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Tina-Dovalive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “Tina-Dovalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.

    I echo other redditor’s comments that a moment of such shock and sadness is a bad time to take irreversible action.

    Having originally taken responsibility for his dog, your husband has a duty to research and consider his options before having her euthanized. I personally don’t believe there is a solution short of that but there might be.

    If you’re staying with a friend, he’ll have the time to consult behaviorists, work through his own resistance to euthanasia, or come up with another arrangement so that you are no longer responsible for the dog and don’t see her. You could maybe meet with a counselor to talk about the experience, which I’m sure was awful.

    As much as they’re our babies, cats & dogs are predators, and the dog didn’t make a moral decision per se. She doesn’t “deserve” to be treated unkindly or punished. And it would maybe help to not think of euthanasia as punishment but rather as a safety measure that may or may not be needed depending on what the risks are.

  2. Any chance he got the idea that you've become bored with him? It's possible that he suspects that you at least occasionally TELL him you're busy when in fact you'd just rather avoid him. Could be a poorly-designed effort to be less boring, more fun to be with.

    Or he's just not adjusting to your busy schedule, and he's going thru a sort-of drought in your time and attention. So, when you finally have time to spare him, you find him uncharacteristically thirsty for it.

  3. Lol it sounds like it. You should probably prioritize you for now. But it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and you already know the right answer even if it’s hard to accept

  4. You’ve done a lot of work overcoming abuse. You deserve a healthy relationship. Wishing you all the best.

  5. I think he was just trying to pull that random message to try to justify himself and put some of the blame on me

    Or maybe he’s trying to tell you that when he pulled back, you didn’t read the room, ie when he said he was unsure to hang, that’s a sign to let up a bit and that the amount of interaction (text or in person) you were expecting was more than he had to give.

  6. I'm sorry but.. yeah he does.

    You met him, he immediately married you and got you pregnant each year since then. He wants to keep going. He doesn't want to have sex unless it's to get you pregnant.

    It's a MASSIVE red flag for a 50 year old man to even date a 28 year old woman, much less aggressively rush into marriage and kids with her.

    As for his friends saying he wasn't interested in kids before he met you, I doubt that has anything to do with you. The theory that the purpose of life for men is to “pass on their genes” has recently been trending all over the internet in the past few years especially in redpill communities. I wouldn't be surprised if he got his newfound obsession from something he saw online.

    Also if you're wondering why he was nice first but changed when you had a baby, it's coz he thinks now that you've had his baby, you'll no longer be able to leave him. He thinks you're trapped forever so he doesn't need to bother pretending to be nice anymore.

    I don't think this was ever a real marriage. I think you need to leave, as hard as that sounds. Do you have a support system? Family?

  7. Dude it was not even a one time deal, she literally fucked new guys for days, it wasn't a mistake. What are you waiting for

  8. My first question – does your bf have a therapist or does he believe in therapy as being helpful? He sounds a lot like my partner in that his anxiety and self-doubt can very easily overwhelm him, so he avoids doing the thing until he's pressed to, freaks out a bit, or abandons the project altogether. It's difficult and very frustrating at times.

    I don't think you're asking for too much, either – but I wonder if he can handle that sort of pressure right now, particularly if he doesn't have someone “on the outside” to help him through this anxiety. You could very well be fighting this situation your entire relationship….

    The big thing here is the difficulty and lack of clear communication you both need. Being that you've written your letter, was the original plan to exchange them and read apart or communicate these more difficult issues only through letters? Would you read your letter to him aloud or are you trying to avoid that because of the upset feelings that happened before?

    Things to think about, you don't necessarily have to answer to me, but: Is he able to talk about things deeply without getting upset? Are you? Does he need to write the letter or just communicate his frustrations and expectations of this relationship? What's the true outcome you're looking for? If he can't write anything down, perhaps you can read your letter to him and he can respond to how he's feeling. Not to interrupt you or justify what you're experiencing, but this way, he's “writing his letter” to you, on the spot.

    Of course, it will be harder this way, but if he really wants to try anything to repair and strengthen your relationship, he needs to be open to suggestions. I agree also that you shouldn't just give up – but you should also be very clear with your feelings right now. Let him know that you need something back from him – and y'all need to clearly communicate, one way or another – or you really can't stay in limbo, wondering what's going on.

