Queens-paradise live webcams for YOU!


queens-paradise chat

Date: February 9, 2023

12 thoughts on “Queens-paradise live webcams for YOU!

  1. That's goddamn nasty. My boxers are funky as hell after a day of work. No shot I'd expect my girlfriend to want her mouth or genitals anywhere near my sweaty, smelly body. Sex is a lot more fun when you're not disgusted the entire time. He's being unreasonable. Gag.

  2. She has always been like this, but its gotten worser now especially. Usually during arguments she is just extremely stubborn, but now shes starting to ask her sister and blah blah blah.

    We got together when we were younger and what I'd consider dumber we were extremely good friends and thought dating would be okay and decided to put aside our differences.

    I have never cheated, and I don't think I've shown signs of cheating of any sort! Though I could've said something that triggered that thought or maybe shes self conscious. I am a person who gets quite a lot of compliments on my looks so that could be a factor.

    I've wanted to pursue an open relationship its only my preference, but I didn't really bring it up til' around the middle of 2022.

    She on the other hand has always wanted kids, though I've stated multiple times I don't want kids.

  3. You sound like my sister


    You: says really hurtful thing in the heat of emotions

    Him: is hurt by your hurtful thing and reacts accordingly

    You: surprised pickachu face


    Not being able to control your emotions doesn’t excuse you of your behavior. Next time be sorry before you say something cruel to someone you claim to care about.

  4. I really can't believe what I'm reading. NO, this isn't cheating, FFS. Your girlfriend exchanged a few words with a person of the opposite sex. That's it. Please get a grip!

  5. We’ve been together for a year though in a month. I wasn’t thinking of the fact that he never talked about a future with me before I read what he wrote to her knowing they were only together for a few months, like 2-3 months I don’t remember exactly.

  6. You are marring a weak gross dud. That's what your fiance is. He will never get it. Incapable. Hope you have a prenump! About to ruin your life!

  7. I said fighting was immature and I don't recommend that. A calm “yes” would have defused the situation and given him a leg to stand on later when she tried to accuse him of being unsupportive

  8. adoption should never about the parents and what the parents want it should ALWAYS be about the child, it’s very concerning that he wants to adopt asian children specifically, if you both decide to go through with adoption please do some research on the affects it has on children & how different it is to having biological children. it’s not selfish to want to have biological children & adopting children doesn’t make you a saint, it is a long and tedious process to adopt and you have the factor of their biological family as well, not everyone is fit to adopt and i don’t think your husband is in my opinion.

  9. I'm sure some women hunt thr virginity of some men. Virginity describes a physical condition of the body. The IDEA of Virginity being pure or whatever, you can argue is made up.

    It's fascinating the mental gymnastics ya'll go through when preferences don't meet your accepted norms

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