Yulanyoo live webcams for YOU!


Hi everyone, today is my first day, undress me for the first time [GOAL MET]

Date: December 29, 2022

12 thoughts on “Yulanyoo live webcams for YOU!

  1. Agreed. If I were him I might say nicely and positively (If I DO want to get married) that I appreciate her wanting marriage and that she took the initiative, but that I’d like the moment to be a little more direct and possibly more memorable. Tell her that while you’re happy, you feel bad that you didn’t quite understand what was happening at the time.

    Or the tldr is to communicate that one of you needs to say “will you marry me?” I think if you just check that box and are open with her, you might have the best funny engagement story to tell.. “I was so oblivious that we got engaged, and I found out a week later!”

    Think of this as good practice for marriage! You’ll have lots of times communication is key, so if you can do it here, that’s a great sign!

  2. We have insane compatibility

    He seems to find the thought of me with my ex disgusting and he can't seem to get over it

    Yea, that's not insane compatibility as partners, it's as friends.

    The unfortunate truth is your past can impact your future and in this instance its easier to accept that now before your good friendship turns into a toxic relationship.

  3. Yeah, an abusive relationship between an overgrown man baby and barely legal woman is standard when you enter relationships like this.

    Here's the facts:

    1) Being with a 30 year old does not make you “like Oh Em Gee like, so grown up and mature”. This is tragically normal and frankly disgusting.

    2) he is only with you for nefarious reasons: young women are easier to control, women his own age won't put up with his shit.

    3) Leave. Find someone your own age. It doesn't guarantee a happy relationship, but it atleast gives you a chance.

  4. She'll dump you before you do it. She'll eventually be so fed up, or a friend will interfere and influence her onto dumping you. Hope she find someone that will actually care for her and not just user her bEcaUse iTs eAsiEr aNd prActIcAll.

  5. Get a photo from him or ask him to let you know when she's there and go check it out. I have been through this exact thing. I just sat down at the table with them.

  6. Are you going to be in the same program/a similar program? How big is the school?

    The university I went to had 25,000 undergraduates – unless you were in the same major or lived in the same dorm, the odds that you ran into anyone specific by accident were extremely low. And my school wasn't a large one for the US. Even if it's a smaller school or you're in similar majors, you should do what you want to do for yourself. Don't factor him in. And I wouldn't bother warning him – if that's always been your dream school, he should already know there's a chance you'll go there and his reaction is irrelevant. I know breakups for relationships you were invested in are really hard, but it's important that you remember that he won't always be on your mind, but where you choose to go to school will be a decision you can't take back in 10 years – don't set yourself up to regret making a decision because of some boy who wasn't worth your time to begin with.

  7. That’s an absolutely massive lie to maintain for months. I’d never be able to trust that person again. Was she thinking you’d never notice that she has no money? Where was she going for 10 hours a day? Nope, not at all something to save.

  8. Understandable, I don’t think I was trying to manipulate the situation. I’m not good with conflict and I recognize that. I just need advice on how to fix this

  9. Oh yeah bc I actually gaf right ? There’s no other way for me to look at the sub if I get banned right ?? LMAO go to sleep kid

  10. Let him go and focus on yourself without the fear of losing him. If the relationship is this hard in your early twenties….well let's just say it isn't going to get easier from here.

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