    Good luck! I know it's hard, but the thing I see here is that he needs to open up more and communicate. I suppose you need to do the same? Or at least you need to learn a more effective way of communicating with him. Do you have a therapist to talk to?

  9. My problem in a ton of people like me if you read enough of these read it and the cheating and a lot of people consider at that. It doesn’t work. I also grew up in the 70s and 80s when we did it. I wasn’t always straight laced I came out of a bad situation, so I was pretty all over the place when I was young. And it never worked for anybody eventually in the 80s people settle down and got married in monogamous relationships. The same people that had three Simpson open relationships. I have a lot of experience in a lot of education.

  10. He wants space. You can give him space by doing what he asks or by moving out completely. Either way, it’s not uncommon to be overwhelmed by never being alone. You have alone time while he’s at work but he doesn’t. If you don’t work and he only works from afternoon til 9pm, that’s a lot of time together, why isn’t that enough to give him a day on his own?

    The rest of your activities sounds odd as well. Why don’t you go out together at all? Why do you sleep in that late when you’re bothered by having wasted the day afterwards? You don’t even sound like your lives are compatible. Why did you move in after three months? What are you doing all day?

  11. It sounds like you've outgrown your BF or just aren't compatible with him anymore. But what you are doing right now is GROSSLY unfair to him. You need to break up with him.

    If you want to go all Eat Pray Love once you're single, that's up to you. But I don't think it's going to turn out the way you think.

    Good luck.

  12. Wow can you be my parent ? I would love to hear this said to me if this ever happened to me. Goddess forbid) I felt a warmth in my heart.

  13. The age difference alone is enough to be concerning. He was nearly double your age when you started dating? People who do this are almost always controlling. They often want someone who's not fully adult who they can “form”.

    Secondly – he's pissed about her not coming to a party that was going to cost her a decent amount of money? No. Just no.

    You need to speak to a therapist and evaluate this relationship. He sounds like a controlling jerk. If you do leave please look up safe ways to leave as he sounds like the type to lose it and hurt you too.

  14. I think you're making an issue where one doesn't exist. You're obviously going to the wedding. Why do you keep bringing it up?

  15. What makes you call OP volatile? because she stayed the night with her childhood friend and apologised afterwards?

    If you've been sleeping with a woman, you shouldn't be surprised when she turns round and says she's pregnant. The ex just said the baby must have been fathered by someone else even though there wasn't anyone else. He didn't ask for proof the baby was his or say that he'd step up if it were his. He assumed she'd have an abortion, he could have helped out with that but didn't.

    OP could maybe have tried to have another convo with him, but given that he'd been nasty and controlling, I honestly can't blame her. I only wonder why she kept the kids, but it's not like it's something to blame her for.

  16. It is one thing to be a bad loser, but anither that he shoved your head at the wall and then even hit you. Whst will he do next time when you do something to piss him off? He is fine to hurt you! He is aggressive. People like him will cross this bounderie again and again.

    Stop finding excuses for his behaviour. He could have thrown a pillow at you, but he decided to go this way, because of a game.

  17. Sorry for the late response, new to reddit. I appreciate the comments but the party was changed for him. My biggest problem is that it seems like a really intimate party and I’m not comfortable with her potential intentions

  18. i went to a therapist once back when i was a junior in high school, she was “supposedly” one of the best but after 4 sessions she cut me off, refunded my parents and said she felt guilty taking they're money as it wasn't working at all and a complete waste of time. i was emotionally dulled, in that state of depression where life felt synthetic, nothing brought me any sort of happiness or pleasure, had no energy at all and i felt like i was merely existing in a world where everyone else was doing (if that makes sense). now its worse because its 100% all bottled up, that terrible frontal headache you get where you're about to cry, i have that every minute of every day but have lost the ability to express emotion because i was obsessed with stoicism for a while after… became obsessed with the idea of emotional equilibrium leading to better decision making right? and that all my regrets and problems were from expressing too many emotional highs and lows, quick to anger or quick to sadness. then i started to internalize it and theres no backing out now

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