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angel_sensuellelive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “angel_sensuellelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would think so, yes. If touch is his primary, that means that there are definitely times he feels the lack, unlike you who likely barely feels this bc Quality Time is something you get often. I think over time it will just chip more and more off of him. I'm sure he's grateful for your efforts though but I'm a bit doubtful if it will last if it's something he values very much and you never progress in getting used to it. Good luck though!

  2. Idk man, it’s so hard. I love this man so much and I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone with that chemistry again. It’s something I’ve never had. But at the same time I’m tired of not feeling valued enough for the literal bare minimum. He says he will work on it and do better, but I don’t know how long I should wait for him to figure that out.

  3. She remember the kissing and groping so she does remember some of the night to that point, and their was a witness who said she willingly went to the room with the guy so she choose to go with him there. What happened after wasnt her fault, she got assaulted but if what the friend says is true and she made thay choice to go to the room then she choose to break the boundary

  4. Only comment/compliment on things that the person has chosen to express, like their wardrobe, or if they have dyed their hair an awesome color that's clearly not their natural color. Singing voice, funny jokes, listening skills, thoughtfulness, organizing skills, etc. Or something like that. Don't ever comment on a physical quality that they were born with. Because they had nothing to do with that, they were just born that way.

  5. I came in here prepared to say that some roommates just don’t want to be involved in their roomies’ love lives, and I lived with lots of guy roommates without ever meeting their SO’s, but the fact these two have dating history and she has unresolved feelings changes the situation.

    It’s pretty weird, OP. Not gonna lie. Sounds like she isn’t ready for him to move on and is avoiding the fact he has a gf. To me, the main red flag with this is that he doesn’t seem to be fully acknowledging how weird this is, and even if he is completely faithful, might be the sort who naively gets himself into compromising situations. Which can honestly be just as frustrating and emotionally draining as someone sneaking around.

  6. you said “call or message her somehow” which sounds an awful lot like stalking when talking about someone that you´ve never spoken to before.

  7. Yeah… I think something that might help me see that this should end would be one date, and then being done with it if I feel like I’m on an audition lol. But I may end up hurt just doing that. Not sure if the risk is worth it.

  8. A difference of opinion should be a conversation not an argument. Punching things is abusive. it doesn’t matter that he’s not hitting you – he’s doing it to create terror and control you

  9. She’s acting like that, AND she is in debt.

    I’m fucking out bro. See ya!

    I don’t let people disrespect me like that.

    Stop being a doormat.

  10. Your marriage may not be over but you're in a tough spot created by the cheating. This may be his extended version of the freebie you owe him. It's been 8 years though, right? By now, if this is how it's gonna be, it may mean tension and arguably exused secrecy will continue. If I were you, at this point, I'd come out and ask him if he wants to cheat. If this would end this behavior. Not to say you'd allow it, but it might make him face the reality and let it go and/or move on.

  11. He needs to forgive. You need to forgive yourself.

    You both need to stop seeking validation outside the marriage. If this doesn't stop, then yes your marriage is over.

  12. Tbh I would probably have let this one pass. Like he was a confident idiot and as soon as you slapped him with your non-receptivity he realized he was an idiot.

    That being said, if his behavior afterwards grossed you out and now you see him as pathetic….

    Tell him that you need time to think and reset. You called the ring gross, which does not sound like an excited potential future bride.

  13. Oh I'm taking that info to the bank and stashing it in a deposit box. Thank you, trust me, the wake up is needed.

  14. Yeah it shows. Even the woman you're engaged to apparently the way you judge her on the internet instead of having a real conversation and trying to find common ground (like you should in a relationship, suprised you wanna marry if you don't even know about that one)

  15. Sounds like Daddy knows best and you're just being shallow brat worried about her appearance. You sound spoiled tbh. He should stop paying, it's you'll just have to get a job and find the skinny girl of your dreams

  16. So then if they're going to stay together she has to put out? That's a pretty shallow and manipulative ultimatum, don't you think?

    I agree that the advice here is to have a larger discussion about wants and needs, but you're coming out here with a massive bias and ignorant stance against aromantic individuals. It's not wrong how they do (or don't) feel about sex. All you needed to say was, “She needs to change pills.” The rest was extremely, unnecessarily vilifying of OP's gf.

  17. So she sends a text to your husband that her schedule changed and she’s driving her kid to school instead of waiting for the bus as usual. Then hubby says “just to clarify this isn’t about the conversation we had?” She says no. But most likely is the reason for the change.

    So we know she changed her normal schedule so she wouldn’t see him face to face and he wanted to be sure she didn’t change her schedule because of what he said to her.

    OP he definitely said something inappropriate to her and she’s avoiding him. I don’t think they’ve been physical but he has definitely said something that made her so uncomfortable that she avoided him.

    But she tells you she can’t remember. I would say she may be truthful & not remembered what he said in the unsent text but either way she doesn’t want to be in the middle of y’all’s relationship.

    So definitely question him more because he has most definitely crossed a line and she wants nothing to do w him.

    You can’t contact her if she blocked you or you blocked her. Go into your phone to see if he may have blocked her number on your end. If you don’t realize a number has been blocked it’ll still look like it sent on your end but they won’t be able to reply. So if you have her number go into the details and look at the bottom to see if that number is blocked.

    He’s just acting too sketchy and the unsent messages aren’t by accident. You have to manually send them and manually unsend them. You only have a few seconds to unsend them or they’re permanently sent. So he sent something inappropriate and unsent then within 30 seconds or so after because he knew it was wrong. Whether she was able to see them before he unsent them we don’t know. So she may be truthful on not know what those unsent ones said.

    I’m giving her the benefit of a doubt because she clearly doesn’t want this from him if she changed her schedule. I doubt her job really changed. She did that on her own because she’s now uncomfortable around him.

    Focus on your husband. Don’t let him gaslight you anymore. Things have happened too fast to be a coincidence or mistake.

  18. Relationships require compromises, but also boundaries. Open and polyamorous relationships are rarely onesided unless one party really doesn't mind and has no need to explore outside the relationship. To want to fuck around and at the same time refuse you the same liberties is major red flag. Honestly, I'm surprised at the question. I personally don't believe in monogamy, but respect and trust are needed in every relationship format. If your SO can't respect your boundaries, it's not a good fit. Hope you can work things out or move on to something better.

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