AgataAnderson live webcams for YOU!


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Date: January 1, 2023

11 thoughts on “AgataAnderson live webcams for YOU!

  1. Andddd it isn’t tracked by health departments usually because unlike syphilis, chlamydia or gonorrhea, it can’t eventually kill you and it cannot render you infertile either. Roughly IIRC, 6 in 10 and 4 in 10 men have it and most have no idea!! Active viral shedding occurs during actual symptomatic outbreaks obviously but someone who’s asymptomatic may shed the virus 1-5 days a year if that. Taking antiviral medications, lysine, staying healthy and practicing safe sex makes catching it basically zilch, like another user said. I had a very close friend catch it at a very young age from her husband who spent time in his earlier youth in the military. She’d only had 2 partners before then and was a voracious condom/spermicide user all through college and tested for STIs twice a year. Super on top of her health. Anyways, her DH had no idea, he was asymptomatic and she knew neither of them had been unfaithful. They were very committed and happy. He immediately guessed it was likely him and he had definitively sown a lot of his wild oats while deployed and wasn’t as consistent about condom use or testing – most men aren’t. She turned out symptomatic and her viral antibodies count in testing showed a higher presence meaning newer recent infection so the overall presence in her blood was more active. Someone who’s had it will have much lower overall viral activity bc the body will have been used to the virus lurking around. He was tested and found that, their doctor was very thorough and explaining what that meant. They both got on antivirals, haven’t had it spread to other areas (HSV2 can spread to mouth for example, and HSV1 can also spread to genitalia) and have 2 kids now.

    Make an informed decision- speak to your doctor about what the facts are, or visit PP. Don’t let a stigma ruin what would seemingly be a very honest relationship with someone you enjoy. Good luck.

  2. Well i believe in getting people what they want, so you want a dog he does not…in order to achieve your goal, first you must find something he really wants…may it be sexual or i don’t know him so can’t tell you but find something that he really really wants…then you could trade…hey you know your fantasy of whatever? I’mma make that happen for you, but you know i really really want a dog…only if I had one to have the motivation to go extra hard to make happen whatever he wants…

    Small comments each day, a bit here, a bit there, you be nicer all the time, and in the end, you’ll get your dog.

    Manipulation, that is your only solution

  3. I don’t like him, he’s gay. We’ve been friends for 8 years. I’ve been trying to set healthy boundaries with him because he’s turned a little toxic lately. Example: he purposely tried to ruin his two friends relationship because one of them tried to ghost him and get her boyfriend to as well and he found out and told the boyfriend that she has been with this many guys.

  4. Well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.

    OP you brought this on yourself by being a creep to someone who thought you were her friend. She has a right to tell people why she's ending the friendship and that you made her uncomfortable by asking something so innapropriate.

    Should I say anything to her?

    No you shouldn't, you'll only wind up making yourself look worse.

  5. I agree tbh. Last year our relationship was even more rocky tho bc I'd be extremely pushy and kinda inconsiderate about his mental health and feelings bc I just wanted to understand so badly why he was ignoring me. I was kinda obnoxious about it which would lead to huge arguments and just a overall unhealthy relationship, so I've been trying to just step back and let him come to me rather than going off on him trying to get him to talk to me.

  6. He stole your car. And drove it drunk. TWICE. I mean op this might too harsh but why don’t you respect yourself?

  7. I can understand venting with a therapist or a loved one. The issue is he’s venting very sensitive private issues to a woman who clearly dislikes his wife.

  8. Seriously?? If i would have done that in my 20s, id never have my awesome marriage and cool ass kids. Don't ruin your whole existence over a disloyal turd early in life

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