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Simran-Raajlive sex stripping with hd cam


53 thoughts on “Simran-Raajlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The other thing that gets me is why the heck he would bring it up again in December when it’s in May? Maybe I’m just jealous and paranoid but after the things he has said, I just don’t know.

  2. UPDATE: we talked through everything and I calmly explained how I was feeling and we sat and talked through everything that happened. He was very open and honest about the experience and we have discussed it several times since, as this helped me wrap my head around everything. He didn’t over step our previously agreed upon boundaries and that is really all I can ask.

    Also, the discussion did spur some talk about our struggling sex life (I think a big root of my anxiety) and we have been working hard to make this a priority for us as a couple. Thank you all for your insight and advice

  3. I'm not sure what advice you are looking for, exactly. The man doesn't seem like he wants children. He's probably not going to change his mind anytime soon. If children are very important to you, it's time to think about other options.

  4. So you’re fine wasting her time and younger years while you have one foot out the door? Just break up with her.

  5. My girlfriend has a adhd and bipolarity and she needs to take her pills to feel better. Of course I remind her to take them if she ever forgets because we both know it’s what best for her. But I would never bully her of force her to take them. That sounds super toxic. You might or might not need to take the pills to feel better, I of course have no idea who you are and you medical condition. However judging by your post alone I’m certain that you don’t need that GF

  6. Well this got me confused because why would she pursue me at first place just to give a cold shoulder after

  7. Negative. You guys were broken up. She had unspoken expectations of the break. That’s some cringy “nice guys” level stuff.

    There was no guarantees that she’d work on her stability. She’s disappointed because she needed the break. She’s likely feeling insecure because she knows she’s “replaceable” in your life.

    You keep doing you.

  8. I think the question is does he have any good reasons to be suspicious about or is he just a insecured jealous boyfriend? And if he's not civil enough to have a conversation or meet with a professional WITH YOU then just move on after sending him a long letter of what you think of him in a professional way.

  9. way to overreact lol. i dont like america much either, i just happened to be born here. idk how me trying to be logical and consider the actual ramifications of giving cops more responsibilities when it comes to abuse cases = “nothing ever gets better in america” but you got it buddy! you owned someone on reddit today

  10. Idk why anyone would spend money in etiquette school, unless they are from some sort of image conscious hyper-rich family lmao.

  11. The past is in the past, and no one can force you to date anybody. You have no control of your dating preferences, and should never be forced to date anybody for any reason.

    That being said, people who are blind or partially sighted can lead very normal, happy lives. So it's unfortunate when people dismiss us as potential partners, because it's likely you could have had a very “normal” and happy relationship with this person. There's a lot of ignorance and fear about blind people due to poor representation in the media and the community itself being so slow. There's this perception that you'd end up becoming their care-taker or something, and that's just not the case.

    And it's important to get your info from reliable sources. If someone who's never met a blind person says “ooooh that's scary,” that's not a reliable answer.

    Source: I've dated two sighted women and it was fine.

  12. …. you are 24. Time to take the big leap into adulthood and start doing thing yourself and let her be mad.

  13. Do not let that train wreck back into your life. She hid this from you and could have given you something from a dorty needle or pipe, you said she was going for “runs?” With this guy, were they also having sex during their highs? This would be my first thought. Protect yourself, block her and you can find someone more put together.

  14. Gaslighting is a real thing.

    If you ask and she denies it all you can do is make plans of your own. Start planning on building your own life. You need to be independent. You still have lots of years left! Go get em!

  15. But it wasn't someone new. Julia was already coming over with the mom to help the kids leave. They are just coming over earlier. Without more information it's hard to tell if it was a weird commission.

    If they are constantly coming over and the husband is always wrapping up his workout which Julia likes to do but struggles to fit it in the day (e.g., hard to get motivated working out solo, no convenient access to a gym or equipment, MIL home not the best setup). I could see her asking to join. The husband might have just said sure. HIIT exercises usually are not very time intensive, 12-15 minutes when I do them, so for such a small time I don't think it's reaching that the husband thought it was not worth mentioning.

    I stopped going to the gym once Covid which was a huge part of my daily routine and social interactions especially since we had a child 7 years ago. No more group fitness classes or my workout buddies, typical family commitments when I get home, and no dedicated or good space at home for working out made it real easy to just skip workouts each day. I recently had our basement renovated to include a workout room which does help a lot but it's still a struggle to stay motivated to do it solo. If a friend who was coming over each day anyway asked to join I'd say yes.

    Now since I don't have anybody coming over to our house at all I'd of course tell my wife to let her know and see if she had a problem. But it's hard for me to say if I would tell her if it was someone that we were close with and had regularly been coming over for awhile. I'm sure I would have said something at some point in passing but whether it was days or weeks it's hard to say so I can't immediately fault the husband for not thinking about this considering what we know (really short workouts, close friend of the family already coming over, indeterminate amount of time that the workouts had been happening).

  16. Wow, this is an extremely empathetic and well thought out post. Thanks for validating my thoughts – because I truly think it's based on logic/reason, not just emotion.

    There are also times where she's gotten drunk (because she likes to drink – i don't) and will get extremely argumentative and has slapped/punched me, pretended to call the cops and make up a fake crime (and i recorded that video), would flirt with another guy and say he's attractive, etc… Even when I say i absolutely hate and am disgusted by the person she is when she's drunk, she still gets drunk on occasion and becomes that person. Those are some other red flags which I left out.

  17. Dude, chill. So you're worried about your girl going to Disney with her ex, right? I get it, that's a totally understandable concern. But here's the thing, you gotta trust that your girl is with you because she wants to be, and not because she's still got feelings for her ex. I mean, they were married for 7 years and they've been apart for 3, and you've been together for 8 months. That's a pretty solid commitment to you, bro.

