Sir Marcus of Chaturbate the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Sir Marcus of Chaturbate, 22 y.o.


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Sir Marcus of Chaturbate live sex chat

Date: December 18, 2022

24 thoughts on “Sir Marcus of Chaturbate the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I'd just tell him you don't like watching movies with those scenes, just straight up. He should respect you and not watch them with you anymore.

  2. Considering you just got this job, blowing close to a thousand dollars on presents was not a good idea, regardless of what your girlfriend thinks. Were you guys ever planning on moving in together? Buying a house? You just set any life plans back a thousand bucks.

  3. It took me a long time to even understand what was really happening. It was a slow process. This man is literally the best salesman ever. Legit makes his company millions of dollars a year. So he knows how to get what he wants and can be extremely charismatic when he wants to be. Knowing what I know now, he has absolutely abused me emotionally, mentally, and financially. I was young, naieve, wanting to be loved wanting to love someone, and had no family to help show me what was healthy.

    I let him ruin my credit then my bank account. I say let because I should've known better but I didn't I just thought at the time I had to somehow prove my dedication constantly. And he saw no need to correct it because I “wasn't working so there's no need for a bank account”. My mother told me credit was bullshit and I didn't understand how it worked forever and it's embarrassing because I'm not a dumb person by any means. But she has a lot of mental problems so I can't fault her too much.

    I have NEVER wanted to get married and he has always known this and has not actually tried. His proposal was a joke, even he talks shit about it when it comes and laughs at how pathetic it was. I have not ever dreamt of getting married or the dress, none of it, and everyone in my life knows I don't see many benefits. I've only seen two successful marriages in my life so I've never thought they were that important.

  4. Another redditor that would rather die than *checks* throw away a 10 year relationship.

    Ok, so you rather die at 30?

  5. She needs therapy/she cheated and is projecting as you said. Just get a divorce. Someone with her mindset cannot be convinced otherwise and you deserve a partner that trusts you.

  6. And I'm sure you see videos online of women that do a lot more than her.

    What the eff is this? She's comparing you to some hypothetical man she read about on the internet and instead of appreciating you and what you do, she's creating this fake person for which she wants you to live up to.

    If she doesn't like you for who you are and wants a hypothetical man she read about online, then she should go seek this unicorn.

    This comment is meant to emasculate you and is completely disrespectful, mean, and hateful.

  7. Yeah in every other sport or game, “crush” implies more than just winning. It's emotionally crushing your opponent as well. Like, putting them in their place. So that definitely is a different understanding of the word than you meant, and I think where a lot of the distaste for you is coming from. So that's just a really unfortunate misunderstanding.

    As for your actual question, my guess is your wife is being coy. She's telling you something that is technically the truth, but implies something different to mess with you. Like if she says, “I am absolutely playing to the best of my ability,” but doesn't specify what that ability actually is, she may not mean the best of her professional chess ability, but the best of her ability to make her son love the game, or best of her ability to match his level, things like that. I can totally see why you'd feel lost. Maybe instead of talking to her about it from a, “it's ok if you don't want to crush our son yet” perspective, you talk to her from a, “I can't really explain why this bothers me so much, I know you're probably just trying to be silly or playful or something, but I really don't like when you intentionally mislead me like this. It makes me feel like we aren't on the same team here, and that hurts.”

    Idk. This would be my guess at what she's doing, and if it is, hopefully telling her that this is hurting you, even if you can't really explain why, will help her see it has moved beyond fun teasing and into actually upsetting you territory.

    Good luck 🙂

  8. Calling OP’s husband a man-child for what he did is VERY disingenuous. Hell, it’s not even helpful to the situation. There are many things going on in his head about this, and they are ALL completely VALID. Letting people take time for themselves when they are hit with something like this is completely understandable and to think otherwise is very dangerous.

    What they both need is couples counseling and individual therapy to get to the root of the problem.

  9. Those big changes can be intimidating, but you have to question yourself that you love her because of the woman she is or the person she is? Talk this out with her and see if you can support her as a friend of boyfriend.

  10. You’re seriously going back 4 years in his posts to see this…why? You had nothing to do with him then and he did have a life before you. Grow up and focus on the now.

  11. All I’m left with is the knowledge that another man made the woman I’m gonna marry cum in a way she never has before

    Stop right there. 'Another man' didn't make her orgasm. SHE herself had an orgasm. These things happen. If there was anything – ANYTHING – personal about rando massage therapist that made her orgasm, she would have told you – or not told you at all.

    Please don't take this personally, is my point.

    Have you ever gotten an erection out of nowhere? And by out of nowhere I mean thoughts or seeing a beautiful person or anything? Have you ever orgasmed in your sleep or in the shower or any other random how-did-that-happen?

    Again, I don't think you should take this personally. In fact, if you can drop your ego – maybe this is a play thing you two can explore? Within reason of course.

    Your fiancee is a sexual person, she got aroused, she told you about it. Don't be one of Those Guys who take a physical response as a blow to your ego.

    My two cents.

  12. 7-7… Woman, are you a HCW? Cause the last thing you needs is this guy giving home tours overnight. My advice is you both need to talk. I wouldn’t be able to live with someone doing this while I’m elbow deep in fluids all night.

  13. He has been reaching out to me for the past 2 months and I only recently responded to him… Should I just stop responding to him? We planned on meeting up one of these days

  14. First step should be blocking the other guy. If she won't even do that then does she really want to fix things?

  15. You did what God commanded you to do. The rest is out of your hands; at least for now. Maybe this matter requires nothing further of you; maybe it does. Just move on for now resting in the knowledge that you did as God required. If you have to do more you'll find out in time.

  16. She went away for a weekend. You’re texting her twice a day and want to have phone calls on top of that. She gave you answers so there is no “radio silence”. If you know she’s going to these getaways to decompress, why are you all over this trip?

    The message you’re proposing in the last paragraph would enrage me. She’s been in touch.

    Do you know what’s driving your anxiety? Are you concerned that she’s not texting because she’s hurt? Too drunk? In danger? Entertaining a gentleman caller?

  17. first off letting his brother have a go… is just wrong, in so many ways.

    That said this isn't just another man, or even just his brother, this is a twin. that unique bond can make two people feel like parts of a whole, it sounds like he can't be jealous of his brother, that makes the brother an attractive option from his perspective.

  18. Get on Tinder yourself to see how many single moms you can catfish. See how she feels about that. If she sees this as an even trade, move on and don't look back.

  19. Well, on the plus side, you know from the start it's not yours. Now it's all about how you wanna approach her cheating, your relationship and her child with who know who

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