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Froze_Eyeshadelive sex stripping with hd cam


42 thoughts on “Froze_Eyeshadelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She does struggle with verbal communication. I’ve offered the idea of video/audio call but she declined. She’s too shy for that.

    I just don’t know how to tell her that i want her to take the lead of the conversation.

    When i DONT message her she gets really upset and frustrated. She says something like “ nvm I don’t want talk anymore “ or “ you act like you like but you don’t message me first “ and things like that.

  2. He’s 32 and feels like this? Run. He will not mature and change. It sounds like he also has a deep disrespect of women. You’re young. Leave now and find someone who isn’t an overgrown man baby.

  3. He didn't tell OP the resemblance, that alone would be uncomfortable but not extreme. Him giving OP her clothes and not saying anything, giving OP the same nickname, not talking about his late wife (especially to his daughter), not giving his daughter her mom's pictures or showing her… all together is weird and problematic imo.

    It's like the husband replaced one for the other

  4. He said he doesn't know anything about the pics… so why was she taking them? I suppose it's possible so she could see how she looked wearing things, but if it were me, I would've sent some of them to my SO…

  5. Oof. Get jobs. Gain independence. Stop relying on everyone else to carry your responsibilities before you bring a child into this world.

  6. “Why do women willingly date men like this?”

    I ask the same question anytime one of my lady friends talk to me about their toxic relationships. Like is it so hard to leave? Looks can only take you so far. And you make a fucking solid point about how the kids will grow up to disrespect women. Fucking spot on dude. I would give you 100 more upvotes if I could.

  7. She tells me that she’s doing it just to see how he’s doing that’s it. She doesn’t want a friendship or anymore communication after that. It still doesn’t sit right with me the need to do all of that. She reassured me really well, but I just don’t feel comfortable with her doing that. Thanks for responding you’re awesome.

  8. Omg op this is hilarious. She cheated on you and is in love with her boss. And staying is even an option!

    I wonder what kind of life someone has to live where they lack this much resolve.

  9. You do not have to tell anyone why you broke up.

    You can simply say it didn't work out, you weren't right for each other, your core values were different, and it is better for you to not be together so you both have a shot at happiness. If people get nosy, simply say you are processing the experience and really don't want to talk about it right now.

    No one has to know the deets.

  10. She is taking advantage of you and manipulating you. Unfortunately given that it's only 6 months in, major red flags.

    This is not okay or normal. She is telling you there is no room for negotiation. She simply does not want to pay you rent to live there. She doesn't want to discuss.

    You need to realize it sounds entirely like she knows what your saying. She just doesn't care.

  11. Why in the world would you want to be with him…

    He has cheated on the past We fought so much I put my all in this relationship and would give him anything and everything he asked. He asked for a break again saying he “wasn't ready to commit” made out with girls but told me “you can't be mad cause we aren't together” In fights he would tell me that he didn't love me, that I was crazy. he came out crying (LOL good)

    You were being used and walked all over.

    Hey, I want to keep you around as a fuck buddy and have a reletionship without being in a reletionship. That way I can go mess around with other girls and “you can't be mad cause we aren't together”

    Omg! You flirted with someone! How could you do this to me?! You're a cheater!!!

    Ca'mon now… your ex is a piece of work.

    You didn't cheat. You were being used completely.

  12. He could simply have trauma related to sharing tech and now keeps his stuff private even if he has nothing to hide. This sounds kinda PTSDish to me. Especially since you found nothing.

  13. I have artificial grass in my yard and my dogs are primarily indoor dogs who get groomed, so that probably helps. I sweep if I see hair or dust on the floor. ?‍♀️

  14. I used to snore BADLY. Loudly and LOTS of it. I had a loose upper palate. My uvula would bash and crash around like a party for one.

    I had surgery to trim my floppy palate so i don't snore any more. A cheaper option is to buy a second hand CPAP machine and use that.

  15. If you can’t see comments, it’s often due to bot comments that get removed, as those won’t show but they effects the count.

  16. I'll give advice on posts I think are reality adjacent for the audience or to debate some social norms nuance but when it gets too far out there I don't bother.

  17. Well… If she's the type of person that will destroy his marriage, maybe she they type of person you shouldn't trust…

  18. My husband and I have been together for eight years and married for almost five. I’ve been seeing the same lady for my hair for six years. They’ve never met. I doubt my husband even know my hair lady’s name. ? it’s not that serious.

