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Yunissa__live sex stripping with hd cam


33 thoughts on “Yunissa__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. My fiancé and I specifically bought a house that had enough bedrooms that we could each have our own room. The reasoning is different (we have wildly different sleep patterns and also he really struggled not having a space that was only his and not shared) but it’s done wonders

  2. My fiancé and I specifically bought a house that had enough bedrooms that we could each have our own room. The reasoning is different (we have wildly different sleep patterns and also he really struggled not having a space that was only his and not shared) but it’s done wonders

  3. So many guys love and want SAHMs but then be so acting like there's a huge unjust and salty about being the one making the money, or not doing anything extra at all even just to show appreciation and so much resentment that seems misplaced? Many will refuse to switch roles or get upset or insecure when the other has some kind of job, while also acting like their partner is an AH for not having one. Do they know what they want idk. So many of these stories just leave me confused about these things. My bf definitely has no issue with me being a SAHM and if he could, he will make that happen. Yes that would mean his job would be most of the income, but it's what we would want for us and we are a partnership that supports each other as much as possible. He knows it's hard and isn't very comfortable with other people watching her either, it's much better than the alternative of full time childcare to both of us, for cost and development. I can socialize her well enough without and I didn't sign up for someone else to basically raise my baby for me because she's there full time lol this is just life, sometimes you gotta raise a baby for a bit. It feels like punishment when you lose everything all your own stuff and money of that

  4. They like you in a little box. They want what they want from you but not you as a real person. My ex gf did this to me and it had me all sorts of messed up.

  5. What? So you know she wants to get married, you don’t want to marry her, but you don’t want to break up either? So your plan is to string her along until you grow a pair of balls to break up with her? The things I wanna say to you would get me banned.

  6. Happy 89% of the time married woman with 4 children.

    Don’t hate myself, nor men. It’s just the logical solution.

    Why not use modern medicine to clear up this issue of who’s the parents.

    Why have shows like Murphy or paternity court?

  7. Girl needs therapy. She is basically allowing this man to abuse and violate her constantly. This is who he is and it is the opposite of opposites attract. It will take her years to recover from this as she has no concept of boundaries. She needs out now.

  8. I know you are right, but at this minute I just don't feel like I can. I just want to go home and cry in his armes.

  9. opening up a relationship isn’t a bandage for pre existing relationship problems. it’s a relationship structure. you could probably stand to learn some mindfulness techniques that help you manage your feelings. this is squarely on you, and learning to deal with your own negative emotions is your own task

  10. Ikr he wants to cheat on her openly but she can't be cheating on him cos his heart can't take it sad uwu 🙁

    OP you definitely can do better

  11. You have a very low bar and I'm sorry for that. If he is so amazing then tell him you will not be a stay at home mum and he will respect that, right?

  12. Wait, she refinanced her house to set your fiancé up in business? You know what we call that in the real world?

    A shareholder!

    On that basis alone, she is not being 'supported' by your fiancé, what's happening here is that she is getting a return on her investment. Unless you have also paid up to invest in the business, I would strongly suggest that you keep your peace on this one.

  13. She gave her 6 SIBLINGS a better life while she had 3 kids to take care of. Her siblings could’ve taken care of themselves.

    Also why does my fiancé need to pay for his sisters education????! She’s should pay off the debt herself.

  14. Unless he has his own money to pay those loans, it doesn’t matter what income bracket his parents are in. He is financially reckless to do this.

    My parents made enough money to pay for all six kids college and living expenses. A couple of them got into credit card debt and it was because of irresponsible spending and they had to eventually learn to control their spending.

    My four children will have tuition and most living expenses paid for. So far, they have acted responsibly with their finances.

    This isn’t normal. He may learn to control himself, but I would not hang around and watch him continue to spend recklessly, obviously not thinking through how difficult it will be to pay back.

  15. You are right – neither of you is ready. It would be a complete disaster for two unemployed teenagers to have a baby. You’ll find out what hell is really like.

  16. It’s time to end your life with her. I always tell people to pick somebody with a similar libido drive a similar sex drive. If you don’t most people won’t stick with a non-sexual partner anymore and just cheat on the side. Which is good because cheating destroys people it doesn’t just hurt their feelings. It destroys any ability they have to live comfortably.

    So it’s time to tell her it’s not working and it’s not going to work and separate your life out and begin again because there are people out there that you can have a good marriage and a good sex life with. Good luck to you.

  17. Right? I mean most people that are in a relationship wouldn't ask their partner if they are planning their solo trip with an opposite sex person….it's supposed Tobe solo after all. I hope he makes him her ex bf

  18. Yeah I understand. A lie like that would make me leave to. It’s almost like she was trying to stroke your ego with lies.

  19. It's not a right/wrong situation. It's the reality of you having a dream that doesn't honor his dream. You said the only people you'd invite would be….your family. He wants the same. You'll need to decide if you can compromise or not because he kind of can't.

    I also think this isn't really about your dream destination wedding. You really don't like his mom and don't really want her there. Sounds like she feels the same. I'd explore that relationship before tying any knots.

  20. I mean that's really selfish if your family would be going. Even if you're not close to them, they're his parents, of course he wants them at his wedding. Who wouldn't unless they're NC with their family or something? It's not just your day, it's also the day of his wedding, and I think even if he didn't plan since childhood he always kind of assumed his family would be there. It's probably important to them as well.

    Luckily it sounds like there's a snowflake's chance in hell that you're getting married, so there isn't much to worry about.

  21. I don't need a woman to tell me why someone (even your partner) wouldn't want you to watch them pee, even if it's for a pregnancy test.

  22. Girl cut him lose, how embarrassing the only reason he didn’t cheat was because she didn’t reply. Don’t fall for it, kick him out.

  23. Ground ball. Dump her and move on. You already wasted two years on this person that you should’ve dumped six months in. Keep forgiving her cheating and keep getting cheated on.

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