    The other thing is, you're talking about an innocent kid here – Hailey. It's her birthday and she wants to go to Disney. You don't wanna be the reason why she doesn't get to go, right? So maybe put yourself in her shoes for a sec.

    So I'd say, let it go for now. If something weird starts happening or you see any red flags then you can bring it up again, but for now, just let them go have a good time. And use that time while they're away to reflect on what you want and what you're comfortable with in your relationship with Tessa. And remember, don't let your relationship with Tessa be defined by her relationship with her ex.

    Good luck bro, hope everything works out.

  18. Honey, your father was right. He may make you mad sometimes, but he's only looking after what he sees as your best interest.

    Stop having anything to do with this old guy. Concentrate on being a good person and find someone else in your general age range. Don't move too fast into a relationship. Meet his parents and friends. Have him meet yours. I think you will find that the rewards are many.

  19. Yeah this is weird and would be a red flag to me. My friends wouldn’t cuddle up with my partner under any circumstance.

  20. Thank u ?? ☺️I love funny gifts too ! but I guess with this one he never intended it to be funny and that’s why… also I guess sometimes it’s hard to not care or compare after all when the whole society is molded by consumerism. So it got to me. Also I do want better least not half-dead ones. yea he is and I love him for that. ☺️

  21. Sorry, but that’s a guilty statement if I ever heard one. I’m sorry he actually isn’t mature enough to see we’re you are coming from and to put you first. Everyone deserves a relationship were their partner puts them first, it’s the bare minimum for a success one.

    To be honest, if you were my daughter, he’d be leaving a few teeth behind when he collected his stuff.

  22. Your “boyfriend” is a creep dating a girl fresh out of high school. That alone is reason enough.

    Guy doesn't sound safe at all to be around. Your safety should always come before your feelings, whatever they are. So yes, you should leave the creepy 33 year old man who has a multitude of drug abuse issues and has also proven to be abusive

  23. Look, I understand what he's saying. I'm black and I know plenty of POC that will date white ppl because they have good personalities and yet are still scared to be around y'all. I'm not trying to be rude but it's rough living in America and dating a white person. You just never know but you just always hope. I think his hope outweighed his fear but his fear just hasn't left him. Have you ever had to live in fear? It does numbers on you.

  24. Sis, have some self respect. Seriously.

    If he couldn't even kick this girl out of his bed, he's not that into you. He's getting off on this love triangle business. She is flat out insane but he seems to enjoy the drama she creates so think long and hard about how much of your life you want to waste on him.

  25. Since she's calling him handsome and offering to go over, we can probably assume the former.

    Though I think this guy is an imposter. OOP was British, this guy is American.

  26. Maybe she got you into bed, but you went

    You do realize that OP was blackout drunk and could not consent, meaning they were sexually assaulted? And were then socially pressured to marry their attacker?

    It's 2023, we should be well past victim-blaming in these situations.

  27. Charlie is a grown woman, she is married, she has a child. She did this freely as an adult. She has committments and a higher calling than running off to Europe. Who, intellectual.honesty here please, believes that it will take more than 48 hours before she “discovers” herself with a French her? She as much as told him. This is some kind of delayed adolescence thatbhas infected modern society.

    I want to be a bride, I want to have children but being a wife and a mother that's no fun.

    OP, tell your wife to decide what is important to her. If she goes, she should have another place to live, assuming she ever comes back.

  28. Yeah anyone who talks about “needing to find themselves” is an immature jackass who I wouldn’t want to associate with. If I was in this guy’s position and my wife said she needed to travel for an undefined period of time to find herself and maybe not return, I’d make sure the paperwork was filled out so she can continue enjoying her single life upon her return.

  29. If she gets back with you, will she keep her ex in her ear? She knows he isn’t her friend, but someone trying to sleep with her. Every time she calls him she’s telling him, explicitly or not, to keep trying.

  30. So? You just described a person who would absolutely not support you if the situation was reversed, and the reason she doesn’t have more of a support network is because she’s rude and selfish.

    While I applaud your desire to be a good person, it sounds like your efforts won’t be appreciated anyway.

  31. To start, I'm genuinely concerned that my comment here might come off a bit controversial, so I really want to try to word this as delicate as possible. I also want to be crystal clear off the bat that what happened to you is completely unacceptable, no one should discount that, and I'm absolutely not discounting that.

    Having said that, I really think you're going out of your way to unnecessarily make this a much bigger issue than it is, likely because you're incredibly insecure and co-dependent. So let's go through it all; some scumbag inappropriately grabbed you. Not ok. You have strong feelings about it; completely ok.

    But when you told your girlfriend, what support were you expecting? What would have been sufficient? What exactly did she say? Separately, were you the victim of trauma in the past?

  32. If you flirt with other people while in a relationship and your partner is not already completely okay with that dynamic, then I'm inclined to believe you are a piece of shit and should absolutely not be giving out relationship advice to anybody.

  33. Yes. I am completely able to. My wife did occasional caregiving (once a month for a few days if it was a really bad year) but she was insistent that she took care of me and not hire a caregiver because she loved me and wanted to do it for me. We also have a nanny and other home help available.

  34. Can you all get a mediator to at least have the conversation about why she suddenly chose divorce?

  35. As a 44 year old woman – this is INCREDIBLY creepy, and if a friend of mine were saying ANY of this to my 18 year old child, I would be telling them to get the fuck out of my house.

    You need to stand up for yourself, since your mother apparently is unwilling to do so, and tell him to back off because it's not complimentary or positive, and that he is making you uncomfortable.

  36. Ummm honestly you’re mom is dumb af if that’s the advice she gave you. Yes your intuition is spot on- it’s creepy!! Stay FAR AWAY from this pervert. Stay safe 🙂

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