  19. Cervical cancer is caused by HPV and there is no approved test for it for men. When men get tested, this is not something they get tested for.

    But you can get an HPV vaccination

  20. So you want to marry someone who's cheated on you multiple times? You're nineteen. You're not even fully mature. Please do not get married to this turd.

  21. You're really the only person to make a decision here.

    People having different political/religious viewpoints is a part of life. It's up to you to decide whether its a deal breaker.

    His faith and politics are deeply personal things. And you don't really have a right to try to force yours on him.

  22. I’m curious why someone that beat their spouse was at your mother in laws house. Like? What’s the relationship there

  23. The great news here is that it seems you're all in a position to have a mature and pragmatic discussion to figure out what's appropriate for the situation.

    To answer the question, it can't be answered as a blanket statement. Let's start by focusing on the property; what kind of place is it? What's private? What's shared? With no context, if we're to assume something like a 2BR apartment, while I'd tend to lean your way, the fact that they're sharing a bedroom (as opposed to having two even if both aren't used) means that they individually get less private space. However, all common areas would logically be used equally. As such, maybe something like 60/40 would be more appropriate, but we also have to consider the size of the bedrooms.

    Utilities are where it's a bit more black and white. You all use electric. You all use wifi. You all use water. That should be 2/3.

  24. Dude, I feel for ya. Breaking up with someone is tough, especially when they move on so quickly. I wouldn't recommend numbing yourself with painkillers or any other drugs, that's not a healthy solution. Focus on yourself and your future. Try to channel your energy into your AI company and becoming that millionaire. If she comes back because you're rich, then she wasn't worth it anyway. Remember, it's not your fault and you're not stupid. Just keep pushing forward, bro.

  25. Get a lawyer fast, she abandoned her child, child doesn't know her,

    So it's highly unlikely she will get any custody.

    Get a lawyer to be safe, comfort your husband, but tell him you need to see a lawyer ASAP just incase,

    I could never see a judge allowing her to see her seeing as the child doesn't know her and introducing her will only upset her

  26. This!! 23 is way too young to deal with this shit. Leave him, find a therapist, heal, and live your absolute best child free life. Someone who deserves you is out there and you'll find him. Just heal and find yourself first.

  27. None of that matters if he won’t communicate it. Aren’t healthy relationships about earnest communication? Not passive-aggressive comments? That’s where he’s gone wrong.

  28. Ask OP about it and see if you can get more info, it might be a great piece of advice that you can give them.

  29. You are telling all this to the wrong people. Your husband saw the best in you for whatever reason. Go tell him right fucking now how much you love and appreciate him, how sorry you are. Yknow that thing in bed he loves but you would really prefer not to do because it’s messy and gets you all sticky? Do that. Tonight.

  30. Man my fatherly instincts are kicking in right now, please PLEASE don’t stay with this guy. He is not good for you. There is nothing in this world that could justify his destroying your apartment. That is flat out abuse. This is where abusive relationships start … if he will destroy your things then he will eventually hit you. Everything you said to him was absolutely reasonable. He is gaslighting you. It is what abusers do.

    You dream of him because he reminds you of past trauma. Believe me, I dreamed about the woman who abused me for years and years. It is because abusers know how to love bomb you and play on your needs and insecurities… it was what they do. The dreams will go away as you heal from your past trauma … you don’t don’t need this abuser in your life to feel whole. You need to learn and value yourself to be whole, regardless of who you date.

    If his friends are good people they know that he is abusing you … I wonder if that is why they feel so uncomfortable around you.

    Anyway, please take care of yourself. Sending a virtual dad hug your way.

  31. he says that but also says he cant break up with me, hes unhappy without me and he really does act in love. this is why i feel so frustrated. is it definetely mot worth trying to fix?

  32. Yes everyone is always owed an explanation.

    You've tried breaking up with him before BUT the difference with this time is that you are seriously fed up, done, and will not be accepting his pleas that he'll be better. The other times you decided to give him another chance. That's your fault. Even though he's a dummy doesn't mean he deserves a complete ghosting. Just tell him straight up and if he fights it, follow up with you said that last time and nothing has changed. Sorry. I'm moving on, goodbye. Etc However you want to put it. Lol But that the finality is obvious and unwavering.

    Good Luck OP on your singledom. I hope you find someone who can give you what you need and what everyone deserves.

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