    Or should I just accept that that’s not the kind of partner I have?

    You should accept that this is how your partner is, but that doesn't mean that you have to accept this person as your partner if the lack of support is something super important to you. I think it's OK if he doesn't want to get up early to go to your marathons and hang out by himself for a few hours waiting for you. It sounds really boring. The problem is that he's putting you down for enjoying what you enjoy and that's not OK; especially since it's something that's good for your health (in moderation). Ideally he'd go to your marathons sometimes. But if not, the least he can do is still encourage you and be positive about your hobby and how happy it makes you. He's not even doing that much and that would be a problem for me personally. It's important to surround yourself with people who encourage you to challenge yourself and who are excited for your successes.

  8. Yeah, they aren't communicating well, and she is making unreasonable demands, probably due to insecurity. None of that is gaslighting. I really wish people would learn to use that word properly.

  9. Guy is wrong and he triggered your fight or flight reaction. Whenever a guy has approached my throat I have assertively taken their hand and ‘thrown’ it away, and always got an apology (often with a similar ‘all the girls I have been with liked it’).

  10. I am sorry, but she didn’t make a false report. It’s not safe for your child to be in a house with animal feces, lying around where they’re screaming and yelling at her parents face. I am sure there is more and she is not treated you well, but from what you have said, so far, it seems like she’s the most stable person in your life .

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