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Reaownalive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “Reaownalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If nothing happens valentines day, get rid of him or if he does miraculously plan something tell him the next day too little too late

  2. Oh boy. He said a dumb. It's not a big deal that he was with someone more experienced and adventurous than you. It's a bit of a big deal he told you. That was a dumb and shitty thing to do but doesn't sound like it was meant maliciously. It might just take a while for you to heal from the comment. Give it some time.

  3. Thank you. I just wish there was a way to get her out of the negative mindset too. Her mom and inlaws havr always coddled her. She got upset that her dad wouldn't give her money after he and his wife went to a destination wedding out of the country. Except she doesn't work and refuses to get a job. So I'm just at a loss of what else to do other than prioritize my mental health.

  4. …..”work with”……

    The answer is no.



    If you need to, quit. You'll get fired if you go down these roads.

  5. They're not kids lmao xD. They're dating because they are both consenting adults. Reddit is such an echo chamber, you'd be surprised how many people agree with me but you all think that this relationship is creepy and whatnot hahah

  6. I feel like theyre trying to live through and justify what they don't have the strength to do in reality.

    Like watching a superhero movie and he defeats the villain.

  7. I hope, if you learned anything at all from this, it's to always wear a condom. Never fall for the “oh it's fine I can't get pregnant”.

    That said, what she did was very, very wrong.

    Are you 100% certain you do not want to be a part of this kids life? You need to make a decision on that and stick with it, you can't be half in and half out.

  8. Traveling solo can be fun! I’ve done it a number of times and exposes you to a new lense of traveling.

    As for the friend, time to find more friends. Ones that are either in the same place in life as you or actually are your friend.

  9. Respect his position. It’s a huge undertaking you are asking of him. If you were a citizen then it would be easy. But you aren’t. If he marries you then he is responsible for you for 10 years. Financially responsible. That’s a huge risk. I would want to be 100% certain before risking my financial life on such a huge decision.

  10. Tons of things affect your mood and desire to be intimate. Def worth getting vitamin levels checked out and visiting a therapist if you can. It could be work stress, meds, sleep changes, etc. I have a similar issue, my anxiety gets going and I’ll go weeks pushing my boyfriend away. Even though he’s totally wonderful and I WANT to want him, that part of my brain is just “off” sometimes. Being open with him about how I’m feeling and reassuring him that its not about him, it’s just how my head is now, was really important. And working together to find things that help. Like he’ll set me up with a nice bath and candles and a joint sometimes, and that gives me time to get myself ready and calm down and kinda “find” that part of me mentally. Problems like this tend to get worse if you put too much pressure on yourself though, so don’t let that guilty feeling weight you down. acknowledge that you’re frustrated with yourself because there’s a disconnect somewhere, but that doesn’t make you worth any less or a bad partner. It’s good you want to figure it out!

  11. Everyone has different standards. My bf makes over 200k and I am still on food stamps. He still expects me to pay for my own dates and half of rent and to be a good wife if we live together. If you agree to this now, it will be expected later.

  12. Thank you so much for your wonderful reply. It's the wording that bothers me, she said to this day I still wonder. Maybe you're right, maybe im exaggerating

  13. He asked you which you care about more, and you said him. Then he explicitly told you that he cares more about the clothes you wear than you as a person. That’s your answer. He cares about your clothes more than you, and that’s not okay.

  14. I am aware it is wrong but I am trying to give the full picture and the thought process behind my decisions. Not trying to use it as an excuse. I am again saying I know I was wrong and will work my hardest to rectify the issue, she is aware of this too. I took it too lightly because I couldn't understand why it was important to her.

  15. Social media is scientifically proven to be addictive and destructive to ones mental health with studies showing increased rate of body dysmorphia, depression, misinformation, pedophilia and suicide rates.

    Forcing someone to engage in it shows a lack of respecting boundaries, incompatibilities and immaturity (especially from a 38 year old woman)

    This is the behaviour I would expect from a teenager, not an adult.

    I absolutely agree that you shouldn't force someone to speak your love language just as you shouldn't force someone to speak yours.

    Your entire statement contradicts itself when you put the shoe on the other foot.

  16. Been there. Back in college I had a long term, long distance boyfriend. We met at school but he was a year older so graduated before me and took a job 2 hours away.

    I would visit him every other weekend and every time he would just spend HOURS playing league. Sometimes 5+, while I just sat there in his apartment waiting for him to finish. A lot of the time too he would then spend another hour or so practicing guitar. The only activity we had time to do together was go out to eat dinner after he was done and maybe take his dog on a walk.

    He never visited me, I always drove to him. He got mad when I asked him to not play league when I visited. I happened to find his tinder profile one day, confronted him, and long story short HE broke up with ME because he couldn’t handle the guilt.

    Looking back, I should have left his ass the first time he refused to get off league of legends.

  17. Yes, trust your gut; that's a red flag. Why can't he celebrate you just because they are too? Feels like he's doing that on purpose to try to make you jump.

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